Tel'Lagaia Campaign Guidelines 

Tel’Lagaia is a homebrewed world and campaign setting by Alice Peng for the 3.5e/D20 Dungeons and Dragons System.
This setting is designed as mid to high fantasy with custom races (Harsieth and Shar'Liell) as well as supplimentary rules such as the concept of Wild Magic. This world is in perpetual development both during and outside of gameplay sessions so please be aware what you read today may get changed down the road to create a more well rounded and balanced campaign world.

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Tel'Lagaia Campaign Guidelines 

Tel’Lagaia is a homebrewed world and campaign setting by Alice Peng for the 3.5e/D20 Dungeons and Dragons System.
This setting is designed as mid to high fantasy with custom races (Harsieth and Shar'Liell) as well as supplimentary rules such as the concept of Wild Magic. This world is in perpetual development both during and outside of gameplay sessions so please be aware what you read today may get changed down the road to create a more well rounded and balanced campaign world.

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Welcome, Site Introduction
Mgal, 19 September 2009 (created 30 August 2007)
  • not tagging
  • no tags
Greetings and welcome to my Tel'Lagaia Campaign Guidelines website. I have been working on this campaign setting on and off over the past 5 years or so (mostly off). I hope you enjoy your stay, if you have input, questions, comments, or corrections that should be made please feel free to contact me.

Please enjoy your stay,

- Mgal/Alice

Recent Updates:

Mgal, 6 October 2009 (created 2 September 2007)
  • not tagging
  • no tags
    • Brandon/Llarish - My hubby has been kind enough to to help me with a great deal of my world development and write ups, saving me a lot of work, time and helping me hash out rough ideas. Thanks Brandon!!

The following people have made contributions furthering the sucess of this campaign design:
    • Paul/Insrtnmhre - Quoting Paul "Yay! I get to be in the credits now too, just put down that I did something but you don't remember what because it's probably not very important anyway!" Thanks Paul, whatever it is you did. :P
    • Al - Thanks to Al for his 2 cents on stuff he read!

Material Credit
Art contributions and credits.

Resources Used/Referenced
The following is a list of books and resources used in creating and playing this campaign setting:
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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which use a logographic writing system and need larger font sizes.

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To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* SiteTitle & SiteSubtitle: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* MainMenu: The menu (usually on the left)
* DefaultTiddlers: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a WikiWord (eg JoeBloggs)

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> SaveBackups
<<option chkAutoSave>> AutoSave
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> RegExpSearch
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> CaseSensitiveSearch
<<option chkAnimate>> EnableAnimations

Also see AdvancedOptions
This section is used to cover history on an inter-regional, continental or world scale.  For more specific information and history about specific locations check out [[Places of Interest]].

Two thousand years post the "Draconic Withdrawl"...
While certainly the entire history of Doraen could not be related in a short span of time, one can usually point out some of the more pivotal events. Here is one bard's attempt.

!!!Story of Steil'ven and Ter'rim
(Temp: Cliff Notes Version - Will be fixed later.)
*Around the year 1010 DW.
*King of a kingdom had a son, named Steil.
**National religion of this kingdom was Archsephras
***Having established Archsephras as the patron pantheon due to the abandonment of the draconic stewards.
**King's wife passed away when the boy was 6
*King took a new wife 6 years later, noble of a neighboring kingdom
**Wife brought her son Ter who was 13 at the time
*Steil and Ter grew and played together
**Steil and Ter rivaled against each other in friendly competition
**As both grew older, their philosophies started to differ
***Ter believed in the traditions and religion put forth to him by his predecessors
***Steil believed that the Draconic patrons of the land had abandoned the people and did not deserve respect or worship
***Ter also believed that government should not be run by a single ruler, a government made of many to suit the people would make for a stronger society.
**Ter gained many followers
**When Steil's father, Ter's step father died, leaving the kingdom to Steil
***Ter pushed for changes, Steil refused
**A civil war erupted
**While Ter's forces were formidible and abundant by that time, Steil's forces were larger and more organized
**Steil, caring for his step brother, exiled Ter and his followers rather than executing them.
**Steil renamed the kingdom "Steil'ven" to mark the new "era" for his people
**Ter founded "Ter'rim" to the northwest
''Player Name:'' Al Adams
''Character Name:'' Sarrian
''Character Race:'' Human (Resident of the Seven Silver Cities)
''Class/Role:'' Rogue/Hexblade > Dragon Disciple
''Character History:''

''Player Name:'' Alex Yee
''Character Name:'' Koro Lep'Vir'a
''Character Race:'' Lep'Sieth
''Class/Role:'' Burglar ("Ninja")
''Character History:'' 

''Player Name:'' Brandon Powers
''Character Name:'' Sparrow
''Character Race:'' Aeshun
''Class/Role:'' Favored Soul/Sorcerer > Mystic Theurge
''Character History:''

''Player Name:'' John Azzaria
''Character Name:'' Chandi Leaun'Vati Tige'Irthaenti
''Character Race:'' Tige'Sieth
''Class/Role:'' Barbarian/Fighter
''Character History:'' 

''Player Name:'' Michael Thulander
''Character Name:'' ~RadiantMoon
''Character Race:'' Sidhe
''Class/Role:'' Bard/Paladin
''Character History:'' 
Aeshun are viewed across the lands of Tel’Lagaia as a constant and irrepressible nuisance. The Aeshun are a group of wanderers and vagabonds enthralled with the allure of the open road. They are constantly driven on by their curiosity, forcing them into dangerous situations that perhaps may have been avoidable with only slight foresight. This is not to give the impression that Aeshun are fearless, they suffer from fear as easily as the next Shar’Liell, but they are unwilling to allow fear to stop their ever present curiosity. It is unknown how the Aeshun have survived so long within the Fayne, but Shar’Liell have strong memories of them inside of the Fayne, and these memories give the same impression of Aeshun as they give residents of Tel’Lagaia. 

''Personality:'' Aeshun are friendly and outgoing. They have a great desire to make friends from those that they encounter during their constant travels. Frequently, Aeshun bond quickly with those in their company and establish great friendships in a short amount of time. As Aeshun explore the world around them, they also explore the depth of their companions. It is Aeshun desire to discover new and exciting things around every corner, whether that corner be metaphorical or physical. Only through new input of stimuli is an Aeshun able to keep its attention undivided for any length of time. This need for new stimulus usually expresses itself in a need for motion and freedom. This need is so extreme that Aeshun will often injure themselves if restrained.

Aeshun constantly wish for new revelations, excitements, and experiences. At a young age these impulses are almost overwhelming to Aeshun, but as they grow older they learn to temper them with patience, a very little amount of patience. This patience is only learned because of the increasing alienation that Aeshun begin to feel as they discard object and friend in search of new objects and friends. This throw away attitude is not due to any maliciousness from the Aeshun, it is a rare Aeshun that would feel such an emotion; but instead it originates from their alien mindset and lack of understanding that others do not function in the same way that they do. Aeshun without friends or new sources of wonder are truly pitiful creatures.
__Seelie & Unseelie:__ Aeshun who are left solitary or confined for too long frequently begin to turn to their darker side for comfort. In fact, it has been recorded that Aeshun seem to act from two separate set of ideals like other Shar’Liell, but unique to Aeshun is that they seem to be able to allow the two sides of their essence interact as individuals. Seelie and Unseelie Aeshun sometimes seem to be a third party listening and reacting to a conversation that constantly occurs within their essence. 
Seelie Aeshun seem to be motivated primarily with a desire to discover, their darker halves are motivated by amusement at the expense of those around them. There are tales of Aeshun who have given over to their Unseelie nature and begin to sow dissent amongst friends, commit crimes only to have others blamed for them, and casually break objects that are of known importance to those around them. 

''Physical Description:'' Aeshun are one of the smaller Shar’Liell, measuring frequently somewhere between 4 and 5 feet tall. Records exist of individual Aeshun who were “taller than the tallest man in the settlement,” though this notation does not infer any great height of Aeshun numerous similar records can be found spread throughout Tel’Lagaia leading to the belief that certain Aeshun are capable of reaching great heights. No matter what their size all Aeshun seem uncharacteristically thin, as if a strong breeze would be capable of knocking them down. One record of an Aeshun traveling through Ter’rim claims “A strange man walked into town this day. He at first seemed to be a strange performer from the city, walking into the village upon thin stilts with large shoes for balance.” Aeshun limbs are thin and elongated, just as their body is. Though Aeshun always appear thin they would never thought to be sickly because of this. 
Aeshun eyes are larger than most other races, their eyes open wide giving them a look of curiosity and innocence, like a kitten looking upon the world. Young Aeshun frequently keep their hair short as they have no wish to be slowed down by something that they feel is merely cosmetic. Older Aeshun will grow their hair longer as they are forced into a more sedentary lifestyle.
Aeshun skin tones range from the lightest sky blue to the darkest blue of the deep ocean, while other skin tones have been recorded they are uncommon at best in most likelihood a slight aberration. As Aeshun age they begin developing spots beginning on the scalp and traveling down their backs as they continue to age. Even at great ages shown by the emergence of spots around the ankles of an Aeshun they are still ever curious. This has spawned the phrase, “An Aeshun never changes his spots,” meaning that no matter how old Aeshun grow they are still as inquisitive as ever. 
Aeshun clothing is frequently an elaborate collection from locations that they have been. They do not seek to take on the appearance of those that are around them, but instead to incorporate parts of it into their already distinctive appearance. If otherwise unable to tell Aeshun age, someone can get an idea by how eclectic and varied their appearance is. This clutter of cultural accessories pays no heed to conventional ideas of style but instead only the individual Aeshun and their physical needs from their clothing. Acrobatic Aeshun are far less likely to have excessive bells and whistles on their clothing, unless of course they truly like bells and whistles. 

''Outlook:'' Aeshun are convinced that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, or over the next hill, or past the forest, or on the other side of the extremely violent group of Aeshun hating ogres, and they need to see just how green the grass is. It is this constant need to see and experience new things that frequently lead Aeshun into constant trouble with those who do not understand their nature or motivations. Aeshun do not ignore clear and present danger, but instead are certain that the danger must mark something truly worth experiencing. Because of this outlook they are happy-go-lucky and rarely allow a situation get them down for long. A Chimeran once recorded that while captured by cannibals his Aeshun companion wondered “What it would be like to be boiled alive.” The Chimeran admits that shortly after being rescued from that situation he distanced himself from his Aeshun companion and settled down to “a more sensible life.”

''Relations:'' Shar’Liell are a race of individuals, only coming together as they wish to. Aeshun are the most extreme examples of this mentality. While all other races have a history of cooperation and have built a society within the confines of their larger human centric cultures, the Aeshun have shown little to no desire to build such a place. Frequently these adventurers are far too busy exploring the sewers, attics, and closets of cities to spend any time improving a society for Shar’Liell. Aeshun do, however, expect to be included in their kindred’s plans for society, but only at the convenience of their very, very, very busy schedules. 
Aeshun look upon Auspran as exactly the right people to leave in charge of the homestead while they are away doing something so much more interesting, Aeshun like and actively attempt to help Auspran when the occasion arises but frequently end up sticking their body parts where no Auspran would want an Aeshun. Chimeran are perfect for taking something absolutely wonderful and interesting and reducing it to its most basic and least interesting elements, Aeshun have little desire to read any of their boring and bothersome technical writing and shudder at the thought of Chimeran poetry. Sidhe are viewed with awe and fear by the Aeshun, they are inspired by the beauty of the Sidhe and their artistic essences while they remain acutely aware it is frequently the laws and organization that the Sidhe have established that keeps getting them into trouble. Trolls are looked upon as a challenge by most Aeshun, they seem to be drawn towards individual Trolls to crack the great and hard shells that surround them and force them to reconcile with their obviously long lost and ignored childhood. 
Outside of their own race Aeshun view everyone as the source for their next possible adventure. It is never too late, in the Aeshun mind, to stir up long forgotten memories and explore them. From these insights, Aeshun frequently strike out on their next series of misadventures. Tales range across Tel’Lagaia of Aeshun in these misadventures, anything from attempting to set right the lost loves from 20 years prior, to seeking to solve the mystery of local haunted spots, and finally attempting to build a better mousetrap. It is only the Aeshun inability to follow up any of these ideas with the necessary persistence to see the job through that has stopped many cultures from banning Aeshun traveling within their borders. 
Steil’ven has attempted to stop the Aeshun Incursion, as some within the military would call it. Steil’ven is a place unfriendly to Shar’Liell, and most Shar’Liell recognize this. Aeshun on the other hand see these lands as just one more place that they are able to explore. This has historically caused no end of trouble for both Shar’Liell and Steil’ven. 

''Alignment:'' Aeshun have no ability to remain neutral about almost anything. One way or another they have a need to pick a side and help it. Aeshun adopt these sides before considering or understanding the nature of a conflict or dispute. At times, Aeshun switch sides within a conflict when they feel that they have new insight its nature. Aeshun gravitate towards both Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil. 

''Aeshun Lands:'' The Aeshun do not have any racial desire to congregate. That being said, there are Aeshun in residence at the Auspran founded Shar’Liell community of Veil’s Rest. Other gatherings of Aeshun are likely to be mobile communities built upon similar ideals, such as the Aeshun circus. Aeshun circuses travel through the lands stopping in towns and villages to entertain and amuse the residents. There are a few examples of all Aeshun traveling bands of this nature, and frequently they seek for no payment from their audience. These Aeshun perform for love of doing it and travel for the same reason. A circus generally begins to charge as members of other races become involved. 

''Religion:'' Unlike most of their kin, Aeshun adopt the religions of those around them. They are still strongly tied to the importance of ideals that initially gave them form, but in their ravenous curiosity it would be unthinkable to not experience religion as others do. However, Aeshun approach religion as something lively and vivacious, just like they approach anything in life. There is no innate reverence in an Aeshun when discussing religion. Aeshun come and go with religions just as they do most anything else in their lives, they live, love, and experience the religion that they have adopted very strongly for a short period of time. During their time enamored with a religion Aeshun support it in every way that they can. There are documents of Aeshun doing both wonderful and terrible things in the name of religion since they came to Tel’Lagaia, and records of both can refer to Seelie and Unseelie members of the Shar’Liell. 

''Language:'' Aeshun spoken language is delivered in a rapid fire staccato manner. This language seems to be a mish-mash collection of words cannibalized from other languages. In fact, Aeshun language seems to have no set barrier on what words and languages are contained within its context. When one Aeshun relates experiences to another they will frequently use words that are unknown or strange to the second Aeshun. When one word is used that is unknown, Aeshun question the word and then receive the definition (as believed by the initial speaker) and examples of use. Aeshun conversations are rife with interruptions and explanations, only to be returned to their initial course as if no interruption ever had occurred. Aeshun seem to have the greatest ability to concentrate on something for an extended period of time when dealing with another Aeshun explaining things. Perhaps the speed at which information is communicated is more comfortable to them, but for non-native speakers of the Aeshun “language” the Aeshun ability to pick up in the middle of a story that was interrupted for an explanation of a word that lead to three other explanations is greatly unsettling, while the Aeshun themselves seem to have no trouble understanding and remembering. 
There is no written Aeshun language. When asked about it, one Aeshun replied, “Now wouldn’t that look silly?”

''Names:'' Aeshun names follow no naming conventions. Names are given at the whims of parents or taken by the child. Names in fact seem to be almost as transient to an Aeshun’s existence as most everything else. When an Aeshun feels that a name no longer suits them, they abandon the name and find one that is more fitting. Aeshun do not divorce their name on a whim, but do not think on the matter excessively either, they give it greater amount of thought than most other things that they do, but seemingly less than a teamster planning their journey. It is in taking a new name that Aeshun give far more thought, and stories exist of nameless Aeshun that would travel around searching for a new name. Many Aeshun names are descriptive in some way, but there are numerous exceptions to this.
__//Example Names://__ Appleblossom, Branchbreaker, Butterpat, Chocolate, Dandelion, Happyghost, Kitten, Lilacbloom, and Tumbly.

''Adventurers:'' Every Aeshun is an adventurer. Their exploration of the world around them is one large adventure. The unifying trait of all Aeshun is exactly what forces them into an adventuring lifestyle, curiosity. Aeshun are unwilling to be restrained by what they learn while adventuring, just like they are unwilling to be restrained in life. They frequently take on the roles of bards, rangers, rogues, and sorcerers. These four classes are frequently outsiders, wanderers, and vagabonds, fitting perfectly with Aeshun sensibilities. Clerics, druids, monks, and paladins are far to restrictive for Aeshun, requiring long term devotion to an ideal, while an Aeshun would chafe at the restrictive armors of most fighters and barbarians. Wizards require too great a time in quiet study to hold Aeshun attention for long enough to achieve any true mastery. 

''Emergence:'' Aeshun emergence is a wonderful journey for a essence that has been trapped for too long. The child that the Aeshun essence comes to call home looks upon their world with marvel and is frequently found where they are not supposed to be. These children would shirk their chores, ditch out on whatever study they were supposed to do, and even miss dinner for a chance to look at what lies beyond the next hill. Frequently it is during one of these journeys that the Aeshun essence will awaken, and the child will not return home because of this. Aeshun essences are extremely fragile, as children begin to pass adolescence generally the essence will have emerged or be trapped within its host for a full lifetime. As children begin to hit puberty the world is full of far too much reality for the Aeshun to emerge. There is evidence of rare Emergences after this age, but the longer that it takes the harder it is on the essence of the Aeshun. 

''Magic:'' Aeshun sorcerers are common practitioners of illusion and enchantment magics. The Aeshun essence’s natural love of exploration and imagination find these two schools of magic to be natural expressions. Both of these schools of magic the Aeshun use to change the world around them, whether it is in actual appearance or through the minds of their targets. Aeshun also generally find magic to make new friends to be wonderful. Aeshun feel little connection to Abjuration magic, to protect against something they would need to anticipate its coming, or Necromancy, this magic is oppositional to their easy going attitudes. Transmutation is also tied to the Aeshun, as any way to change their experience of the world around them is intriguing. 

__''Aeshun Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Dex, -2 Wis
• Medium sized.
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• +2 Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble. Aeshun are naturally physically fit and push themselves to new heights (both real and metaphorical) on a regular basis.
• Knowledge (Aeshun) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws and opposed rolls against effects that would hinder or restrict an Aeshun’s movement. This encompasses spells such as Bigby’s Grasping Hand, Entangle, and Hold Person as well as magical items like Iron Bands of Billarro and mundane grapple checks when the defender. This does not work against saves against Command, Fear, Grease, or Sleep or against Bull’s Rush or Trip attempts.
• Faerie Glamour Celerity: Aeshun are naturally fast, both quick witted and nimble bodied. Their Faerie essence allows them to increase this innate rapid pace to breakneck speeds. Aeshun are able to act as if under a haste spell for one round as a swift action. They can use this extraordinary ability a number of times per day equal to their Con bonus + 1 (minimum once per day). Each use of Celerity requires a separate swift action to perform. 
• Faerie Glamour Hyperactivity: Aeshun react poorly to confinement. Whenever Aeshun are grappled, held, entangled, or otherwise restrained they suffer 1d4 damage per round. This damage is real but will stop once the Aeshun is unconscious and the Aeshun will not bleed to death from such damage. This means that few Aeshun are ever willing to don any but the lightest armors or carry large burdens. Aeshun especially driven to wear restrictive armors or heavy packs are able to invest in the feat [[Aeshun Prudence|Tel'Lagaian Feats]] that reduces the penalties. 
• Automatic Languages: Aeshun and Trade Tongue. 
• Bonus Languages: Auspran, Chimeran, Haisen, Sidhe, Silvian, Tersh, and Troll.
• Favored Class: Rogue.
!!Attuned Spell

A player character gains one attuned spell upon taking her first level of a spell casting class and one for every three additional levels of a casting class the character gains. Levels 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 etc provide a attuned spell slot.
For clarification, an example of slot eligibility would be, a Wiz3/Ftr2 (three total levels in casting class(es)) would only have one attuned spell slot. A Wiz3/Pal4 (a total of seven levels in casting class(es)) would have three attuned spell slots.
Changing attuned spells is possible although it can only be done at “times of growth”. Systematically speaking, a player may change 1 attuned spell every even level starting at 4th. To determine the maximum number of spells for any given level that may be assigned as attuned spells, take the available spell slots per day for the spell level in question and divide by two rounding down. Bonus and Domain spell slots are not included in this calculation.
Auspran are able bodied workers equally at home while at work or assisting those in need. These Shar’Liell are driven to their passionate desire to craft because they have an innate need to improve the world around them. Frequently noted by outsiders to be one of the most industrious races on the face of Tel’Lagaia, most observers would never realize that Auspran do this in hopes that they will make the world around them a better place. Auspran have established the most noteworthy permanent fae settlement on the face of Tel’Lagaia at Veil’s Rest, but they are also found scattered throughout the lands as are all other Shar’Liell.

''Personality:'' Auspran are parentally minded about those around them, no matter what their age. Auspran are naturally giving, it is anathema to Seelie and Unseelie Auspran to refuse assistance when requested. Their giving nature comes through in most everything that they do, they always work to improve and assist those around them often at their own personal expense. This expense may be financial, personal, and sometimes physical. This giving nature inherent to Auspran generally breeds friendly and outgoing individuals. 
The downside of their desire to assist is that Auspran frequently seek to help in ways that they may not be appreciated. Auspran are known to dig into the past of an individual that they have decided to help. After they uncover some ways in which they can help the seek to act upon the information they have gained. Auspran are known to be terrible gossips by many of the other Shar’Liell. Rarely will this discovered information stay secret for very long. It is not that Auspran seek to hurt or harm those that they wish to help, but instead they are frequently seeking other opinions on how to make something better. 
Do to their natures, Ausrpan are frequently students of the sentient’s condition. They look upon a gathering of people just as a Auspran might watch a clock wondering of its secrets. Unlike Aeshun, Auspran seek to understand their surroundings so that they may continue to improve upon what is all around them, after all what use is a fantastically comfortable new chair if a Shar’Liell’s essence is uncomfortable.
Auspran take great pride in their work. They do not wish to pass off goods that are shoddy, to do so would to have done less than the Auspran could have. It would not only be a personal failure that would affect the Auspran, but also it would be a mark against their entire community. To ensure that this does not happen, Auspran are unwilling to rush their work for any reasons if they can help it. 

''Physical Description:'' Auspran are the most diminutive of all Shar’Liell. Individuals are recorded as small as 2 feet tall, but it is much more common for them to stand between approximately 2’ 6” to 3’ 6” tall. While they are not tall individuals, they frequently show the signs of eating well. This is not due to any tendency to overeat, but because of the physiology of the Auspran. Auspran naturally add weight to their waist and holes to their belts even while eating and exercising as much as anyone else. However, unlike other races their softness around the middle does not itself show any lack of physical prowess. Many Auspran appear to be very heavy but are light on their feet and faster than their small size would lead someone to believe. 
Auspran facial structure is rounder than other Shar’Liell with bright and friendly eyes and large, bulbous noses in front. Most Auspran wear some form of eyewear to improve their eyesight during crafting. Frequently these Auspran merely leave the eyewear resting on their noses long after they have stopped work for the day. This habit has lead more than one Auspran to asking “Where are my glasses?” when in truth, they are still resting upon their nose. 
Auspran skin tones range from peach and pink all the way down to that of dark and lacquered wood. It has been observed that the tone of skin an Auspran has frequently reflects the type of good that Auspran works with. Generally, Auspran working closer to harvest or natural materials have lighter complexions while those who are closer to finished products or heavily processed materials have darker complexions. Auspran hair ranges from light greens to dark and rich browns. As age sets in Auspran hair frequently begins to silver or whiten, and males of most ages suffer from a receding hairline. 
Auspran have a unique smell associated with them, having rubbed off on them from long years of constant work of the same kind. Lumberjacks and woodworks frequently smell of the woods, a strong but fresh and refreshing scent. Bakers are almost always followed by scents of their kitchen. These scents stay with Auspran no matter what clothes they wear or how they clean themselves. It is in record of a bard from Melliope that when their adventuring party had been captured and interrogated his Auspran companion, trained as a baker, commented “I made a brownie in my trousers,” and in truth, it smelled just like a fresh baked brownie was fresh out of the oven. Needless to say, this bard later stated that he had little desire to ever ingest a brownie.
Auspran clothing is much like other products that they make, simple yet elegant. The clothes that an Auspran wears for living are generally those that they work in. These clothes need to be extremely durable to withstand the constant wear and tear that comes from repetitive action while allowing the Auspran to move freely enough to work their craft. The colors of Auspran clothing are frequently earthy and subdued. 
If an Auspran has need of a set of clothing for more festive or formal occasions, they will care for this clothing the same way that they work on products of their chosen craft. Even if the Auspran would rarely need to wear this second set of clothing, it is unlikely that they would go longer than a week without ensuring that it was being properly cared for. 

''Outlook:'' Auspran are simple folk and enjoy simple pleasures. These Shar’Liell are truly at home when able to work to directly improve something. This personal focus can take many forms, the most obvious is that of the craftsman. However, many Auspran seek to improve the standard of life for those around them through more direct or involved methods. Auspran look upon social structures within societies as in need of improvement as a rickety chair. Some, especially adventurous Auspran, even find that they are drawn to helping those in great need. 
__Seelie & Unseelie:__ Seelie Auspran go out of their way to help others and improve the standard of life because of a naturally altruistic nature. These Shar’Liell are drawn to the creation of simple but elegant furniture, the design of strong and sturdy buildings, assistance of elders across the street and women across puddles without staining their well crafted gowns (perhaps also the work of an Auspran). These Auspran do these things while refusing rewards for their good deeds. The nature of Unseelie Auspran is similar to that of their Seelie brethren, except they are not above accepting recompense for their actions. In fact, Unseelie Auspran look upon their own efforts to improve society as a method of gaining favor with those that they have assisted.

''Relations:'' Auspran society places importance upon the individual’s contributions to society. Through their acts to improve the society that they live in, whether through charity work, donations to the community, or helping those in need, they are able to improve their own standing within the community. While talented crafters might be able to claim great power within human lands, the same crafter in Auspran village would be expected to give back to the community proportionally to their tremendous skill and talent. 
Auspran get along well with the other Shar’Liell. Aeshun they view as lost children only searching for their place in society, something that many an Auspran has attempted to fix with or without the consent of the individual Aeshun. Chimeran are viewed as kindred crafters with their hearts in the wrong place; Auspran find it strange that they would try to create a perfect recounting of history while completely incapable of feeling the love necessary to achieve such a goal. Auspran are in awe of the Sidhe for their beauty, altruism, and skill in social situations; Auspran rest comfortably in their cozy beds at night knowing that the Sidhe work for the betterment of Shar’Liell. Trolls are embraced by the Auspran, a Troll guardian is a perfect compliment hillside filled with Auspran homes; while the Auspran have every confidence in the Sidhe’s social abilities, they know that they are protected with Trolls about no matter where they would travel or whose law they would fall under. 
Auspran have strong relations with most other races, welcomed even by the Harsieth. The race that they would have the most in common with though, they have the most strained relation with. Dwarves did not feel the effects of the Awakening of any Shar’Liell other than Auspran. Most Auspran initially Emerged from Dwarves, something that the Dwarves did not take kindly to. Unlike the humans of Steil’ven, the Dwarves did not wish to kill these Emerging Shar’Liell but instead banished these strange creatures from their lands after every attempt was made to remove the invading essence from the body of the Dwarf. It is these banished Auspran that initially formed the refugee of Veil’s Rest. 

''Alignment:'' Auspran are naturally self interested and prone to taking sides. The most common alignments of Auspran are Neutral Good and Neutral Evil, fulfilling both aspects of an Auspran alignment. These Shar’Liell are not concerned with long term traditions enough to follow or abandon them, instead more concerned with each individuals comfort in the here and now. Neutrality towards good and evil does not suit them, for they are unable to remain neutral in any affairs that go on around them, seeking to involve themselves and improve the situation. 

''Auspran Lands:'' Auspran are the founders of Veil’s Rest, a Shar’Liell community north of Pri’tza Pass. Within the hills of Veil’s Rest can be found the largest concentration of Shar’Liell anywhere on Doraen, and the community is dominated by the Auspran. While crafters are common within Veil’s Rest, a greater number of non-crafting Auspran can be found. While all types of Shar’Liell are in residence within Veil’s Rest, the Auspran take on the roles associated with their brethren. Auspran guardsmen and warriors are a frequent sight within the hills of Veil’s Rest, as are politicians, historians, entertainers, and lawyers. 

''Religion:'' Auspran are dedicated to the ideals of charity and quality. While individual Auspran may follow other ideals, they almost always lead back towards charity and quality. Auspran charity is giving to the community to improve quality of life of those around. Auspran quality is the importance of each Auspran giving their best performance at all times, if they did not they would fear becoming a strain upon their community and become unable to give back to that community. Auspran dedicated to other ideals might establish themselves as guardians of communities that did not have a Troll to guard them, might act as healers in the name of compassion, or even as wilderness guides in order to aid the lost. 

''Language:'' The Auspran language is a language given to praise and critique. Auspran has an established hierarchy of terms established to easily rate quality and craftsmanship that is understood by all native Auspran speakers no matter where they come from. The importance of fair assessment of quality is so important that Auspran review each product that they produce, looking upon the finished good with a critical eye. After they have reviewed their own craftsmanship it is important for another individual to critique it as well, and see the validity and accuracy of each review against the other. This is not to say that Auspran language or outlook has no place for personal taste, but it is culturally important to review the merits and flaws of craftsmanship without allowing these personal tastes to change the nature of the review. When spoken the Auspran language is slow in its conveyance of individual words, however it is difficult to master for non-native speakers as frequently there are large sections of inferred words when the language is spoken or written. 
Written Auspran is most frequently recipes, craft orders, and reviews of craftsmanship. There are some Auspran who study literature, but often times they find that other languages are better to convey emotion and feelings important to their stories. There are some noted Auspran poets who use the languages inferred text to emphasize what is important through its statement and non-statement. 

''Names:'' Auspran names are traditionally broken into two separate parts, a given name for each individual Auspran and a surname. Surnames are descriptive of the family and its craft. Though these names are passed down from one generation to another, they are also known to change over the years as new descriptions would become appropriate. Frequently, if an Auspran family has more than one child, the child that houses parents are generally expected to keep the surname and continue in the profession of their family; those that do not house the parents need to find a new surname description. 
Individual names are not descriptions or quantities, as individuals are recognized as just that within Auspran society. The names of individuals are easily identifiable as masculine or feminine, though speakers of other languages would frequently confuse the two sexes upon hearing the names. Auspran masculine names often end with “a” or “as” and feminine names end with “o” or “y”. “E” is used as an ending for gender neutral names, commonly applied when a child must be named before its birth date. These gender neutral names are uncommon as individual names, but appear much more often in family names. Human records of Auspran will frequently change the end of an Auspran’s name to match with their own sensiblities.
__//Female Names://__ Athury, Driello, Myelko, Ratho, and Zathary.
__//Male Names://__ Athura, Belka, Havas, Nymria, and Portia.
__//Surnames://__ Athure, Junthe, Rielstote, and Valeske.

''Adventurers:'' Adventurers are accepted within Auspran society, the act of adventuring is a personal journey of improving the world. There are no classes that are more or less likely to attract individual Auspran. Every Auspran feels this same call in different ways, to look down on the adventurer would be the same as looking down on a cooper. However, while Auspran readily accept individual Auspran who wish to leave and adventure, they do not look forward to encounters with adventurers. A returning Auspran adventurer would be welcomed within the community, but strange adventurers would make many Auspran uneasy. This is not to say that the Auspran would turn away these travelers, they would offer hospitality to them as they would to anyone, it is the legendary destructive abilities and tendencies of adventurers that would make Auspran nervous around them.

''Emergence:'' The Emergence of Auspran frequently occurs in children who have displayed obsessive characteristics. Frequently these children are seen working on a project and are unwilling to be pulled away from the project for any reason. Changes in routine generally shake these children to their core, as they begin to regiment daily goals for themselves based on routine. Auspran essences are known to be hearty, able to Emerge at almost any age. Those who shelter an Auspran essence within them would frequently be overcome with the need to improve and craft.

''Magic:'' Auspran capable of magic frequently find themselves to be naturals with both Conjuration and Transmutation. Their ability and desire to craft and improve what is present are reflected in both of these schools. Many Auspran are also able to manipulate Illusion magic freely, but shy away from specializing to greatly in it as they need to create something lasting, not mere illusions. Enchantment, Evocation, and Necromancy are schools that Auspran generally do not learn to master. Forcefully changing individuals minds, destructive energy, and the energy of the dead are all looked down upon within Auspran society. 

__''Auspran Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Wis, -2 Str
• Small sized.
• 20 Ft Base Speed.
• +2 Appraise. Auspran are naturally talented at recognizing the quality in their own and others work. 
• +2 Craft (pick one). Auspran are adept at their chosen craft, even if they seek to improve society through a different avenue.
• +2 Sense Motive. Auspran are naturally nosey and pick up on slight clues.
• Knowledge (Auspran) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Faerie Glamour Customs: Auspran are experts of making more with what they have, their Faerie glamour exemplifies this trait. Upon character creation an Auspran picks ''one'' custom, and gains that custom as a racial ability.
**Custom of Creation: Auspran are adept at crafting using both magical and mundane means. +2 caster level to Conjuration (creation) spells and always allowed to take 10 on Craft checks.
**Custom of Focus: It is difficult to dissuade an Auspran from a goal, and far harder to do so to those from the custom of focus. Gain 1 additional attuned spell and +2 to Concentration skill checks.
**Custom of Inheritance: Auspran are taught to take gifts with great humility. Those from custom of inheiritance are adept at improving the benefit they receive from magical means. Whenever a beneficial spell is cast upon an Auspran with custom of inheritance they may regain hit points equal to twice the level of the spell. This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to the Auspran’s Con bonus + 1 (minimum once per day). Custom of inheritance is only usable on spells cast upon you by another caster. 0-level spells count as .5 level for purposes of custom of inheritance.
**Custom of Protection: Auspran who are called to become guardians are known for powerful magic that assists them. +1 caster level to Abjuration spells and Abjuration spells minimum surge value is 4% rather than 5 %. 
**Custom of Succor: Auspran who adopt the custom of succor are adept at helping others, frequently doing so quickly and inconspicuously. Auspran with custom of succor may use the aid another action as a swift action, usable a number of times per day equal to Con bonus + 1 (minimum once per day). Auspran are equally adept at aiding skill checks. If an Auspran has ranks in the skill being used they may attempt to aid another for a +3 instead of the normal +2. In addition, if there is a limit to the number of aids that can be received on a given skill check the Auspran does not count against that number as long as he has ranks in the associated skill. 
• Faerie Glamour Accord: Auspran are unable to refuse aid to those in need. While an Auspran will not halt in battle due to an opponents cry of “But my shoe is untied” they are unable to refuse a cry of aid from those around them. While they will not always expose themselves to imminent physical danger, such as by charging into a burning building to rescue the inhabitants, they always must take steps to help those in need. Auspran do not approach those in need with suspicion or doubt, while their companions may believe that the broken down wagon on the side of the road is an ambush an Auspran would find themselves unable to refuse the strangers need and completely unprepared if they did betray the Auspran’s trust. This Auspran trait is well known across Tel’Lagaia and exploited by many. While Auspran are willing to help those in need, they are not likely to give their earnings or other valuables away at any request, there are many ways to help someone in need that do not involve money. 
• Automatic Languages: Auspran and Trade Tongue. 
• Bonus Languages: Aeshun, Chimeran, Dwarven, Haisen, Sidhe, Silvian, Tersh, and Troll.
• Favored Class: Cleric 
Story.prototype.refreshTiddler_activelink = Story.prototype.refreshTiddler;
Story.prototype.refreshTiddler = function (title,template,force)
 var theTiddler = Story.prototype.refreshTiddler_activelink.apply(this,arguments);
 if (!theTiddler)
 return theTiddler
 var menu = document.getElementById("mainMenu");
 var links = menu.getElementsByTagName("a");
 for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++)
 if (!links[i].getAttribute("tiddlyLink"))
 if (document.getElementById(this.idPrefix+(links[i].getAttribute("tiddlylink"))))
 return theTiddler;
The Harsieth follow a lunar calender that totals in 244 days per year. There are nine months per year, three weeks per month, and nine days per week. The months are named as representations of the different Isi'us aspects, The Jester, The Stalker, The Maiden, The Matron, The Defender, The Queen, The Seer, The Witch, and The Messenger. The final night of each lunar year on Tel'Lagaia has no moon due to a lunar eclipse.

Human years are recounted by “ages”. During the time of the draconic presence over two thousand years ago the years were tallied under the title EL (Enlightened), post the “Draconic Withdrawl” the year count reset to zero. Since that time, years have been tallied under the title of DW (Dragon's Withdrawn).
Many different calendar systems have been used in the past two thousand plus years.
The calendar system most widely used in current day was designed by a Steil'ven scholar named Atrias Aegustine approximately 300 years ago. Named after it's creator as the Aegus calendar, it is the national calendar system for Steil'ven. This system is based off the orientation of a specific constellation of stars in the sky named "The Eternal Archer". This constellation is visible throuhout the year in changing orientation. It is by this orientation that the time of year is derived.
Each standard year is a total of 312 days. Every year consists of 13 months except every 5th year (named the Flip year), which is only 12 months long. Each month is three weeks long, each week is eight days long. This means that on Flip years, there are only 288 days.

Before you begin making your character following these rules, please speak with the GM about the upcoming campaign. Discuss concepts, mechanics and utilize the opportunity for a Q&A with your GM.
Type the text for 'Character Diaries'
Character histories are expected for each character participating within the campaign world.  Character histories do not need to be extensive but do need to show heritage and motivations.  Please strive for a character history with a minimum of 500 words.  [[Character Workshop]] may be a resource that is helpful to you.  While the character workshop is not required for the game you may wish to fill one out and use it as a basis for your character history write up.  If you choose to use the character workshop, please submit it with your character history to the GM.
Below is a questionnaire/worksheet to help you on your way with your character. Although it's not required for the game, it may be helpful for both you and/or the GM.

Player Name: 
Character Name: 
Character Age: 
Character Gender: 

What is your character’s appearance?

!!!Childhood/Distant Past:
1. Who were your character’s parents? (Did they possess any special qualities, challenges, gifts, and/or horrors of their own?) 

2. Was there anything special or unusual about your character's birth? 

3. What was the attitude of the parents’ regarding your character? 

4. Does your character have siblings? What is their relationship, birth order? 

5. Who were your character's peers? (What was his/her relationship to the peer group?) 

6. Where did your character live? (Was it one place, more than one place, series of places, no place?) 

7. While growing up, what did your character do for fun and enjoyment? 

8. While growing up, what hard times did your character have? 

9. Did your character have any special friends, relatives, mentors, pets, objects, or places that he/she could turn to in times of trouble? 

10. What about school/socialization? (How or where did the character learn the general skills needed for adulthood?) 

11. When, how, or what marked your character's entry into adulthood? 

12. Anything not covered? 

1. What was your character’s former job/career? 

2. What is your character's present job/career? 

3. Where did your character live? (Was it one place, more than one place, series of places, no place?) 

4. Has your character had a love interest? (Describe what happened.) 

5. Why is your character not with his old love interest? 

6. Has your character incurred the wrath of someone? (Has s/he made an enemy? How? Who?) 

7. How did your character make the enemy? 

8. Why is your character not working his old job? 

9. Why does your character not make his hobby a profession? 

10. What is the one thing your character would do anything to avoid? (Why?) 

11. What is the one thing your character would do anything to have? (Why?) 

12. Anything not covered? 

!!!Life as a whole:
1. What are your character’s talents or ‘supernatural’ gifts? 

2. What are some of your character’s faults or flaws? 

3. What is a hobby or a set of hobbies your character has? 

4. Describe a memorable or pivotal time in your character’s life. Why was it important?

5. Describe a second memorable or pivotal time in your character’s life. Why was it important?

6. Anything not covered? 
Chimeran are scholars of history, most at home within quiet confines of a library or study with ample historical records to read and empty pages upon which to write. Chimeran are driven to record history, from minor and insignificant events to the changing of eras. Chimeran chronicle history; they do not allow societal viewpoints, cultural influences, or personal bias to alter their annals. Chimeran take this aspect of neutrality into many things that they do, wishing to remain apart from their surroundings. This neutrality has lead some Chimeran to the law; Chimeran look upon textbooks of cold and unfeeling laws as the basis of society and they are equally cold and unfeeling in implementation. 

''Personality:'' It has been observed by students of the Chimeran that “The footsteps of a Chimeran are like the ticking of the clock,” and further noted that they take this precise rhythm and methodology into every aspect of their lives. Studious and distant, Chimeran are technical in their speech, meticulous in action and aloof in relation with others. The analytical nature of a Chimeran leads them to alienating those who would normally befriend them. Chimeran tend to overstate things in long drawn out, often condescending, explanations; often times they are seen as quite rude, this is due to the Chimeran psychological need to explain so that they do not bias the information nor allow their listener to draw faulty conclusions due to ignorance. Chimeran do not consider what a listener wishes to hear about, to make such a decision would automatically bias the relation of information. Around those a Chimeran would consider to be intellectual peers, they tend to use long words, elaborate technical examples and delight in discussing or debating sources of knowledge and their validity.
Chimeran care little about opinions or ideas, and disdain lies, they are known to use such things as analytical tools to delve deeper into a matter, situation, or mindset of the individuals. They prefer the simple facts of the situation. This tendancy makes Chimeran excellent adjudicators or impartial mediators. In fact, it is common to see a lone Chimeran in a given village or town as the sole adjudicator, librarian, or expert on academic subject.
Even marriage for Chimeran is more often seen by other races as a business arrangement of sorts than a matter of love or romance; a matter of basic needs are broken down into simple words and terms rather than feelings or associations. Chimeran contemplative and logical natures often means that husband and wife can be across an entire continent from each other as long as their “contractual” arrangements have been met or kept. Chimeran separated from their spouses take comfort in knowing that each of them are fulfilling their purpose. This is not to say that Chimeran do not feel emotions, they merely do not allow emotion to be the primary drive behind their actions. Many other races may believe that Chimeran do not have such emotions, but it is only because they do not wish to color their image by showing the emotions that they feel and they are much more comfortable expressing facts than elusive intangibles.

''Physical Description:'' Chimeran stand of similar height to many humans, ranging frequently from 5 to 6 feet. Their body frames are frequently overly thin, giving their entire appearance an elongated look. They frequently maintain this overly thin appearance no matter how much food they intake or exercise they do. It is hard for a Chimeran to become fat or well-muscled, and few Chimeran would actively attempt to become either. 
Chimeran skin color is universally orange, varying only amongst that color. There are recorded medical cases of individual Chimeran with skin conditions that lead them to other skin colors, but these are extremely few and far between and of great interest to Chimeran medical scholars. Chimeran faces also appear to be elongated; this is both a perceptual illusion and a measurable difference in physiology. Chimeran have small mouths, inappropriate for speaking some of the more guttural languages of monstrous humanoids as they are intended to be spoken. Below their mouths they have small and almost pointed chins. Vertically Chimeran noses are longer than most other races, starting just below a Chimeran brow and continuing down to a short distance above their mouth. Chimeran narrow and pointed eyes are nearly parallel lines to each other, slanted so the inside point of their eyes are closest to each other and the Chimeran mouth, while the outside point of their eyes end just below the brow. Chimeran eyelids close side to side, rather than top to bottom. Chimeran ears start low on the face, at a similar height to the end of their jaws, and grow to impressive heights. Chimeran ears have been recorded to end over 9 inches past their skulls. The end of the Chimeran ear is in points, rather than rounded as human ears. The bone structure is much stronger than most other races, leading to a harder and less flexible ear. 
Chimeran tend to dress in simple clothes, reminiscent of monks from many cultures. Though the colors vary, features such as over the shoulder sashes, long open sleeves, sinched waists with simple cording and simple wraps or sandals for shoes are common traits throughout. Anything more elaborate or expensive worn by most Chimeran is utilitarian in function. It is frequent to see Chimeran carrying a wide variety of accoutrements that are associated with their profession, frequently including but not limited to writing implements, reading lenses, various appraisal tools, and even a spyglass. Chimeran without easily accessible notebooks are infrequent and usually have had their notebooks stripped away from them by some outside force. Chimeran spend little time or money on their clothing, these more utilitarian tools are generally of the best quality that a Chimeran can afford. This is not due to any vanity, but because Chimeran wish to have reliable tools and notebooks that will survive the ages.

''Outlook:'' As the self proclaimed keepers of the world’s lore and laws, Chimeran are rarely optimistic or pessimistic regarding any given situation. When asked a simple question such as “Do you think he’ll get up that tree?” a Chimeran is likely to give a factual response full of technical observations from the length of the subjects legs and arms to the specific angle of motion the subject is using to climb up the tree. How the person may improve their climb or how specific actions could lead them to fail. Chimeran would even relate the past successes and failures of the climber or relate information about their genealogy and the success and failures of related climbers, if the Chimeran knew such information.
All knowledge is priceless to a Chimeran be it an artifact of great power or a poem written by a minor bard. In fact, knowledge is so important to a Chimeran that they will do anything to protect potential sources of knowledge from being destroyed. Chimeran even go so far as to protect objects of great malevolence so that they may be studied.
__Seelie & Unseelie:__ The Chimeran society does not fall into either Seelie or Unseelie categorizations but there are exceptions. Chimeran believe in true and ultimate neutrality in all matters when possible; this includes among their own people. There is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to Chimeran who would violate the laws of their people or wander towards the causes of good or evil. Chimeran who do such are ostracized from Chimeran society and banned from the collective abundance of knowledge resources. However, Chimeran are unable to deny the duality of their essence, just as other Shar’Liell; it is Chimeran who are unable to temper the duality of their essence with neutrality and forethought that find themselves cast out. 
These neutral minded Chimeran believe in the free flow of knowledge; it is important to have an understanding of the true natures of the world. Many are certain that without the free flow of knowledge amongst people and cultures the world would be unable to advance.
Chimeran dedicated to neutrality and knowledge have built extensive libraries throughout Tel’Lagaia. These libraries are housed within Chimeran scholar towers and are manned by Chimeran librarians. These towers are guarded against force of arms by Chimeran and Trolls, as well as guarded against individuals. No one is able to simply come to a Chimeran scholar tower and demand entrance to the stores of knowledge that lay within. Individuals are only allowed entrance after they are studied and their intentions are determined. Chimeran history includes stories of the misuse of knowledge and they wish to avoid such occurrences in the future or discussing those that have happened in the past. 
Chimeran who have given over to their Seelie nature believe that knowledge serves no purpose hidden within distant towers. They believe that it is the duty of the Chimeran to learn from the past with the intention of building towards a better future. These rare Chimeran are welcomed by all Seelie Shar’Liell, as their knowledge and views agree with most other Shar’Liell. These Chimeran are willing to draw personal lines and boundaries, going as far as deciding what types of knowledge may be inappropriate to exist. 
Chimeran who forsake neutrality in favor of their Unseelie essence believe that knowledge is power that should not be shared with the unenlightened. These Shar’Liell seek to discover long forgotten secrets of the world and use them for their own benefit. Everything that they do is in pursuit of greater knowledge, but the steps that they will go to are drastic. Unseelie Chimeran can become expert liars, building their lies on a bed of insurmountable truths. Unseelie Chimeran are willing to destroy knowledge if they are unable to possess it, but still would wish to make an informed decision before taking such rash action. Many believe that Unseelie Chimeran are solitary by their nature, but many Unseelie Chimeran work with others while furthering their own agenda. It is the rare and well known Unseelie who must retreat from civilization to scheme privately. 
Both Seelie and Unseelie Chimeran often find themselves scrutinized and watched by their peers as it's consider a slippery slope to align oneself to anything but the neutral society.

''Relations:'' Chimeran have businesslike and formal relation with the world around them. Many Chimeran work with a Faerie court or human organization, but they do not foster goodwill with their neighbors. By their very natures, Chimeran alienate those around them, but rarely is this enough for a group to take action against Chimeran. While no strong ties of alliance or friendship exist beyond basic racial ties with Chimeran, only Steil’ven takes any action against Chimeran as a race.

''Alignment:'' Chimeran are extremely lawful and extremely neutral by nature. To be accepted amongst Chimeran society, a Chimeran must be lawful or true neutral, or appear to be so. Chimeran that fall outside of this "norm" are cast out.

''Chimeran Lands:'' Probably one of the greatest contributions to the known world today is made by the Chimeran. Centuries ago, Chimeran established a number of scholar towers throughout the continent. These towers are comprised of a multitude of libraries and storage vaults. Chimeran still tend to them until this day. The highest concentrations of Chimeran are usually found at these scholar towers and the cloisters beneath.
Outside of these towers, Chimeran are most likely found as teachers, keepers of the law, and librarians in the larger cities.

''Religion:'' Chimeran are dedicated to the ideal of knowledge. There are few Chimeran who do not closely adhere to this ideal, and frequently they are the unusual Seelie or Unseelie Chimeran. Amongst these unusual Chimeran other ideals are likely to emerge, but almost all would be somehow tied to the importance of knowledge in some way.

''Language:'' The Chimeran language is primarily comprised of components of ancient languages, most commonly draconic as it is a language that has a great deal of heritage on Tel’Lagaia. Chimeran language is comprised of many other obscure languages as well, including a few that are believed to be lost. When speaking their own tongue a Chimeran voice is a quiet whisper. Chimeran only utilize this language amongst other Chimeran as it is their belief that others are simply too "simple" to grasp the subtleties of the Chimeran tongue. In some ways, this concept is true as more than one person has tried and butchered the Chimeran tongue in the past. Written Chimeran is used in many of the Chimeran records and journals, it is based on the Draconic alphabet and has many words of the spoken language converted phonetically into Draconic. 

''Names:'' Chimeran names, when spoken, feel as though they come from a lost ancient language. Although it is believed that Chimeran do have surnames or names that would tie them to their lineage. No one has been able to prove that as of yet, and Chimeran are unable to remember. People have come to simply depend on the uniqueness of a Chimeran known name to distinguish identity during a conversation. (Note: If you are lacking ideas for a name for your Chimeran, try looking to Latin.)
__//Example Names://__ Autem, Benig’ne, Magus, Talus, Ocius

''Adventurers:'' Chimeran societal acceptance of adventurers or Ztocha (Chimeran word originally meaning wanderlusted, but has been changed into a proper noun as well) depends on the individual’s goals while adventuring. The most accepted Ztocha are those who adventure as active participants within events but record the passing of time in a more removed perspective. Initially, it was believed that neutral perspectives were not able to be maintained while actively influenced and influencing events; these opinions were proved wrong by the Ztocha who were able to maintain a neutral perspective in their recordings. Even these Ztocha find themselves distanced from Chimeran society, but far more accepted than other Ztocha. Other Ztocha motivations are frequently spawned from a Chimeran who has forsaken the inherent neutrality of other Chimeran and now actively champions the causes of the Seelie, Unseelie, or other faction with which they align. In some scholar towers, the word Ztocha is used as an insult, one that adventuring Chimeran have learned to “tolerate”.

''Emergence:'' Chimeran Emergence is slow and methodical, similar to the Shar’Liell. Chimeran have studied some individuals that begin displaying signs of Emergence weeks before the process completes. During the passing weeks the Emerging Chimeran experiences small changes to their physiology, such as growth of ears, turning of eyes, and sunburns without exposure to the sun. These changes start slight, but become more and more drastic as time passes. 
Chimeran Emergence generally occurs between Human ages of 17 and 26 years old. It is during these years that the Emerging Chimeran attitude would be closest to other Chimeran. There are recordings of younger and older Chimeran Emergences, and these individuals are frequently watched closely. Young Chimeran have a tendency to strongly align with the Seelie court and show little ability to remain neutral. Chimeran that Emerge later in life frequently take on Unseelie attitudes. These recorded trends are why Chimeran watch those who Emerge outside of the ages of 17 and 26.

''Magic:'' Chimeran are able to tap into the nature of magic through a great deal of study. The unpredictable nature of the magic on Tel'Lagaia has caused more than one Chimeran to shy away from this study. Many other Chimeran believe magic is an invaluable tool and will never be understood or mastered if not studied. Chimeran who do practice magic tend to use the more subdued protective and informational schools such as divination, abjuration, conjuration. Seelie Chimeran will almost never utilize magic of the evocation school, while their Unseelie counterparts may use it frequently and with pinpoint accuracy. Chimeran will rarely choose to focus in one school of magic at the expense of others, all magical knowledge is of value. Those few recorded Chimeran specialists are frequently students of Divination.

__''Chimeran Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Int, -2 Cha
• Medium sized.
• 30 Ft Base Speed.
• +2 Knowledge (select two). Chimeran are experts in their field of study.
• Knowledge as class skill (select two, same as above). No matter what field a Chimeran may make their profession, they are still well informed on matters of their chosen study. 
• +2 Listen. Chimeran physiology gives Chimeran greatly heightened sense of hearing.
• +2 Search. Chimeran are detail oriented and able to notice slight inconsistencies.
• Knowledge (Chimeran) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions. Chimeran are frequently able to see through illusions because of their own knowledge of facts. 
• Faerie Glamour Scholarship: Chimeran of all walks of life have spent countless hours studying various librams and tomes in this lifetime as well as their previous lives. It is difficult for their physical minds to process the wealth of information that is stored within their Faerie essence. Chimeran in search of information can call upon this stored knowledge at moments of significance. This can assist a Chimeran in one of two ways, the Chimeran can either claim a bonus on a trained knowledge check or make an untrained knowledge roll as a trained check. Either way, a Chimeran gains a bonus to their roll equal to one-half their ranks in their highest Knowledge skill. This is an insight bonus. A Chimeran can use this ability a number of times per day equal to their Con mod + 1 (minimum once per day). 
• Faerie Glamour Perditiophobia: Chimeran are unwilling to destroy knowledge and fear that if something is destroyed that it will be needed at a future time. It is Chimeran nature to gather objects of import and preserve them, whether this be in the Chimeran scholar towers, personal libraries, or museums. For a Chimeran to destroy something of value rather than preserve it is the antithesis of their nature. Perditiophobia manifests itself strongest among the neutral minded Chimeran, but even the Seelie and Unseelie Chimeran suffer from it. Any Chimeran that destroys, attempts to destroy, or allows those around them to destroy something of importance must make a Will saving throw with a difficulty class determined by the uniqueness of the item in question. Difficulty classes for the Will save range from 15 for an average book, 20 for a rare book, all the way to 35 for artifact quality objects. 
• Automatic Languages: Chimeran and Trade Tongue. 
• Bonus Languages: Aeshun, Aquan, Auran, Auspran, Draconic, Dwarven, Haisen, Ignan, Sidhe, Silvian, Terran, Tersh, and Troll.
• Favored Class: Wizard. 
Spell School Affinity: Conjuration
Month Affinity: The Jester (Trickster)
Favored Class: Unknown
Background: #fff
Foreground: #000
PrimaryPale: #8cf
PrimaryLight: #18f
PrimaryMid: #04b
PrimaryDark: #014
SecondaryPale: #ffc
SecondaryLight: #fe8
SecondaryMid: #db4
SecondaryDark: #841
TertiaryPale: #eee
TertiaryLight: #ccc
TertiaryMid: #999
TertiaryDark: #666
Error: #f88
{{floatcenter{[img[Doraen Map|]]}}}
*Descriptions of the planar cosmology diagram above soon to come.*
The rules for Craft Points work in addition to normal magic item creation rules (as introduced in [[Unearthed Arcana by WotC|]].  These rules simulate the fact that you are able to work on magic items during down time, and because of these intermitten sessions finish your work on crafting magic items without slowing down the progress of the game.  
A character generates craft points every time they achieve a new level.  The number of points gained is 100 X Level Gained.  So at first level every character has 100 craft points.  When a first level character levels up, they gain 200 more craft points.  These craft points continue to accumulate, so a 20th level character who has never used any of their craft points will have 21,000 craft points.  
To use craft points you need to have someone who will act as a primary crafter.  This individual must have the appropriate magic item creation feat for the job that you are attempting to accomplish (Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Arms and Armor, etc).  The primary crafter must expend experience points as detailed in the standard magic item creation rules.  The cost of creating the magic item must be paid as well (generally equal to one half the market value, but varies in some cases).  In addition to these costs, 1/10th of the item's market value must be expended in craft points.  Half of these craft points must come from the primary crafter, though the other half can come from those willing to assist the crafter.  If someone is assisting a primary crafter and the assitant does not have the appropriate magic item creation feat, he must spend 2 craft points to achieve the value of 1 craft point.  
For example, a +1 weapon costs 2,000 gp.  This means that the primary crafter must spend 80 XP to craft the weapon (1/25th of the item's market value).  1,000 gp of crafting materials must be expended (1/2 of the item's market value).  In addition to this, 200 craft points must be spent (1/10th of the item's market value), the primary crafter (the one who is spending XP and has the approrpriate prerequisites to create the item in question) must spend at least half of these craft points, the primary crafters assistants can spend the other half.  If the assistant has the Craft Arms and Armor feat, this would mean that he would expend craft points at the normal rate, if he does not have this feat he would need to spend 200 craft points to meet the 100 point maximum that he could contribute.  
Craft points are also gained by selecting magic item creation feats.  Every time a magic item creation feat is selected, the character gains craft points equal to 500 X Minimum Caster Level Requirement to take the feat.  For example, Scribe Scroll grants 500 craft points, while Forge Ring grants 6,000.
**Brandon/Llarish - My hubby has been kind enough to to help me with a great deal of my world development and write ups, saving me a lot of work, time and helping me hash out rough ideas. Thanks Brandon!!

The following people have made contributions furthering the sucess of this campaign design:
**Paul/Insrtnmhre - Quoting Paul "Yay! I get to be in the credits now too, just put down that I did something but you don't remember what because it's probably not very important anyway!"  Thanks Paul, whatever it is you did. :P
**Al - Thanks to Al for his 2 cents on stuff he read!

''Material Credit''
Art contributions and credits.
** - Jellaboom's The Peak was used in the A.M.A.S piece.  Thanks Wendy!

''Resources Used/Referenced''
The following is a list of books and resources used in creating and playing this campaign setting:
**Arcana Evolved by [[Malhavoc Press|]]
**Dungeon Masters Guide by [[WotC|]]
**Elements of Magic by [[ENWorld Publishing|]]
**Iron Heroes by [[Malhavoc Press|]]
**Mythic Races by [[FFG|]]
**Pathfinder by [[Paizo Publishing|]]
**Players Handbook by [[WotC|]]
**Unearthed Arcana by [[WotC|]]
**Various D&D 3.x Resources
**Wild Spellcraft by Natural D20 Press



[[Welcome, Site Introduction]]
Deities, religions, and fundamental beliefs hold great importance through every culture and society.  It is no different on Doraen or Tel'Lagaia as a whole for that matter.  In this section you will find documentation detailing the various belief systems and deities that are commonly found on Doraen.  It should be noted that rather than using the term "Holy Symbol", in Tel'Lagaia it is termed as "Symbol of Power".  The reason for this change is that unlike most other worlds where every holy symbol of a specific god is "cookie cuttered" to look identical, a "Symbol of Power" can have alterations based on the perspective of faith, culture, or due to personal significance while maintaining the general style or theme of the base symbol.
There are three basic types of religious belief structures utilized commonly on Doraen.
#Single deity religion, orthodoxy throughout an entire culture.  This is primarily utilized by the Harsieth although it may be found it some isolated cases of human society.
#Religious pantheons, a set of deities utilized by the culture as a whole while people within the society select patron deities from the pantheon.  This is the primary form of religion practiced amongst known human civilizations.
#Ancestral worship, the belief that the spirits of those who came before are able to play a part in the guidance and advancement of societies.  This belief structure is primarily used by the dwarves of Doraen.
Below is a continental map of Doraen. I created this map using clipped and altered satellite images of earth to give it a more "realistic" feel. I'm not a great artist so if anyone wants to help me with regional maps please let me know. (If you rotate the map counter clockwise you should see the 'draconic skull'.)
*Black labels mark regions and capital cities.
*Brown labels mark landmarks & specials.
*Purple labels locations pertinent to the campaign.
{{floatcenter{[img[Doraen Map|]]}}}
!!Ancestral Reverence
The racial religion of the dwarven race are structured fully around the society's ancestors, because of this, people who play dwarves in Tel'Lagaia are asked to put in some work of their own on revered ancestors.  There are four major categories of revered ancestors that are necessary to be considered.
#Original Ancestor
Further guidelines are in the works and will be updated here when there is significant progress.  In general, a player should count on following the standard guidelines for other deities listed in this settings document.
''Personality:'' The dwarves of Doraen are viewed as cold and somber by most observers. It is an observation that most dwarves would be very happy with. These dwarves do not wish for outsiders to get too close to their private lives or their private selves, and outward displays of emotions would only weaken these proud individuals in the eyes of others. In truth, Mountain Dwarves are a deeply feeling and caring people with a strong religious background that guides them through almost all of their actions. These dwarves have only survived together because of their willingness to help each other. It is a common sight on Doraen to see dwarves of all walks of life assisting each other as needed, though rarely is such generosity passed on to members of other races. These dwarves have a long memory and will remember a slight for decades.

''Physical Description:'' Dwarves stand only 4' to 4'7" in height. Their broad shoulders and thick muscular bodies give them such weighted mass that most dwarves weigh more than that of a human. The only race that is able to rival a dwarf's muscular density is the Troll. The dwarf generally keeps his beard long, considered a sacred symbol of age and wisdom amongst the dwarven people. In fact, so much so that even the female dwarves are known to keep her beard long. Yes, female dwarves do grow facial hair! The color of dwarven hair/beard ranges between tones of browns, reds, and blacks (they tend to change and grey or lighten as they age).
Dwarves take pride in their appearance. This is not to say they are vain but they believe that being well groomed, clean with armors and weapons polished and oiled is a sign of discipline, heritage, and respect for where he came from. Dwarves are considered adults at around the age of 45, and they can live to be over 350 years old.

''Outlook:'' “Life is the past, the future but rarely the present.” Dwarves are patient folk that tend to take their time perfecting something rather than hastily creating just to have it finished. But a dwarf is not sluggish or lazy. He will finish what he started barring some unforeseeable misfortune in his life. Those who do not live to finish their work often cannot find rest in the afterlife until they find someone to complete the task at hand.


''Alignment:'' Dwarves have a strong respect for tradition and rules, making them strongly favor lawful alignments. It is a rare dwarf who follows an alignment other than lawful, and any dwarves of chaotic persuasions would quickly find themselves without a place in the mountains. Most dwarves are neutral in regards to good and evil, but variety is much more common along this axis, with good and evil dwarves working together on a regular basis. There is a strong tendency towards actions associated with good when dealing with other dwarves, these people have only survived because of a strong community for centuries and even the greediest dwarf knows that the community must continue to support all of the dwarves for any of them to survive. 

''Dwarven Lands:'' Known as Dwarf Homes, the dwarves of Doraen center their communities of clansmen and sibling clans underneath The Grennik Mountains. The two largest of these strongholds are Khorek’Ton Dwarf Home and Baerk’Akst Dwarf Home.
While most dwarven strongholds do not associate with the outside world as a whole, Baek’Akst follows a varied tradition. Baerk’Akst dwarves believe that the only way to truly perfect anything, learning from others must occur. To further this endeavor, Baerk’Akst has set up a number of small outposts along the lower ridges of the mountains (approximately 2-5 days journey on foot from Baerk’Akst) in order to foster trade and relations with the outside world. They do not allow those they trade with into their stronghold though there are the rare exceptions to this rule.

''Religion:'' The Mountain Dwarves still honor their initial religion of ancestor veneration. Ancestor veneration has been passed down from one generation of dwarves to another for as long as history can be tracked through their culture. There are many levels of different ancestors that the dwarves will venerate; most of the different levels are defined by how many dwarves remember the ancestor. An ancestor that is remembered by a family is on a lower tier than an ancestor who is remembered by a clan hold. 
Some observers of dwarven cultures might believe that they have deities, but instead these figures are termed the Original Ancestors. These ancestors are legendary members of dwarven society that are recognized by all who live under the mountain for their contributions. These Original Ancestors transcend family, clan, and hold based boundaries, they have touched the lives of all the Dwarven people. There are sculptures, paintings, and icons representing these individuals all throughout the dwarven lands. However, these Original Ancestors are not worshipped as other cultures worship a god, instead they are revered and remembered as all ancestors are. Communing with these original ancestors is difficult for most of the Dwarven people, generally to try and seek guidance from one of the Original Ancestors a Spirit Speaker must be employed.
Beneath the level of Original Ancestors are ancestors that are important to a Dwarven hold. In many holds only the founders of the hold will be remembered on this level, and many clans have days dedicated to the remembrance of these specific founders. If the Hold Ancestors expand beyond founders it is frequently powerful leaders and war chiefs who will be remembered to this degree. 
Next comes the Clan Ancestors, these ancestors will include the progenitor of the clan line as well as important leaders, craftsmen, warriors, and Spirit Speakers to the clan. Clan Ancestors are frequently the most prolific of all ancestors. All Clan members will be expected to venerate these ancestors, but in practice it is widely known that there are far too many ancestors in older clans for each of them to be remembered and venerated by all. Individuals are expected to pay homage to the clan founder and any ancestors who are important to their daily life. In addition to this many dwarven holidays are considered to be watched over by different clan ancestors. On these holidays all clan members are expected to remember the appropriate ancestors. 
The final tier of ancestors is those who are important to a dwarven family. Frequently these ancestors are remembered for much smaller contributions than those of any other tier. Family ancestors always include all family members from the past five generations, and it is regarded as the living family members’ duty to ensure that the recently departed achieve the proper rest in the afterlife through proper veneration. 


''Names:'' Names are bestowed upon a new born by the Clan Father and Clan Mother of the clan. Each name holds the heritage of the clan through the carrying on of previous generations’ names. If for any reason the dwarf of any given name is exiled from the clan, that dwarf’s name is removed from any association with him and it is said that if the offender even attempts to use the name from that day forward, the ancestors will notice and see fit to punish the offender.
__//Male Names://__ Barendd, Brottor, Eberk, Einkil, Oskar, Rurik, Taklinn, Traubon, Ulfgar, and Veit.
__//Female Names://__ Artin, Audhild, Dagnal, Diesa, Gunnloda, Hlin, Ilde, Liftrasa, Olga, Rurrika, Sannl, and Torgga.
__//Clan Names://__ Dankil, Gorunn, Holderhek, Loderr, Lutgehr, Rumnaheim, Strakeln, Torunn, Uthanar, and Uthgart.

''Adventurers:'' Dwarven adventurers are frequently the excess young of Khorek’Ton Dwarf Home. These young dwarves would be welcomed within the safety of the Dwarf Home; however for one reason or another they have decided that the opportunities down the slope are better than what lies at home. There are many reasons for a decision such as this, they range from unruly youngsters deciding against living within the confines of dwarven society, love stories turned sour, lack of apprenticeships within the strongholds, or perhaps exile, whether self inflicted or judged upon the dwarf. One way or another, these dwarves strike out on their own and head down the mountain slopes and off to the lands of another culture. 
Dwarven adventurers most commonly come from one of two basic archetypes, either warrior or priest. 

''Magic:'' It is believed that each of the runic symbols within the dwarven language once carried great magical powers but has since become dormant. Some dwarves still practice in bringing out such magical potential in their crafts through the use of runic magic which does not seem to suffer the “wild” effects of the modern magic on Doraen. These magical items are some of the most beautiful and prized in all of Doraen.
The most common dwarven magical practitioners today are Clerics or Priests. Very few dwarves find themselves studying the arcane arts on Doraen as their natural resistance combined with the "wild" effects of modern magic make it nearly impossible for a dwarf to master.
The dwarven caster generally tends to be one of several archetypes. The Protector focuses in Abjuration and Conjuration magic, The Historian focuses in Divination and select Necromantic spells, The Warcaster focuses in the more destructive magics such as evocation. All three types of magical practitioners have their place in dwarven society and during wars where dwarves have little choice but to participate.

__''Dwarven Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Con, -2 Cha (Dwarf from Grennik) OR +2 Con, -2 Dex (Dwarf from Veil's Rest)
• Medium Sized
• 20 Ft. Base Speed 
• Dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).
• Darkvision of 60 Ft
• +2 Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items
• +2 Craft checks that are related to stone or metal
• Knowledge (Dwarves) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Stonecunning: This ability grants a dwarf a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
• Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves may treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons.
• Stability: A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
• +2 on saving throws against poison
• +2 on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects
• +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against giants.
• +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too. 
• Automatic Languages: Dwarven and Trade Tongue. 
• Bonus Languages: Aeshun, Auspran, Chimeran, Giant, Haisen, Orcish, Silvian, Steele, Tersh, and Troll
• Favored Class: Fighter
''Death Threshold Modifier (DTM):'' Instead of utilizing the core rules where characters become disabled at 0 hit points, unconscious at -1 hit points and dies at -10 hit points; the character adds her CON or WIS bonus (as in positive value) to each of these thresholds. For example, a character with a 16 CON and a 14 WIS that chooses CON as her DTM becomes disabled during each value she is between 0 hit points and -3 hit points, dying between -4 hit points and -13 hit points (still losing a hit point each round), and dead at -14 hit points. This rule follows a few minor stipulations.
##The character may choose to go unconscious immediately upon taking enough damage to put her only into the disabled category, she will not lose further hit points per round due to bleeding unlike if she were in the state of dying but follows all other restrictions of the dying status.
##The character may also choose to go unconscious after each of her actions that would lead her to deplete one more of her hit points. However, she faces a chance of slipping immediately into the dying state as her actions may have caused increased bleeding or further internal injury. To determine if such an event has occurred the character makes a fortitude save of DC 10 plus the negative at which she is at during the time of the save (before the strenuous action damage has taken affect).

''Cheating Death'': Player characters are the heroes of a story and in a story the main character would never die from slipping on a rock or killed by a lowly henchman.  To further the development of character and story Tel'Lagaia now uses the following 'Cheat Death' system (as introduced on page 384 of the [[Fantasy Craft D20 variant by Crafty Games|]]).
A character may only Cheat Death once per adventure, and only with GM approval. The option will NOT be extended to characters whose deaths were reckless, foolhardy, or a result of violating the basic principles of the game (e.g. acting ruthlessly in a heroic game, betraying the party, supporting the enemy, or being disruptive).
With GM approval, the player proposes a plausible reason for his character’s survival, as well as a lasting impact the experience has on his character’s background or the campaign world.
This story is then rated on a scale of 1 to 5 by all players and the GM.  This score is then averaged by the total number participating in the rating at the table and rolls are made on the Cheat Death Table in the Fantasy Craft book.  The table produces a lasting impression on the character from his brush with death and is cumulative every time the character 'chooses' to exercise this option.
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''Myth:'' It is believed that Isi'us originally created nine different Harsieth castes (not including the Nenem). It is uknown today what or where the two lost castes are.


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(''Note:'' The Harsieth are inspired by and partially based off of the Artathi from Mythic Races by [[FFG|]].)

The Harsieth are a culturally, physically, politically and even geographically divided race. Following a strict system of castes dividing those of the "higher" (the Setae, meaning First Life) castes and those of the "lower" (the Sennew, meaning Second Life) castes.
In both the jungle and the savanna, a great number of cities of different mixes can be found. These social “hubs” are important to Harsieth society as these locations hold political power and even the nomadic tribes tend to travel through them from time to time for supplies and to establish alliances. 
Without the more rural areas of the nation, however, there would be little to sustain these cities. Crafters and cultivators rarely find residence in the cities but instead travel and live with tribes or small packs of like minded individuals.
The Harsieth are comprised of seven castes each individualized by its caste. The first three, Setae, are comprised of the Li’Sieth, Tige’Sieth, and the Jag’Sieth. From this caste, the emperor of the Harsieth Empire is chosen every generation. While the number of houses comprising each of the lower castes varies from caste to caste the Setae castes each comprise of exactly nine houses.
The next four, Sennew, are comprised of Baper’Sieth, Coog’Sieth, Lep’Sieth, and the Chet’Sieth. From this caste, the empress of the Harsieth Empire is chosen every generation.
Harsieth grow and mature at a rapid pace. A Harsieth cub begins his encounters with the world at a two months old.  By the time he is four to eight months old, he has become a troublesome toddler.  Officially as a child able to learn to hunt and adapt to the world from the time of a year in age. At two years old the Harsieth is reaching adolescence, young maturity and approaching his coming of age ceremonies and tests. The total life span of a Harsieth is approximately twenty-five to thirty-five Harsieth lunar years, making them one of the shortest living races amongst the dominant species of Doraen.
The emperor focuses his power and influence into the standard political aspects of Harsieth society. Meanwhile, the empress oversees familial matters, weddings, names, and bloodlines. While this may seem less significant at initial thought, her power is not one that should be underestimated. Within official Harsieth domain, any two Harsieth that seek to be wed must have the direct approval of the empress, this allows the empress to subtley manipulate the bloodlines and house alliances. Prior to each child's birth, the empress consults the Mi'ren Scrolls which contains the names of the most important Harsieth of the past as well as other words of wisdom. From her consultation with the Mi'ren Scrolls and with the family, she determines a Name of Birth worthy of the child and family. Doing this also has a great affect on the Harsieth society as a whole, if she deems a child worthy of a name of greatness, that child will naturally be given more advantages than a child given a "nominal" name.
Inter-caste breeding creates children known as Nenem, otherwise called mongrels. Mongrels are born sterile and are given no caste, and no official place in society. Usually cast out by the birth parents and family early on. Despite the many disadvantages of inter-caste breeding, it is still surprisingly common.
On very, very rare occasions, a non mongrel can be cast out to the state of a Nenem, but these Nenem are rarely accepted by even the mongrels born to their fate.
The Harsieth put great weight and value on names as a whole. Each caste Harsieth is given a Name of Birth (O’ren) during or shortly after his birth often entailing a short ceremony. This second component, which often takes up far more of the Harsieth’s name, is known as the Name or Names of Heart (Ib’ren). Ib’rens are given to a Harsieth as he earns them by his own deeds and accomplishments throughout his life. The final component is the Name of Caste (Ei'ren) which is comprised of the caste and house of the Harsieth in question.
The Harsieth venerate one goddess in their official religion. Isi’us is believed to be the mother, spiritual guide and guardian of all Harsieth. The official Isi’us church is comprised of nine official ranks, each representing one of Isi’us’ rebirths. It is believed that those who turn away from Isi’us will lose her favor and protection leaving them to wander aimlessly in this world and the next. But the few bold Harsieth that have turned from Isi’us as champions, priests, and divine vessels of other religions have not dwindled in their success. These Harsieth are frequently forced to flee far from their homes by the Isi'us orthodoxy. Possibly the single largest threat to the Isi'us orthodoxy within the Harsieth Empire would be the few Nenem gifted with the ability to channel the divine.
Harsieth possess a number of affinities to various things that connect them to the world around them as well as their creator Isi'us. One such thing is that while not precluded from utilizing other magical schools when dealing with the forces of magic, each Harsieth caste, with the exception of Chet'Sieth, tends to gravitate slightly more towards a specific school over others, Li'Sieth - Abjuration, Tige'Sieth - Evocation, Jag'Sieth - Transmutation, Baper'Sieth - Necromancy, Coog'Sieth - Enchantment, and Lep'Sieth - Illusion.
Despite it's many challenges, Harsieth society is a strong and diverse culture of felinids united in one racial nation.
The orthodoxy of Isi'us teaches all Harsieth that the Nine Rebirths of Isi'us can be seen in all aspects of life. The Harsieth follow a lunar calendar that cycles every nine months and each week is comprised of nine days. Even the moon is paid it's due respect during the changing of each of it's nine phases (new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent, and the once a year lunar eclipse).

[[• Setae, Tige'Sieth|Setae, Tige'Sieth]]
[[• Setae, Li'Sieth|Setae, Li'Sieth]]
[[• Setae, Jag'Sieth|Setae, Jag'Sieth]]

[[• Sennew, Baper'Sieth|Sennew, Baper'Sieth]]
[[• Sennew, Coog'Sieth|Sennew, Coog'Sieth]]
[[• Sennew, Lep'Sieth|Sennew, Lep'Sieth]]
[[• Sennew, Chet'Sieth|Sennew, Chet'Sieth]]

[[• Other, Nenem (Mongrels)|Other, Nenem (Mongrels)]]
!!Orthodoxy of Isi'us
The Orthodoxy of Isi'us is the only faith officially recognized within the Harsieth Empire.
''Deity:'' Isi'us
''Symbol of Power:'' Tie Wreath (A flat knot in the shape of a medallion. This is often made with soften tree twigs, thin ropes, weaved hair, or any other slim flexible material. The ornamental knotting is always the same and is one of the first things a committed I'mam learns to do.)
''Spheres of Influence:'' Harsieth society, moon, protection, and path to the afterlife
''Domains:'' ''The Trickster:'' Competition, Luck, Moon, Trickery; ''The Hunter:'' Animal, Celerity, Moon, Travel; ''The Lover:'' Charm, Domination, Lust, Moon; ''The Mother:'' Family, Healing, Moon, Protection; ''The Warrior:'' Moon, Retribution, Strength, War; ''The Leader:'' Community, Courage, Moon, Nobility; ''The Sage:'' Knowledge, Mentalism, Moon, Planning; ''The Mystic:'' Dream, Magic, Moon, Mysticism; ''The Reaper:'' Death, Destruction, Moon, Renewal;
''Religious Ranks:'' Comprised of nine ranks to represent the nine rebirths of Isi'us: Hem'Netjer "Worldly Vessel of the Benevolant"; Mew'et "Mother of Grace"; Tjemset "Bringer of Mother's Life"; It' "Holy Father"; Neb'et "The Watching Lady"; Sat' "Daughter of the Benevolant"; Sa' "Son of the Benevolent"; Sesh' "Scribe"; and Bak' "Servant of the Holy";
''The Mythos:'' The Harsieth were once felines that lived and roamed across the continent of Doraen but destructive powers of magic that spread across Doraen during the The Xanadu Wars left nothing unharmed. A savior, Isi'us, came and whisked many living creatures of varying species to a safe haven in the heavens of existence and later returned then to the mortal plane to live and learn through existence. Smitten by whether potential, nobility or affection, Isi'us gifted the felines with sentience and the promise of her ever present guidance as she returned them home.
It is believed that a holy scripture written on the bark of the [[Yab'yun tree]] is still somewhere on Doraen, written by the very first daughter of Isi'us.
Isi'us is venerated through her nine rebirths, interpreted as Aspects: The Trickster, The Hunter, The Lover, The Mother, The Warrior, The Leader, The Sage, The Mystic, and The Reaper. The Trickster and The Lover are strongly chaotic by nature while The Hunter and The Mother are chaotic due to the following of their cycle siblings. On the flip side The Leader and The Sage are strongly lawful while The Mystic is lawful due to the following of her cycle sibling. The Warrior is caught in between the forces of law and chaos and is forced to ever balance such tides. The Reaper is neutral by nature.
Each of Isi'us' nine rebirths holds teachings, writings, and stories of their own. These are passed through the church and through childrens stories. Stories of The Trickster revolve around Isi'us when she herself was a cub playing with others and acting foolishly. The Hunter speaks of when Isi'us must learn to survive on her own as she matured in age and wisdom. The Lover tells of when Isi'us sought mates truly worthy of her prowess and devotion. The Mother tells of when Isi'us must learn to be a mother, and deal with tricksters of her own. The Warrior relays of when Isi'us must learn of war to protect her own children. The Leader refers to times when Isi'us must govern those she has protected and mediate their disputes. The Sage speaks of governance that has forced Isi'us to seek answers for the future by looking into the events of the past. The Mystic details when Isi'us studies teach her of magic and she withdraws from her children into hermitage. Finally, The Reaper tells a tale of when Isi'us ascends into the god hood, leaving her mortal form behind.
On a side note: Each Harsieth has a natural affinity for a particular month in the lunar year and thus a specific aspect of Isi'us. The Jester - None, The Stalker - Chet'Sieth, The Maiden - Tige'Sieth, The Matron - Li'Sieth, The Defender - Jag'Sieth, The Queen - Coog'Sieth, The Seer - Lep'Sieth, The Witch - None, The Messenger - Baper'Sieth. Due to the nature of The Messenger/The Reaper, the Baper'Sieth are uniquely suited and able to align themselves to any of the given aspects if devoting enough time to the cause.
''Teachings Excerpt:'' “…And so Isi'us rescued the proud felines, whisking them from the storms of magic straight into the heavens where they rested and healed their wounds from the battles below. She wept greatly and where her tears fell from the heavens, later became lands and homes.
Her sadness shown scars of that which was far beyond the witnessing of a tragedy but she would not share her cause.
Gifting her new friends with new form and education she made her children promise to never squabble over that which did not matter. She made them promise that there would always be an order to things; an order that must be kept.
When the darkness below them finally lifted, she sent her children down to build a life for themselves, promising she would always watch over them...”
''Gameplay Notes:'' When playing a divine caster of Isi'us, the player/character must choose a specific aspect to be tied to. In the case of a cleric, this means that only the domains of the chosen aspect may be selected.
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| Version|3.0 ($Rev: 1845 $)|
| Date|$Date: 2007-03-16 15:19:22 +1000 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) $|
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| Author|Simon Baird <>|
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Named from the Scrolls of Katu, this religion is the primary religion among the Ter'rim people.
{{floatright{[img[Katu Wheel|]]}}}
| ''Deity:'' | ''Symbol of Power:'' | ''Spheres of Influence:'' | ''Domains:'' |
| ''Aquari (Feminine)'' | Tidal Force (An etching of the cresting of a tidal wave.) |  [Major: Water, Spirit, Wisdom, Chaos, Dark, Matter, Dreams] [Lesser: Adaptable, Catharsis, Cleansing, Healing, Illusions, Introspective, Rebirth] Positive Associations: any form of helpful water, compassion, forgiveness, intuition, love, Pall, peacefulness, sunset, the chalice and cauldron; Negative Associations: any kind of harmful water, floods, indifference, insecurity, instability, lack of emotional control, laziness, rain storms, whirlpools. | Healing, Illusion, Storm, Trickery, Water |
| ''Korthusa (Masculine)'' | Inferno (An etching of a large single flame.) | [Major: Fire, Emotions, Dexterity, Law, Light, Energy, Destruction] [Lesser: “Trial By Fire”, Anger, Catharsis, Change, Cleansing, Emotions, Honor, Intense, Outgoing, Passion, Rebirth, Truth] Positive Associations: any kind of helpful fire, candles, courage, daring, enthusiasm activity, leadership, noon, Summer, the blood, the dagger and sword, the stars, the Sun, willpower; Negative Associations: anger, conflicts, ego, fear, harmful fire of any kind, hate, jealousy, lightning, volcanoes, war. | Destruction, Fire, Leadership, Renewal, War |
| ''Terra (Masculine)'' | Earthen Life (A blessed pouch filled with soil and small pebbles sinched tightly closed.) | [Major: Earth, Body, Strength, Law, Dark, Matter, Creation] [Lesser: Achievement, Greed, Healing, Introspective, Reliable, Stability, Unchanging] Positive Associations: midnight, caves, endurance, gemstones, mountains, purpose in life, respect, responsibility, ritual salt, soil, stability, thoroughness, Winter; Negative Associations: earthquakes, lack of conscience, rigidity, slides, stubbornness, unwillingness to change or see another side to a problem, vacillation. | Earth, Healing, Metal, Strength, Time |
| ''Uraris (Feminine)'' | Air's Whim (An etching of a powerful wind.) | [Major: Air, Thoughts, Intelligence, Chaos, Light, Energy, Freedom] [Lesser: Communication, Illusions, Knowledge, Secrets, Storms, Subtlety, Thoughts] Positive Associations: any kind of helpful air, breath, breezes, clouds, incense, intelligence, joy, mental quickness, optimism, Spring, Sunrise; Negative Associations: bragging, destructive air in any form, fickleness, forgetfulness, frivolity, gossip, hurricanes, inattention, tornadoes, wind storms. | Air, Illusion, Knowledge, Storm, Travel |
| ''The Spirit (Asexual)'' |>|>| The Spirit is a new movement/belief amongst the followers of the Katu. Followers of this aspect are most commonly found amongst monks and druids.  Considered heretical by those of the mainstream Katu religion, these disciples seem unwavering in their reverance of this added aspect. |

''Religious Ranks:'' The religious ranks of the Katu are kept rather simple to keep in line with the belief that too much division and power can lead to religious civil wars.  Beyond the layman worshippers there are four levels within the clergy, druids and clerics alike stand side by side in each of these religious ranks.  The first, lowest rank is known as the Echos, they are acolytes and student teachers; the second are known as the Reborns, the third Guides, and the fourth and highest rank are known as the Elders.  While the Elders are but a fraction of the other ranks in population, they are abundant in comparison to the highest rankings of many other religions.  When Elders congregate, journey or meet with those outside of the religious order they are almost always found in the minimum count of four although there can be upwards of fifteen or more depending on the nature of the gathering.  The purpose of such is to allow equal voice and balance over the power of a singular perspective in important matters.
''The Mythos:'' The Katu religion dates back to the days when Tel'Lagaia was said to have stewards sent from the heavens. These four dragons brought upon the world a utopian society that later was brought to an end duing the Xanadu Wars. Although many on Tel'Lagaia no longer follow or believe in the power and presence of these four ex-stewards, those of Ter'rim as well as scattered individuals around the known world still believe they carry an influence on the world of Tel'Lagaia.
Continued followers of the Katu today believe that though many would blame the Katu for the fall of utopia and the causing of the Xanadu Wars; those that would do such are merely cowards too scared to face the reality of what really happened. These followers believe that it was not the fault of their gods but the fault of the corrupt and power hungry religious leadership who rose up against each other carrying the banner of their god as justification for their actions. They were the true cause for the draconic departure from Doraen as the gods realized they were not powerful enough to quell such forces.
Followers of the Katu believe strongly that though their patrons departed from Doraen, they still look down from the heavens and protect those who remain truly faithful and humble.
When a follower of the Katu is questioned for proof of his faith, he simply points out the manifestations of his deity amongst the world then replies, “My faith is ever physically present to all. Is yours?”
Although each deity within the Katu faith has his or her separate representations, those who follow the Katu follow the entire pantheon to a degree. In fact, the need to believe in the true unity of the entire pantheon is so paramount that those who lose sight of such are ostracized from society out of fear of religious uprisings.
Within the past hundred and sixty years, a slow but definite growth of druidic following has taken form within the Katu religion. These believers spread word that the Katu created the entity known as the Syzygy sometime around the Xanadu Wars and that while the followers of the deities of the Archsephras may be misguided in their existing beliefs. The Spirit or what the Archsephrans call The Syzygy is a manifestation of the united Katu force.  Named 'Disciples of the Spirit', these individuals follow speaks of the combined force and essence of the draconic stewards left on Tel'Lagaia after their worldly departure.  Considered heretics by their Katu following peers, followers of the spirit primarily comprise of those of a druidic or monastic nature.
''Teachings Excerpt:'' " he who did not believe continued to press forward with his life, those he had forsaken so long ago had not yet forsaken him.  As he tilled his field his grain grew strong.  The rains and storms that poured over his shelter quenched the thirst within him and within his fields.  The fires in his home kept him warm and cooked his meals.  The man worked hard, but he did not work alone.  It was not until his final breaths that he realized, he had never been alone..."
''Gameplay Notes:'' The Spirit aspect is believed to be a combination and balance of the other forces.  Most commonly the patron to druids the Spirit does not have domains of it's own at this evolutionary point in the religion.  Because the Katu religion speaks of the unity amongst it's forces, a character chooses her domains from the aspects as a whole thus allowing the character to have up to two primary patrons while still invoking the other two depending on the nature of the spell being cast.


!!Archsephras - Heroes Ascended (The Hero Gods)
Archsephras, commonly known by most humans as "The Hero Gods", these deities ascended from many walks of life but joined under a common banner shortly before their ascensions.
Though the wars were over, the work had just begun for humanity.  Humans of the former unified society on Doraen were forced to leave their homes and find shelter elsewhere as the damages from the war seemed so irreparable and the world itself seemed to be continuing to change.
It was at this time that a group was assembled, known today as the Expedition of Lost Knowledge.  These ten people set out on a journey to assess the status of the world, journeying high and low, some members assisting with refugee migrations they crossed paths with.  These ten spread the outcome of the war throughout the old and new world.  The world was wild, untamed and harbored many dangers.
There was a great void felt, amongst leaderships and faiths alike.  As these ten individuals spread their word through the eastern portions of the continent, their words were heard by another.
The nature of ascension for these ten ‘would be heroes’ to power and godhood was and still is highly debated amongst scholars.  Not even the Chimeran are able to find common ground on historical theology regarding the elevation of the expedition by the entity known as The Syzygy.
While these deities are most commonly revered by those of Steil'ven and The Seven Silver Cities, this pantheon is one of the more widely known as a whole throughout the denizens of Doraen.  But this does not mean, however, that the person you encounter would know of any by name, simply more likely to understand and be aware of "The Hero Gods".
It should also be noted that Jisel & Jasien, while the “creator” of the pantheon, does not have as concentrated of a following as its “creations” amongst the Tel’Lagaian population.  This means, while the followers of Archsephras believe in the existence, influence and role of Jisel & Jasien, very few dedicate their lives to preaching its specific and focused influences to the mass population.
''Deity:'' Solerius & Leaun or Dualem (The Syzygy)
''Symbol of Power:'' Dark and Light (yin-yang symbol)
''Spheres of Influence:'' Balance, Duality, Eternity, Recurring Cycles,
''Domains:'' Creation, Destruction, Fate, Planning, Time
''Religious Ranks:'' There is no single official church or religious group known to preach the teachings of this entity.  Those that follow Jisel & Jasien as their patron are generally individual forces with few religious organizational ties among their people.
''The Mythos:'' Believed to be the creator of the Archsephras, this entity was awakened around the time of the Xanadu Wars and emerged during the void of higher powers after the draconic withdrawal.  This deity is not commonly chosen as a mortal’s patron as this is the only deity within the pantheon that has no mortal vessel, avatar or manifestation.
In regards to origin, the story of the Syzygy varies from the classic story of two lovers that can never again meet such as the Sun and the Moon, Light and Dark, to stories of Twins whose fates are intertwined forever.  Whatever the story, the concept of this entity in the void remains the same.
This entity, asexual in nature (neither male nor female), has been surmised to hold to a neutral nature doing little more than delegating out various duties, usually.
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 
''Gameplay Notes:''

''Deity:'' Kereste (The Artist)
''Symbol of Power:'' The Art (Markings of Art)
''Spheres of Influence:'' Beauty, Depression, Emotions, Expression, Materialism, Music, Storytelling
''Domains:'' Charm, Craft, Pride, Greed
''Religious Ranks:'' The Maestro, The Apprentice, The Student and The Novice, are the standard four levels of clergyman amongst the disciples of the Artist.  The largest church dedicated to this deity today resides in Melliope.
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 

'' Deity:'' Phier (The Child)
''Symbol of Power:'' Fortune’s Cube (A ~Six-Sided Cube)
''Spheres of Influence:'' Antagonist, Competition, Defiance, Freedom, Growth, Innocence, Innocence Lost, Luck, Madness, New Perspectives
''Domains:'' Competition, Liberation, Luck, Madness,
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 

''Deity:'' Omasha (The Great Mother)
''Symbol of Power:'' 
''Spheres of Influence:'' Betrayal of Trust, Dominance, Families, Healing, Nurturing, Protection, Violation,
''Domains:'' Domination, Family, Healing, Protection,
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 
''Gameplay Notes:''

''Deity:'' Estrinellan (The Leader)
''Symbol of Power:'' 
''Spheres of Influence:'' Leadership, Power, Tactics, Wisdom
''Domains:'' Community (Complete Divine Version), Inquisition, Nobility, Tyranny
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 
''Gameplay Notes:''

''Deity:'' Hiethis (The Merchant)
''Symbol of Power:'' Golden Coin (Augmented Golden Coin)
''Spheres of Influence:'' Diplomacy, Money, Negotiations, Trade,
''Domains:'' Commerce, Pact, Trade, Wealth
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 
''Gameplay Notes:''

''Deity:'' Mirel (The Pathfinder)
''Symbol of Power:'' 
''Spheres of Influence:'' Animalism, Roads, “The Elements”, Travels, Weather,
''Domains:'' Animal, Plant, Travel, Weather
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 

''Deity:'' Cha’shen (The Physician)
''Symbol of Power:'' 
''Spheres of Influence:'' Death, Disease, Healing, Life,
''Domains:'' Healing, Life, Purification, Repose
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 
''Gameplay Notes:''

''Deity:'' Rhylwyn (The Trickster)
''Symbol of Power:'' 
''Spheres of Influence:'' Cunning, Deviance, Illusion, Trickery,
''Domains:'' Celerity, Illusion, Shadow, Trickery,
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 

''Deity:'' Ma’kir (The Warrior)
''Symbol of Power:'' 
''Spheres of Influence:'' Combat, Strength, “Survival of the Fittest”, War
''Domains:'' Courage, Retribution, Strength, War,
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:'' 

''Deity:'' Te’llonna (The Wizard)
''Symbol of Power:'' 
''Spheres of Influence:'' Knowledge, Magic, Mysticism, Power
''Domains:'' Knowledge, Magic, Mysticism, Spell
''Religious Ranks:''
''The Mythos:'' 
''Teachings Excerpt:''
(''Note:'' The format of the human write up differs from that of the other races due to the nature of the write ups. Whereas the write ups of the [[Harsieth]] and [[Shar'Liell]] are of very distinct sub races, all humans are generally of the same race. Differing cultures may cause adjustments to play and game mechanics but not the basic "soul" of Humans.)

Humans are amongst the most diverse and well populated of all races on not just the Doraen continent but all of Tel’Lagaia. With relatively respectable life spans, this race is known for its pioneers, conquerers, alchemists, travelers, and students of life.
While diverse, there are primarily three distinct cultures of humans on the continent of Doraen; [[Humans of the Silver Cities]], [[Humans of Steil'ven]], and [[Humans of Ter'rim]].

''Personality:'' Humans are most known for the flexibility in situations and growth, their adaptability to just about any environment or terrain and their innate ambition to achieve greatness. Unlike many other races that restrict themselves to specific locales or a single overarching culture, humans vary widely, developing communities and nations only to have it change again within a relatively short time. Each human’s morals, habits and tastes stand independent from his peers. The most common links between each human are the customs they practice, usually engrained in them through their specific culture, mother and father.

''Physical Description:'' Humans usually range between 5’ to 6’ 6” tall although some have been known to be slightly shorter or taller than the given range. The more physically fit of the human race generally weigh in between 110-250 pounds although the actual spectrum can lead to heavier humans depending on culture, role and status in society.
As widely as the personalities of the human race differ, so does their clothing. Those from the northern desert dress differently than those of Sossendria or Ter’rim. Humans tend to be unorthodox in comparison to other races regarding their appearance; from simple woolen shirts to fancy silken blouses, piercings, tattoos, strange hairstyles of varying length.
The human life span reaches approximately 50-65 years of age, and most are considered adults at around 15-17 years of age.
Though humans are not known to often breed with other races on Doraen to create half-breeds, in the past several hundred years humans have become “hosts” to a new race known as the Shar’Liell, believed to be the souls of the fairy locked within the human body. Those who are usually enter a phase known as “Emergence” at some point in their lives and emerging with new potentials and outlooks. See the Shar’Liell for more information.

''Outlook:'' There is a large mix of human outlooks. While some value hard work, others are complete sloths. While some enjoy and value the camaraderie of peers or family others tend to stand alone. Every aspect of human nature is prone to exceptions or exemptions it would seem.

''Relations:'' Humans as a race are considered to get along equally well with all races, at least from the human perspective. Their naturally varied nature suits well to mixing with all races from all walks of life although not necessarily on an individual basis.

''Alignment:'' Humans as a race flock to all alignments. In any given settlements it is not unlikely to find members of every alignment within the community.

''Human Lands:'' Human lands are constantly in a state of change; new ideas, new social perspectives, innovations in magic or alchemy, and the constant new leadership.
The more stable territories of human civilization are within the Seven Silver Cities, Steil’ven, Ter’rim and the Vedalum Wastes Desert.

''Religion:'' Humans as a race do not share in one religion or follow one specific pantheon of deities. The religions within the Seven Silver Cities are widely varied. While those of Ter’rim still believe in the Katu religion passed down from ancient times. Those of Steil’ven follow what they call "The Hero Gods". The Vedi believe that ancestors watch over all humans be it they realize or not so it is better if one pays the ancestor the respect he or she would deserve.

''Language:'' The language most commonly shared by most humans would be the Common tongue. Although three of the more established territories have regional languages of their own. Amongst the Silver city-states differing dialects of Silvian are spoken. While in Steil'ven the national language is labeled Steele. And Ter'rim shares it's Tersh tongue with the Vedi of the Vedalum Wastes though the accents between the two tend to differ.

''Names:'' Human naming conventions and traditions tend to differ greatly. While each child is named by mother or father without elaborate measures within Steil'ven; the naming of a child is a sacred event amongst some tribes within the Vedi.

''Adventurers:'' Humans by nature are considered adventurers. Humans of all creeds and both genders commonly take up the road in search of new horizons to colonize and explore. A term known amongst the humans "Three F's, (Fun, Fortune and Fame) wait for those who are willing to sieze the day".

''Magic:'' Humans are the everlasting generalists. While not exceptionally attuned to the forces of magic, humans are not exceptionally resistant either. Some magical practioners find their more adept at wielding one style of magic over or even just that one school fascinates them more than others. Those types of casters tend to sacrifice the time and resources of studying certain other schools in order to more properly focus on one. Others find that all magic is equally as intriguing and thus stay broad in their approach.

''Additional Note:'' A human character in an existing campaign may experience their emergence into a Shar'Liell during game play. If experiencing your emergence during gameplay is important to your concept or history please speak with your GM prior to planning on the transformation and the GM must feel you have roleplayed within the bounds of what the chosen Shar'Liell essence would impart on the human.
There are two choices in the mechanical result of an Emergence decision.
##The player may choose to lose all human racial traits and replace them with that of the chosen Shar'Liell. OR
##The player character may forgo the gaining of a class level and accept a single level adjustment. This allows the character to keep her human traits while gaining those of the chosen Shar'Liell.

__''Human Racial Traits:''__
• +1 To Any One Stat
• 30 Ft. Base Speed
• 1 Extra Feat at 1st level
• 4 Extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
• Knowledge (Human) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Automatic Languages: Common.
• Bonus Languages: Any from "Commonly Known Languages"
• Favored Class: Any
!!Humans of Steil'ven
The society and culture of the Ter'rim people primarily evolved around desert nomadic traditions.  Living where they hunted or gathered allowed them to adjust and survive in such extreme climates.  Over time, some of the Ter'rim people settled down in various locales throughout the region.  Along the Shinti River people learned to irrigate the land to grow bountiful harvests of fruits and vegetables.  Some learned ways to preserve the health of limited lifestock close to the Shinti River.  Others made homes settling along the vast coastlines that wrap it's way around the majority of Ter'rim.
Today, almost 30% of the Ter'rim people live cultivated, stationary lives; while the remaining 70% still hold true to nomadic ways.
!!Humans of the Silver Cities
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!!!Commonly Known Languages
Below is a list of commonly known languages throughout the Doraen continent.

''Aeshun:'' Utilized by Aeshun, this racial dialect is more akin to Sidhe than any other Shar'Liell tongue. Therefore, without learning their kin dialects an Aeshun and a Sidhe are able to better understand each other than say a Aeshun and an Troll.

''Aquan:'' Language of creatures that share an affinity with the element of water.

''Auran:'' Language of creatures that share an affinity with the element of air.

''Auspran:'' Utilized by the Auspran, this is the Shar'Liell dialect that has the least in common with their kin.

''Chimeran:'' Utilized by Chimerans, this racial dialect is more akin to Troll than any other Shar'Liell tongue. Therefore, without learning their kin dialects a Chimeran and a Troll are able to better understand each other than say a Chimeran and an Aeshun.

''Draconic:'' Utilized by scholars of most cultures, this language is often found in writings of a magical nature. It is also believed to be the language of the original draconic deities although there is much debate as to the __original__ draconic dialect and the number of incarnations the language has developed over the past several hundred years.

''Dwarven:'' Utilized primarily by dwarves though some non-dwarves have learned this language in order to trade or communicate with dwarves.

''Giant:'' Utilized most commonly by giants and their allies such as orcs, some humans and some shar'liells.

''Haisen:'' The primary language used by the Harsieths.

''Ignan:'' Language of creatures that share an affinity with the element of fire.

''Orcish:'' The language of orcs sometimes used by other monstrous humanoids. Although, Giant is the general tongue utilized as a common language between most monstrous humanoids.

''Saenie:'' Utilized as the language of chants, holy writings, hymns, and prayers by the Harsieth. This language is most commonly practiced by the Baper'Sieth.

''Sidhe:'' Utilized by Sidhe, this racial dialect is more akin to Aeshun than any other Shar'Liell tongue. Therefore, without learning their kin dialects a Sidhe and an Aeshun are able to better understand each other than say a Sidhe and an Auspran.

''Sign, Linguistic:'' A language utlized by those unable to speak. This language is designed as a fully expansive method of communication. Those who wish to take this language must have an in character reason for taking this language and must be approved by the GM.

''Silvian:'' The primary language utilized by those of the Seven Silver Cities. This tongue will differ in dialect depending on the city-state but all are generally understandable by the others. This language has some commonalities to Steele due to the past annexations of areas of the Silver Cities by Steil'ven.

''Steele:'' Utilized as the common tongue in the region of Steil'ven. The language has similarities to the Tersh language although with distinct differences. Someone who speaks one can make out some words the other may speak but will not understand conversations fluently.

''Terran:'' Language of creatures that share an affinity with the element of earth.

''Tersh:'' Utilized as the common tongue in the region of Ter'rim.

''Trade Tongue:'' Utilized as a trade or "common" tongue among travelers and city dwellers.  This language is a mish mash of many languages combined in order for people to trade inter-regionally.  It should be noted that this language has not evolved in a manner that allows for conversational or relational communication.

''Troll:'' Utilized by Trolls, this racial dialect is more akin to Chimeran than any other Shar'Liell tongue. Therefore, without learning their kin dialects a Troll and a Chimeran are able to better understand each other than say a Troll and an Auspran.

!!!Uncommon Languages
Below is a list of the more obscure languages used throughout the Doraen continent. While these may appear in the campaign, it is unlikely that player characters will have an immediate recognition or understanding of them.




''Ti’Eloni:'' A modern dialect of draconic used only by the scholars of Tige'Sieth.


|''Description:''|Support for legacy (pre 2.1) strike through formatting|
|''Date:''|Jul 21, 2006|
|''Author:''|MartinBudden (mjbudden (at) gmail (dot) com)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license]]|

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!Location Politics & Details

''Sossendria:'' Sossendria finds itself fending Steil'ven off time and time again. Though Steil'ven had annexed Sossendria prior to the establishment of the Seven Silver Cities, it was driven back after the alliance went through. Now, with the allianec broken, Sossendria finds itself using the terrain advantage and local allies to drive back the forces of Steil'ven from time to time.
It's patriarch widow Athymus Markulin recently remarried to a woman by the name of Isheen believed by some circles to be the secret consort to Kothede Shahnis. Athymus is adament that Isheen could not have any involvement with Kothede on any level. Athymus' four children from his previous marriage do not seem to have as much faith nor acceptance of Isheen as their father does.
Spell School Affinity: Divination
Month Affinity: The Witch (Mystic)
Favored Class: Diviner
[[Active Characters]]
[[Retired Characters]]
[[Campaign Journal]]
[[Character Diaries]]
[[Introduction|Character Creation Introduction]]
[[Point Buy]]
<<slider MMPCRaces "MMPCRaces" [[PC Races]]>>
}}}[[PC Classes]]

[[Character Histories]]
[[Character Sheet|]]
[[• Deities & Religions Overview|Deities & Religions Overview]]
[[• Dwarven Religions|Dwarven Deities and Religions]]
[[• Harsieth Religion|Harsieth Deities and Religions]]
[[• Human Religions|Human Deities and Religions]]
[[• Shar'Liell Religions|Shar'Liell Deities and Religions]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Complete Racial|Dwarves]]
[[General|General FAQ]]
[[Parallels: Earth Vs. Tel'Lagaia|Parallels]]
[[System Rulings]]

[[Clouded Leopard]] - Lost Harsieth
[[Lynx]] - Lost Harsieth
[[Location Politics & Details]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Racial Overview|Harsieth]]

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Setae, Tige'Sieth|Setae, Tige'Sieth]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Setae, Li'Sieth|Setae, Li'Sieth]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Setae, Jag'Sieth|Setae, Jag'Sieth]]

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Sennew, Baper'Sieth|Sennew, Baper'Sieth]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Sennew, Coog'Sieth|Sennew, Coog'Sieth]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Sennew, Lep'Sieth|Sennew, Lep'Sieth]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Sennew, Chet'Sieth|Sennew, Chet'Sieth]]

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Other, Nenem (Mongrels)|Other, Nenem (Mongrels)]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Complete Racial|Humans]]

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Humans of the Silver Cities|Humans of the Silver Cities]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Humans of Steil'ven|Humans of Steil'ven]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Humans of Ter'rim|Humans of Ter'rim]]
[[• PC Race Intro|PC Races]]{{accordionEffect{
<<slider forMMDwarves "MMDwarves" "• Dwarves">>
<<slider forMMHarsieth "MMHarsieth" "• Harsieth">>
<<slider forMMHumans "MMHumans" "• Humans">>
<<slider forMMSharLiell "MMSharLiell" "• Shar'Liell">>
<<slider MMDeitiesandReligion "MMDeitiesandReligion" "Deities and Religions">>
}}}[[House Rule: Craft Points|Craft Points]]
[[House Rule: Dying and Death|Dying and Death]]
[[House Rule: Skill Changes|Skill Changes]]
[[House Rule: Wild Magic|Wild Magic]]
[[Tel'Lagaian Feats]]
[[Tel'Lagaian Items]]
[[• Introduction|Places of Interest]]
''Landmarks & Specials''
[[• Colu'Verum Monastery|PoIColuVerumMonastery]]
[[• Isles of Ancestry|PoIIslesofAncestry]]
[[• Ruins, Great & Hallow|PoIRuins]]
[[• Scholar Towers|PoIScholarTowers]]
[[• Grennik Mountains, The|PoIGrennikMtns]] (PC)
[[• Ran'Tchk - Aur'rul Vannik|PoIHarsiethNation]] (PC)
[[• Seven Silver Cities|PoISevenSilverCities]] (PC)
[[• Steil'ven|PoISteilven]] (PC)
[[• Ter'rim|PoITerrim]] (PC)
[[• Tzaka|PoITzaka]] (NPC)
[[• Vedalum Wastes|PoIVedalumWastes]] (NPC)
[[• Veil's Rest|PoIVeilsRest]] (PC)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Racial Overview|Shar'Liell]]

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Aeshun|Aeshun]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Auspran|Auspran]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Chimerans|Chimerans]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Sidhe|Sidhe]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[• Troll|Troll]]
[[The Creation Myth|Time of Creation]]
[[A Lesson In History]]
[[Current Events]]
[[Legends & Lore|Fragments, Legends, & Myths]]
[[Calendar Systems]]{{accordionEffect{
<<slider MMPoI "MMPoI" "Places of Interest">>
}}}[[Contintental Map of Doraen|Doraen Map]]
[[Planar Cosmology|Cosmology]]
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!!Major Mishaps

|>|''Major Mishaps: Will Save DC 17''|
|''D%'' |''Results''|
|01-02| Spell targets you (an area of effect spell centers on you) and does not allow a save.|
|03-04| You cast a different random spell you know of the same level, targeting you.|
|05-06| Spell functions, but any save is automatically successful.|
|07-08| Wild spell energy deal to you 1d4 points of damage per spell level.|
|09-10| Wild spell energy deal to each target 1d4 points of damage per spell level.|
|11-12| You lose the ability to cast spells for 1d4 rounds|
|13-14| You are blinded and deafened for 10 minutes.|
|15-16| Polymorph other on you; you turn into a frog.|
|17-18| Antimagic field that you cannot dispel.|
|19-20| Bestow fluctuating curse on target.|
|21-22| All of target’s gear affected as though it aged 10 years.|
|23-24| Feeblemind on target.|
|25-26| Slow on target.|
|27-28| Hold monster on target.|
|29-30| All of target’s hair falls out.|
|31-32| Ice storm.|
|33-34| Dimensional anchor on every creature within 50 feet of you.|
|35-36| Fireball.|
|37-38| Rodinn’s rhyming doom on target.|
|39-40| A lightning bolt shoots toward target from your hand. You do not receive a save for this.|
|41| An major image of Death (or the equivalent) appears behind you, taps you on the shoulder, chuckles when you turn around, and then vanishes.|
|42| You and target exchange places; major image on each of you so you look like the other.|
|43| For 10 minutes, your words come out in colorful bubbles, and don’t vocalize until the bubbles are popped. Concentration check (DC 25) to cast any spells.|
|44| Next time target is splashed with cold water, he changes sex. When she is thereafter splashed with hot water, she changes back. Change only occurs once each way.|
|45| Knock cast separately on every object within 50 feet.|
|46| Target thinks he is covered with devouring insects for 1d6 rounds.|
|47| Next time target gets wet, water breathing is cast on him.|
|48| You fall in love (as potion of love) with target. Target does not receive a save for this.|
|49| Sudden change in weather for 1 hour within a 1 mile radius.|
|50| Target’s shadow makes obscene gestures when he’s not looking.|
|51| Every time the target hears his name, the first word of his reply is “huh?”|
|52| You speak in a squeaky voice for 1d3 days.|
|53| Summon Nature’s ally VI, summoning 1d4+1 animals from the 4th list. Creatures attack randomly.|
|54| Target grows a 2-foot long tail shaped however he desires.|
|55| A large painted white and red target-sign appears on target’s body. Can be washed off.|
|56| Delayed blast fireball, delay is 3 rounds. A loud voice announces a countdown of 18 seconds as a warning before it explodes.|
|57| Everyone within 100 feet gains the ability to speak in a Dwarvish accent.|
|58| Emotion (despair).|
|59| Zone of Truth.|
|60| One of the following creatures appears and attacks someone at random (1d12: 1-Aranea, 2- Athach, 3-Bodak, 4-Ettercap, 5-Gray Render, 6-Krenshar, 7-Magmin, 8-Mohrg, 9-Phantom Fungus, 10-Rast, 11-Shadow Mastiff, 12-Yeth Hound).|
|61-62| Gaseous form and improved invisibility on target.|
|63-64| Stoneskin on target.|
|65-66| Quench.|
|67-68| Plant growth.|
|69-70| Mind fog.|
|71-72| Reverse gravity.|
|73-74| Animate objects on nearby objects.|
|75-76| Spell functions but affects only inanimate objects.|
|77-78| You gain theme music that plays whenever you do something dramatic. The music is polite enough to be quiet when you’re trying to be stealthy.|
|79-80| Blade barrier.|
|81-82| Bigby’s forceful hand pushes target away from you. This mishap has no effect if you are the target.|
|83-84| Darkvision on target.|
|85-86| All trees within 1 mile constantly scream as if in hideous agony.|
|87-88| Bull’s strength, cat’s grace, and endurance on you. Duration is 1 hour.|
|89-90| A random minor magical item appears at your feet.|
|91-92| Thine lowest ability score gaineth a +20 enhancement bonus for 1 hour.|
|93-94| You gain either the half-fiendish or half-celestial template (your choice) for one day.|
|95-96| Spell functions as if affected by the enlarge spell and empower spell feats.|
|97-98| Spell functions and ignores any spell resistance.|
|99-100| Spell functions as if cast twice with the same parameters.|

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!!Minor Mishaps

|>|''Minor Mishaps: Will Save DC 13''|
|''D%'' |''Results''|
|01-02| Spell targets you; area of effect spells center on caster.|
|03-04| Spell functions; you take 1 damage per spell level.|
|05-06| You lose one random spell slot of your lowest spell level.|
|07-08| Spell functions, but save DC has a –10 modifier.|
|09-10| Spell functions and deals 1 point of damage to each target.|
|11-12| Inflict light wounds on you.|
|13-14| You are struck mute for 1 minute.|
|15-16| You are stunned for 1 round.|
|17-18| Reduce on you.|
|19-20| Tasha’s hideous laughter on you.|
|21-22| Target mildly cursed. For 1 hour gets a –1 penalty to all saving throws.|
|23-24| Target forgets the events of the last round.|
|25-26| Faerie fire on target.|
|27-28| Illusionary nasty bug scurries across target’s face for 1 minute.|
|29-30| Target affected by heat metal.|
|31-32| Grease.|
|33-34| Desecrate.|
|35-36| Darkness.|
|37-38| All items within 30 feet become louder and squeaky, granting a –2 circumstance penalty on Move Silently checks.|
|39-40| 30-foot radius burst version of dispel magic.|
|41| Your hair grows one foot.|
|42| Target compelled to lie in response to the next question he’s asked.|
|43| Your voice changes dramatically.|
|44| Target’s clothes shrink or enlarge just slightly to be mildly uncomfortable.|
|45| You leave monster-shaped footprints.|
|46| Charm person on target.|
|47| Your head enlarges, -1 size bonus to AC.|
|48| Target stinks like a skunk until he washes.|
|49| You spit forth d% small butterflies.|
|50| Soft music plays for 10 minutes.|
|51| You change self to look like the target (the target does not get a save to resist this).|
|52| Every surface within 10 feet is covered with a thin coat of slime that evaporates within a minute.|
|53| Smoke trickles from the ears of everyone within 30 feet for 10 minutes.|
|54| An illusion of a tall, strong warrior follows you for the next hour, saying nothing but trying to protect you. It is the equivalent of a programmed image.|
|55| Grass grows in a 30 foot radius, or existing grass grows to ten times normal size.|
|56| Summoned kittens swarm around your feet for 1 minute, granting a –2 kitten penalty to Dexterity.|
|57| The (1d4: 1-hair, 2-nails, 3-skin, 4-eyes) of every creature within 30 feet changes to the same random color.|
|58| A small black raincloud appears over target and follows him, raining for 1 hour.|
|59| Silence.|
|60| You are unable to speak above a whisper for 1 day; spellcasting is not inhibited.|
|61-62| 1d6x20 copper coins fall on your head, dealing 1 damage.|
|63-64| Magic weapon on all weapons within 30 feet.|
|65-66| Spell fails, but slot is not expended, so it can be cast again.|
|67-68| Expeditious retreat and cause fear on target.|
|69-70| You gain a +1 resistance bonus to saves for 1 minute.|
|71-72| Cure light wounds on target.|
|73-74| Cure minor wounds on all creatures within 30 feet.|
|75-76| Target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to a random ability for 1 hour.|
|77-78| You sprout small leaves that can be pruned without harm to you.|
|79-80| Target permanently learns how to speak one new random language.|
|81-82| All non-masterwork weapons within 30 feet become masterwork.|
|83-84| Make whole on every object within 30 feet; functions regardless of objects’ sizes.|
|85-86| Enlarge on you.|
|87-88| Protection from evil on target.|
|89-90| Improved invisibility on target’s clothes only.|
|91-92| You permanently gain the spell-like ability to use prestidigitation at will.|
|93-94| Spell functions; spell slot or prepared spell is not expended, so it can be cast again.|
|95-96| Spell functions as though affected by the Extend Spell feat.|
|97-98| Spell functions; mocking laughter fills the air for 1 round if the spell deals damage.|
|99-100|Spell functions; all saves are at +2 DC |
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''Personality:'' As the outcasts of the very society that gave the mongrels life, a mongrel has grown to be independent, self sufficient, and a dirty fighter when cornered. But this does not make them loners.
Mongrels believe strongly in looking after their own as they themselves know what it is like to be completely abandoned by those they needed most. Mongrels tend to develop small "ghetto communities" that defend each other and show love and care for each other no matter the cost to themselves.

''Physical Description:'' Mongrels are a product of interbreeding between parents of two different castes. This renders them sterile (unable to give birth) and a mutt of the two parent castes. Mongrels are not accepted in Harsieth society as anything except servants and are referred to as Nenem.
On a very rare occasions, a casted may be "demoted" to a casteless under extreme circumstances. This strips them of all Names of Heart and their name of caste. All heritage and birth rights stripped and then forth labeled a Nenem. These Nenem are almost never accepted by mongrels the "true Nenem" as it is believed by mongrels that a caste'tathen can't begin to understand the hardships that come with being born a Nenem.
Mongrels come in a wide range of sizes, colors and appearances as their appearances are based off of their two parent castes. Some mongrels are more obvious mixes than others, and some of the more subtle mongrels have limited success passing themselves as a normal member Harsieth of society (to a point).

''Outlook:'' Mongrels find Harsieth society to be unfair and archaic. Being out casted at early ages mongrels tend to the ends of extremes, either scrapping to survive as street rats or excelling in a form of study or fighting style away from the Harsieth society.


''Alignment:'' Although mongrels can range widely in their alignment choices and tendencies few mongrels gravitate towards towards lawfulness as it is the laws of their old "homes" that forced them out.

''Nenem Lands:'' Mongrels can be found in just about every corner of known civilization at this time. Generally finding places where they best fit in and stay, this can be in a large human city, in the forest amongst other mongrels, few mongrels are even known to reside and travel with some shar'liell.

''Religion:'' Few mongrels believe in the teachings of Isi'us, at least not in the same capacity other Harsieth do. Mongrels as a whole flock to many different religions from reverence of ancestors to the human and shar'liell religions.

''Language:'' Mongrels speak can speak one or two of any number of languages, dependent on where the mongrel grew up or now resides.

''Names:'' Mongrels are not given Names of Heart nor names of caste as a rule of Harsieth society. Although mongrels are given names of birth few mongrels keep it as they view it as a tie to oppression. Many mongrels in fact adopt human or shar'liell names, allowing a mongrel to shed his oppression.

''Adventurers:'' Mongrel adventurers are the most common of all Harsieth. Many mongrels find themselves always seeking and searching for something whether it be wealth, acceptance, recognition or fame.

__''Nenem Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Any One Stat, -2 Any One Stat
• Medium Size
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• ~Low-Light Vision
• +2 to Spot
• +2 to Survival
• +2 to Saves versus Disease Effects
• +2 to Saves versus Poison Effects
• Knowledge (Harsieth) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Automatic Languages: Haisen and Trade Tongue
• Bonus Languages: Any from "Commonly Known Languages"
• Favored Class: Any
''Base Classes:'' All base Players Handbook classes along with Akashics, Champions, Ritual Warrior, Unfettered and Warmain from Arcana Evolved are allowed at this time.
Most base classes out of the “Complete” Books designed for D&D 3.5 Edition are also available but please double check with the GM prior to committing to any class out of those books.
A player may also choose classes from the new Fantasy Craft by Crafty Games but ALL Fantasy Craft classes will be adjusted appropriate to the core system.

''Prestige Classes:'' Prestige classes are being left fairly open-ended; although, prior to building towards a prestige class, the prestige class must be approved by the GM.

All classes are subject to adjustment by the GM if she so chooses.

''Class Variants:''  Class variants for each class are available for characters who choose to utilize it.  For a complete list of available variants please refer to the [[ Variant Class Abilities Document|]].
''Core Races:'' Tel'Lagaia 'core' campaign races include two 'vanilla' races: [[Dwarves]] and [[Humans]]. The campaign also includes two other race categories [[Harsieth]] and [[Shar'Liell]]; both encompass a number of character sub-races, each very different than it's cousins.

''Non Core Races:'' The following races are not core to what has been set up for the campaign although are open for discussion given the right circumstances.
• Other Racial Half Breeds such as Half Orcs
• Plane Touched such as Aasimar, Tiefling, etc…
Any non core race approved for play gains their racial knowledge as the following:
''• Knowledge (__Race Goes Here__) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.''

''Races Not Available:'' The following races are not allowed for players as they either do not exist or have other campaign purposes that would preclude them from being player available at this time.
• Elves
• Gnomes
• Half Elves
• Halflings
• Orcs
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!!FAQ: Real World to Game World Parallels

''Q:'' What influences were used in the creation of the Harsieth?
''A:'' Brandon and I did a great deal of research on the symbolisms and totemic definitions of cats throughout various cultures. I tried to draw in a great deal of Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Aztec influence for the flavor of the Harsieth culture.

''Q:'' What are the cultural influences in Steil'ven?
''A:'' I'm trying to go for a Roman feel for the region of Steil'ven.

''Q:'' What are the cultural influences in Ter'rim?
''A:'' Being in the desert, the influences are more of tribal, nomadic or Bedouin feel.
The Doraen continent is one of three main continents of Tel’Lagaia. While the culture has its diversities, much of it revolves around agricultural trade and crafts of functionality. In the larger human cities such as Vu’ul, it is not uncommon to find street stands of many types of wares standing outside large buildings supported by large granite, marble, or stone columns and ornate grotesques carved into the very stones. These grotesques are often of monsters, or figures of the mythos. 
Occasionally, one can look up and around a building and be able to read an entirely pictorially displayed story of the gods or history.
Below is a list of places that may be of interest to players and/or may play important roles in the campaign(s) run within the world. This list will expand as the campaign(s) progress(es).

''Landmarks & Specials''
[[• Colu'Verum Monastery|PoIColuVerumMonastery]]
[[• Isles of Ancestry|PoIIslesofAncestry]]
[[• Ruins, Great & Hallow|PoIRuins]]
[[• Grennik Mountains, The|PoIGrennikMtns]] (PC)
[[• Ran'Tchk - Aur'rul Vannik|PoIHarsiethNation]] (PC)
[[• Seven Silver Cities|PoISevenSilverCities]] (PC)
[[• Steil'ven|PoISteilven]] (PC)
[[• Ter'rim|PoITerrim]] (PC)
[[• Tzaka|PoITzaka]] (NPC)
[[• Vedalum Wastes|PoIVedalumWastes]] (NPC)
[[• Veil's Rest|PoIVeilsRest]] (PC)
• ''Colu'Verum Monastery:'' A monastic community located on a secluded plateau north of Be'Nile Lake. Originally set up by a retired adventuring party named late in their career as "The Colu'Verum Company", this community is a sanctuary for those who do not find themselves welcome or safe in other communities. The residents of Colu'Verum Monastery come from all races and and all walks of life.
Here, residents are able to study a variety of subjects and martial combat styles although no field of study is provided to advanced or specialist levels.
• ''The Grennik Mountains:'' Rumored to be home to as many as seventy separate dwarven strongholds at any given time this mountain range is the largest on the continent. (It should be noted that although player characters may come from this region, it is more common for a dwarven PC to come from the dwarves of Baerk'Akst located just south of Veil's Rest.)
***''Barrend Dwarf Home:'' One of the two best known and oldest dwarven strongholds secluded in this mountain range. Barrend Dwarf Home is rumored to have been established as long as 3,500 years ago.
***''Khorek'Ton Dwarf Home:'' The second best known dwarven stronghold within this mountain range, Khorek’Ton is not nearly as old as Barrend. The dwarven society within Khorek’Ton is considered the single most conservative and xenophobic of all dwarven society on the continent of Doraen.
{{floatright{[img[Ran’Tchk Jungles|]]}}}
• ''Aur’rul Vannik:'' These wide open savannas, located south of the Ran'Tchk Jungles, are primarily home to the Setae of the Harsieth society.
***''Tal’Uran:'' This joint Harsieth capital is located along the northern border of Aur'rul Vannik (resting on the savanna side). It is where all Harsieth congregate in national matters and events. Tal’Uran is also the center of Harsieth commerce, where the best of the best come to train in the arts, trades and where Harsieth are able to find that which they seek, if it’s found in the material world. Tal’Uran is also home to the castle in which the Emperor and Empress of the Harsieth serve their terms of office.
• ''Ran’Tchk Jungles:'' The largest of the heavily wooded areas of Doraen located around the northern-mid portion of the continent, these temperate jungles are primarily home the Sennew of the Harsieth.
• ''The Isles of Ancestry:'' A chain of islands northeast of the Doraen continent.
It is spoken in childhood stories, myths and legends that the isles of ancestry were once a part of the continent of Doraen but were sundered by the gods themselves and cast away in a time of great darkness. It is said that before the sundering, the Isles of Ancestry joined with what are now The Great Ruins to form a utopian civilization upon one large continent.
Though the reason for its destruction has been theorized, debated and argued by many over the centuries one thing is very clear. It is a place far too dangerous to traverse for anyone and thus not a place prone to research expeditions.
There is something that keeps the very mouth of abyss, hell, or anything else from spilling over into the rest of the world, a great magic that can be seen when watched from a safe distance. Creatures of many origins and ghastly appearances can be seen battling and falling against the invisible barrier.
''Pictorial Description: '' The chain of islands that forms this set of islands resembles that of a dragon’s lower half skeletal remains. The largest of the islands looks to be that of a whole pelvic bone; the tail of this creature forming a chain of islands that wrap down to areas south and east.
{{floatleft{[img[The Great Ruins Studies|]]}}}
• ''The Great Ruins:'' Believed that these ruins were once the site of a great civilization before the The Xanadu Wars. Now home to brigands, monsters and trouble, few people have attempted to rebuild in the area.

• ''The Hallowed Ruins:'' This is an area believed to have holy significance. This area is commonly excavated in search of clues into the past although there is a great deal of land to cover and no where near the resources to do it. Many seek to learn the mysteries of the past by delving and researching in this holy land. Those who still believe in the draconic deities believe that it is somewhere within these ruins that the dragons first appeared on Doraen.
• ''Scholar Towers:'' Considered the single greatest contribution to the known world today by the Chimeran, a number of Scholar Towers have been established throughout the continent of Doraen.  These Scholar Towers act as store houses, vaults and libraries for massive collections of books, artifacts and any other sources of potential knowledge in the known world.  Currently, there are 5 publicly known towers but it is believed by a large populace that there are more towers the Chimeran have chosen to keep secret from the masses.  It is even believed by this same populace that some of the Scholar Towers shift between various locations of Doraen (and perhaps even another continent) by way of fading in and out of the Prime Material Plane.
As a rule, the Chimeran believe in the sharing of knowledge but they take care to not allow the knowledge they possess to fall into the hands of those that would misuse it.  To ensure such, those that would seek out the knowledge available in the Scholar Towers are often tested in various ways before given access.
''Pictorial Description'':  The typical Scholar Tower is a magnificent sight to behold, a primary tower stands erect in the center with a winding spiral of towers jetting from the main structure upwards.  The material is often stone though some of the older and better known towers have been made of dark opaque crystals or obsidian.
• ''Seven Silver Cities:'' After the The Xanadu Wars, the destruction throughout Tel'Lagaia left little untouched. This small region set out to rebuild only to have it all taken away due to civil unrest, banditry and political over takings throughout the eighteen hundred years.  
Many different societies evolved through these struggles.  Amongst them, three cities rose and stood tall throughout the ages.  Melliope, one of the first cities to be built in the region is now over a thousand years old.  It’s defensible position and diplomatic leadership has allowed them to maintain traditions throughout this time no matter the conflicts in the land.  Sossendria, while younger than Melliope by a hundred and fifty years managed to build a strong identity of it’s own through the changing of its ownership and combining of different cultures.  The third of these cities is Rolam which is only eight hundred years old.  Its distance from Steil’ven allowed it to stay untouched by Steil’ven forces.  Building significant forces of its own, Rolam pushed to the south only to find other enemies pushing their way north.
The other four cities came about more recently, with the most recent being only two hundred years old, Corma, a primarily mining based civilization that has not grown in it's sophistication and elaboration due to it's primary function.

{{floatright{[img[The Silver Rose Shield|]]}}}
In the latest incarnation of civilization within the region, one man by the name of Tholmgar Markulin the IV ruler of Sossendria in the year 1877 DW and managed to create a tentative alliance with several other influential people in the region. 
Tholmgar’s heir, Athymus the II continued his father’s work after Tholmgar passed away in 1893 DW.  It took several years but Athymus the II managed to bring together the seven city-states within the region and through a great many painstaking talks, established an alliance known as The Seven Silver Cities in 1916 DW.
While still independently ruled and adjudicated it the traditional ways each city state was accustomed.  Each city state put forth, into the council, representatives from their ruler ship.  It was decided that the head chair of this council would be Sossendria as it was thanks to the painstaking work of the Markulins that brought about the council.
For five generations this council flourished, though not without its times of stress and strains. That all changed when a member of the Seven Silver Cities ruling council managed, with the help a shadow organization, to wipe the lineage of the Markulin family leaving no apparent heir to the throne of Sossendria.  Between that and the very public assassination of Irith & Tallia Markulin during the Winter of 1964 DW, reigning rulers of Sossendria, the city-state was thrown into a state of chaos.
The void in leadership left was easily manipulated by the council member and in the Spring of 1965 DW, a mere matter of weeks since Irith & Tallia’s assassination, the council was forced to pass a motion to dissolve as Boodrali, Corma and Allyuen found themselves at the brink of all out war.
For the next twenty-three years all seven city-states turned their attentions inwards toward their homelands and immediate neighbors.  Sossendria found itself once again annexed by Steil’ven.  As the knights no longer had lieges upon which to hold their loyalties, most felt it was best if they allowed Steil’ven to bring stability to the region as a temporary measure.
Rolam turned its attention to fighting against the giants and monstrous humanoids from Tzaka.  No longer having alliance forces to assist against its enemies, Rolam concentrated once again on building a powerful and massive army of its own as they did in ages before.  Where Sossendria concentrated on a handful elite militia, Rolam depended on a combination of skill and size.
Reendre agricultural territory faced troubles of it’s own as banditry and brigandry rampaged through this territory, leaving it little choice but to “accept” the assistance of Steil’ven’s forces and pay their taxes.  Although this did help turn the tides of the problems, Steil’ven showed little interest in Reendre beyond what it could provide as an outlying territory.
It was at this time that Allyuen focused on building up numbers in its own militaristic forces.  Initially with the thought of not being caught in the cross fires of neighboring wars but as Steil’ven flooded into the region, Allyuen relied on it’s cavalries as the final line in the sand against the expansionistic desires of Steil’ven.
During the first five years of this period, Boodrali and Corma feuded with each other from across the region by means of trade cut offs and feeble attempts of large scale battles.  The two bickering “children” were eventually calmed by the efforts of Melliope and Allyuen. 
Regional history characterizes this time as the “~Twenty-Three Years of Disillusion”.
Towards the end of these twenty-three years, another set of dramatic changes came about.
Brought forth by Knight Voran of the Knights of the Silver Rose, Irith & Tallia Markulin’s son was Athymus the III.  The child had been born not long before the assassination.  Believed that he had died with his parents, truth was Voran took the baby into hiding and raised him as his own.  The royal lineage had been restored; the Knights of the Silver Rose and the Knights of the Rising Court re-pledged their loyalties and allegiances to the rightful ruler of Sossendria.  This burst of morale was felt throughout the Seven Silver Cities as a surprise push against the occupation of Steil’ven swept swiftly throughout the region.  The knights once again guarded the pass from incursions as people turned their attention to rebuilding what had been considered lost two generations prior.

Current Day:
***''Sossendria:'' A city of history, not just the history of Sossendria but of many lands, this city-state’s architecture represents the melding of the different cultures from the past and present. Many tour this great city, trade is abundant throughout this city.
****Currently ruled by Athymus the III and wife Isheen (second wife) Markulin, Athymus is busy rebuilding Sossendria and pushing for the re-unification of the city-states with his ruling term.  Athymus the III has three children, one daughter and two sons; all from his first marriage.
****Sossendria has the most well known knightly order in all of Doraen, Knights of the Silver Rose. It is believed that these knights are one of the primary sources of protection against Steil'ven incursion into the city-states.
*****''Knights of the Silver Rose'' comprise a Knighthood primarily of Paladins, Fighters and Clergymen.  Their devotion to Sossendrian interests is nothing short of complete.  Standing highly on ceremony as the leadership believes the morale of the knights carries through to that of those they serve, gatherings and special events are rather common occurrences.  A Knight of the Silver Rose maintain a set of ceremonial armor, shield and long sword all highly decorated in various engravings of roses, rose vines and even thorns.
*****''Knights of The Rising Court'', considered as the Shar’Liell Knighthood.  The  only Knighthood to be split in it's leadership base between Sossendria and Melliope; the actual Knighthood, knights and squires base their operations in Sossendria while the remainder of The Rising Court resides in Melliope.  Primarily championing the just and usually “good” causes, this Knighthood has significant interests in the freedom and will of the Shar’Liell races.  Knights of The Rising Court are primarily comprised of Paladins and Fighters; Clergymen and Scholars do exist but are known to be of a smaller population.  Knights of the Rising Court are not known to stand on such strict ceremonies as many of their sibling knighthoods although they do follow in all the same codes, conducts and organizational factors.
*****Though Sossendria has one of the smaller populations amongst the city-states, the existence of these two knightly orders places them as the strongest of all the city-states, rivaled only by Rolam.
*****Primary proponent of the Seven Silver Cities Reunification movement.
***''Melliope:'' Ruled by a Sidhe named Harptongue of House Dotyeztka (one of two city-states currently under female rule), is known as the city of the muse. Since the founding of Melliope, skill and potential have been important to the majority of its citizens.  To further this belief and practice, every ruler since the beginning has been a bard in practice and trade.  There is no royal lineage or ruling council, though there is a large council of nobility that advise the leader of each generation.  Children of nobility are sent away to learn a variety of crafts, trades and skills not through books or observing but through actual physical practice.  Many of these children return home towards the end of their adventuring age and scrutinized as potential Melliope ruler ship.  The last three chosen leaders of Melliope have been Emerged Sidhe.  In Melliope, skill is greater than all else Doraen has to offer.
****Melliope is known to be one of the first on Doraen to not only embrace the emergence of Shar’Liell but to champion their very existence.  A staunch opponent of Steil’ven’s treatment of Shar’Liell, Melliope is considered a base for many who would seek to dethrone Steil’ven as a power on Doraen.
****Home to ''The Rising Court'', an organization that is comprised of humans and Shar'Liells alike.  This organization is known to "oversee" the Knights of the Rising Court but has many other interests beyond that of their familial knighthood.  This organization is known for championing good causes including that of Shar'Liell freedom from Steil'ven oppression.  Believing that there is more than one approach to any given problem arising in life this organization is known for recruiting members of many different skill groups from rogues, to bards, to warriors, to clergymen.
****Melliope is a continued ally to the cause of re-unification and those who would further it, understanding the strength of many being greater than the strength of the few.
***''Reendre:'' Ruled by Daegene Bortean, Reendre is a primarily agrarian society. Though the city itself is less populated than others in the area, the outlying farmlands of Reendre are abundant.  The territory of Reendre is actually comprised of the largest overall population amongst the Seven Silver Cities.  With the highest agricultural production in the region Reendre produces almost 60% of the region’s food supplies.
***''Allyuen:'' Now ruled by Kilvia Lorend, a steward in her father’s stead, until her younger brother Corriellus becomes of age. Her father had his differences with the Markulin family although he did believe in reuniting the city-states under one joint council. He knew the value in numbers and felt that in times of war, strong alliances would keep his people safe. However, in his stead now sits his daughter, a head strong, cocky, and spoiled youngster. She wishes only for the unification if her family received council's leading seat. Her mother, Lilliana, has counseled her of her father's wishes, to no avail.
****Allyuen’s primary asset is its ample grazing lands which they use to raise horses and other livestock.  Allyuen is well known throughout the region for its well practiced and “highly evolved” animal husbandry.
***''Rolam:'' Officially ruled by its council of merchants with king and queen figure heads.  King Kothede Shahnis, began his career as an advisor to the king of Rolam, King Rhethnor Arnik and later ascended to ruler ship after the king's passing. It is believed that none of the original Rolam royal lineage remains today. Kothede gained his position as king through what is believed to be his immense influence within the merchant.  He and the council are the staunchest opposition amongst the Seven Silver Cities to the re-unification of the seven city-states as proposed by the Markulin family.
****Considered one of the strongest outright military forces of the independent city-states.  Well known for its expansionistic aspirations, taking neighboring territories when possible although in recent generations has not aggressively annexed neighboring city-states for fear the others would gather forces against such actions.  Rolam is wealthy however, and Kothede has not hesitated to use such assets to his advantage.
****Assisting Corma with it's many struggles of founding, building, and supplying Rolam has become a strong political ally and friend to Corma.
****Considered the primary trading port into the Seven Silver Cities, Rolam uses this position to assure that the best quality goods go to allies of Rolam.  Rolam's wealth allows for a multitude of trade districts throughout it's territory, highlighting many rare and exotic goods from the far side of the continent and even on rare occasions other continents.
***''Boodrali:'' Ruled by Eydis Merlenis would be considered to be the most “inconsequential” of the seven city-states.  Opposing re-unification believing that it would only serve to give more power to those that already hold more wealth, land, and power, this city-state is primarily comprised backwater fishermen and the “rough and tumble” men.  With very much the feel of a “pirate town” it is an alternate port for goods that people do not wish to bring through Rolam.  While ample in methods of water travel Boodrali suffers from a lack of good overland traveling routes in and out of the city-state.
***''Corma:'' With no single constant ruler throughout Corma, this is the newest of the city-states.  Corma’s primary asset is the silver that still awaits mining.  Corma lacks the refinement of many of its more established neighbors within its city walls, still feeling very much as if newly discovered frontier territory.  Corma considers itself to be an ally of Kothede and Rolam as both have endeavored to be of great assistance to Corma in these early stages while others occupy themselves with matters closer to home.
{{floatright{[img[The Acadamy of Magical & Alchemical Studies|]]}}}
• ''Steil’ven:'' This region, founded by [[Steil|A Lesson In History]], branches out from Vu’ul (it's capital city) in all directions. It is a rich piece of land ample with orchards, farms and ranches. Sheep for meat and wool, Cattle, potatoes, and many vegetables are grown in Steil’ven and exported all over the continent. The government is run through dictatorship with strong loyalties amongst the people. One reason believed to contribute to such loyalties among it's residents is the fact that Steil'ven is, considered throughout Doraen to be the true "human power base".
While the limited practice of magic and magical research is legal within the boundaries of Steil'ven, all magical practitioners are required to register with the government. Until recently, the office for magical registration was located in Vu'ul but since the opening of the academy, the registration office has been moved to a hall within the academy.
Steil'ven has been known to commission the work of privateers to disrupt trades amongst it's neighboring regions such as between Ter'rim and the Seven Silver Cities as a method of weakening the state of affairs for those Steil'ven wishes to annex during it's next territory expansion campaign.
Shar'Liell as a race are outlawed within the lands of Steil'ven. Those who are unfortunate enough to undergo their emergence process within the boundaries of Steil'ven are often caught by local authorities and taken away. These individuals are said to never be seen again.
There are known to be a few exceptions to this rule, select Chimeran have been known to be given "operator papers" that allow them to further the knowledge and advancement of the Steil'ven nation. Sidhe have also been able to acquire "ambassadorial operations papers" to travel freely within the borders of Steil'ven. Various other Shar'Liell have been known to obtain papers for travel through Steil'ven for various reasons.  Any Shar'Liell caught without proper papers within the borders of Ter'rim are subject to immediate arrest and most are never heard from again.
Steil'ven can often be seen by outsiders as extreme in their measures. However, the citizens of Steil'ven believe what their leaders do are necessary for the betterment of everyone.
Steil'ven have strict but fair laws, those who break them suffer harsh punishments to insure the order within society is maintained. Because of this, there are rarely any known cases of banditry within the borders of Steil'ven, at least none that would last very long. Steil'ven's extreme approaches have allowed it to push ahead of it's neighbors in medical, agricultural, and magical advancements. For the privileged, Steil'ven education is considered to be some of the best available but it is not common practice for Steil'ven to educate the masses.

***''Vu'ul:'' The capital city of Steil'ven is located in the heart of Steil'ven utilizing it's surrounding lands as one of many defenses against foreign forces.
***''Academy of Magical & Alchemical Studies:'' A landmark structure recently completed by Steil'ven, located only a few days north of Vu'ul, which has brought many of Steil'ven's neighboring regions and even many locals "up in arms" about such a dangerous structure. The Steil'ven government stands strongly by the idea that this floating landmass, less than a two day's ride from Vu'ul, can not possibly cause harm to anyone because it was built in an area where magic still behaves as it did before the The Xanadu Wars. Many are in disbelief and believe such an area is impossible and the aerial landmass to be a danger.
• ''Ter'rim:'' This region, founded by [[Ter|A Lesson In History]], is comprised of mostly desert with few exceptions. Lands on both sides of the Shinti River are well irrigated and quite fertile. It is here that the non-nomadic people settle and plant crops including a variety of root vegetables such as potatoes, beets, and carrots or fruits of the melon variety. The harsh desert weather does not bode well for leafy or short rooted vegetables that spend the majority of its life above ground. During the day the sunlight tends to blister with heat and at night the air can become near freezing in temperatures. The winds are strong throughout the entire northern desert of Doraen often times going faster than a heavy war horse would gallop. These settlers have also found over time that, with careful tending, hearty livestock can be bred in this unforgiving region as well. In fact, many of the horses that come from Ter’rim are some of the strongest in the known world. In addition, the abundant coastlines provide ample opportunities for food and fertilizer (in the form of fish entrails and bones).
Aside from the settlements along the Shinti River and the coastlines, the majority of Ter'rim society revolves around nomadic traditions throughout the desert terrain. The Ter’rim nomads have come to discover positive properties in many of the hearty desert plants. Stamens of many prickly plants are harvested for trade abroad for medicinal purposes and some even as spices. The juices of a particular prickly plant known as the [[Parik’ti|Tel'Lagaian Items]] plant holds nourishing and healing properties which have been harvested for not only domestic use but trade abroad.
While not abundant in the lands bounty like many other nations on Doraen, there are unique productions and properties available only in the harsh climates of Ter'rim for those willing utilize it's potential.
***''B'Laell:'' This capital city of Ter'rim is pirched atop the cliffs along the northern coastline of Doraen. It's location lends itself to be a strongly defensible area against foreign forces.
***''The Northern Coast:'' An area dotted with small fishing villages. Open markets here allow for trade throughout the Ter’rim region by way of the nomadic tribes that move through the area.
• ''Tzaka:'' This moderately hilly region is home to a number of giant strongholds and human brigand encampments. The name of this region is said to be named after a once powerful fire giant warlord that has since fallen, slain by his own men.
• ''Vedalum Wastes'' This area is known to be home to a number of monstrous humanoid tribes. These creatures make regular forays into its neighboring regions such as Veil’s Rest, The Grennik Mountains, and even as far south as the Ran’Tchk Jungles.
• ''Veil's Rest:'' Veil's Rest is a region nestled in highly vegetated mountains. It is rumored to be the only place on Doraen to still possess a constant stable active, open gateway into the Fayne. While there are those that have been known to actively seek such a gateway, it is unconfirmed whether those people have succeeded in locating such an important landmark.
Drawn to the energies emmitted by Veil's Rest, many Auspran have found a home in this region allowing them to build collective communities. Though Auspran do not revel in the idea of travelling far away from home, it is a rare Auspran who would not welcome the world into his home.
***''Baerk'Akst:'' This dwarven stronghold, though not within the official boundaries of Veil's Rest, is a large community of dwarves who have learned to integrate their ways into the ways of the world around them better than most of their brethren. Allying themselves with the local Auspran, the dwarves of Baerk'Akst fight against the constant incursion attempts of the monstrous humanoids of the Vedalum Wastes.
|>|>|Stats start at 8. You have 28 stat points.|
|9 through 15|=|1 Pt Each|
|16 through 17|=|2 Pt Each|
|18|=|4 Pt Each|

|>|>|Concise Listing|
|1 Pt|=|9|
|2 Pt|=|10|
|3 Pt|=|11|
|4 Pt|=|12|
|5 Pt|=|13|
|6 Pt|=|14|
|7 Pt|=|15|
|9 Pt|=|16|
|11 Pt|=|17|
|15 Pt|=|18|

Cohorts share the same rules as for heroes with the exception of only 24 stat points to build with. Gaining a cohort must be approved and written into the story by the game master before actual campaign play of the cohort.
Type the text for 'Retired Characters'
''Personality:'' Less physically active than many of the Setae castes, the Baper'Sieth is knowledgeable, scholarly and politically motivated through the use of the Isi'us Orthodoxy. Her position or influence within the Church of Isi'us allows her to not be weakened or opressed by her more physical brethren. The Baper'Sieth can be keen to use knowledge, magic and religion as mighty weapons against anyone that may be of threat to her.
Being the only matriarchal caste within the Harsieth, the Baper'Sieth is careful to remind her fellow Harsieth that their goddess is indeed female and thus would naturally have a stronger bond and affinity with her daughters than her sons.
Baper'Sieth are so well respected in general that the past nine of ten empresses have been Baper'Sieth giving this caste a more dominant footing in the royal house than even the Li'Sieth.

''Physical Description:'' Baper'Sieth are almost exclusively black in color; the rare occasions that they are not born of black coat, they are usually quick to become pariahs.
Physical features of a Baper'Sieth are usually slim and unlike their larger brethren a Baper'Sieth is generally only around 4' 8" to 5' 6" in height. Their strides are more graceful than many of their counterparts and their general motions in daily life much more fluid.

''Outlook:'' Baper'Sieth look into the future by looking into the events of the past and divination. She believes the only way to retain the continued favor of Isi'us is to follow in the traditions set forth by her forbearers. 
As the only Sennew caste that believes so strongly in the status quo, Baper'Sieth are strong religious and political allies of the Jag'Sieth. 


''Alignment:'' Generally of the lawful or neutral bend, the Baper use a variety of ways to keep the peace not only amongst their peers but within themselves. There is a wide mix of good and evil amongst the ranks of the Baper.

''Baper'Sieth Lands:'' The Baper'Sieth can be found most often amongst those of their own kind, in highly religious communities or small religious retreats. Generally group oriented and careful to maintain ties to the natural world, few Baper'Sieth feel comfortable in the large cities, those who are generally find themselves tending to the churches within the large cities.

''Religion:'' The majority of the Church of Isi'us is comprised of members of the Baper caste; over 70% of the church personnel.
Baper'Sieth religious leaders lead ceremonies and prayers for all of the Harsieth society. Maintaining the traditions set forth by her forbearers the Baper'Sieth pays great attention to special holidays and needs of religious celebration. Religious shrines and altars are set up throughout Harsieth territories ready to accept animal sacrifices and deliver them to Isi'us. The bonding through blood is common practice for a variety of occasions, mating ceremonies, family acceptance, passing rites and blood pacts are just a few examples. Members of the church are present as adjudicator and witness in Isi'us' name.
Believed to be a result of their religious dedication, Baper'Sieth have an affinity with the darkness that is so strong that some are able to break right through the barrier of the physical world.

''Language:'' In addition to the common Harsieth tongue, those of the religious sects of the Baper'Sieth also practice a language known as Saenie (pronounced Saen I). It is also the language in which all official prayers, chants and hymns for all Harsieth are transcribed and verbally related in.

''Names:'' The Baper'Sieth believe it to be so important that one keeps their ties to the spirit world that during the naming ceremony a church diviner is always in attendance to divine the baby's soul name or "Umb'ral". The Umb'ral is then combined with a prefix or a suffix to create the new born's birth name. The Baper'Sieth are exceptionally scrutinizing when bestowing a name of honor on anyone, divinations and ceremonies must be performed to prove that the recipient is truly worthy of such praise. Depending on the deed in which the name of honor was earned, the ceremony can range from being quite tame to almost torturous. 
As for the name of caste, the Baper are comprised of three main houses and fourteen minor houses. Each of the minor houses is tied to one of the three mains and pay tithes and honor such ties in a variety of different ways. A Baper'Sieth caste name holds two parts, the first being “Baper” and the second being the name of one of the houses in the caste.
__//Names of Birth://__ Parishe, Anupe, Bremiet, Khamiz
__//Names of Caste://__ 1) Baper'Tannith, 2) Baper'Katouf and 3) Baper'Fanell (the three main houses)

''Adventurers:'' While few socially accepted Baper' find themselves on the path to adventuring, it is common for the Baper' outcasts to find a better life elsewhere.

__''Baper'Sieth Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Cha, -2 Con
• Medium Size
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• ~Low-Light Vision
• +2 to Sense Motive
• +2 to Stealth in shadows or darkness
• +2 to Spot in darkness
• +2 to Save versus Necromancy Spells
• +2 to SR versus Necromancy Spells. If a Baper'Sieth does not have SR from any source the Baper'Sieth has an SR of 12 versus spells of the Necromancy school.
• -2 to Swim
• +1 Caster Level on spells of a single chosen school.
• Knowledge (Harsieth) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Claws: When unarmed, a Baper'Sieth is able to extend his claws and attack for 1d4+str as if he were armed with his standard weapons. This damage cannot be done as subdual. If the Baper'Sieth is a monk, he may choose to utilize his monk unarmed attack routine with his claws extended and may choose between the damage to be done in either bludgeoning or slashing form. If the Baper'Sieth is a caster, he may not cast spells with somatic components while his claws are extended. The decision to have claws extended or retracted is made at the beginning of the Li'Sieth's action and holds true until the beginning of his following action.
• Cat Like Anatomy: The Baper'Sieth has difficulty adjusting his body to accomodate Heavy Armor. Baper'Sieth suffer a -2 to all attack rolls and damage rolls when fighting in a suit of Heavy Armors. Baper'Sieth also suffer an additional 2 points of armor check penalty than normal and 2 lower max dex bonus when using Heavy Armor. This disadvantage may be removed by spending a feat slot and marking it as [[Heavy Amor Aptitude|Tel'Lagaian Feats]]
• Automatic Languages: Haisen, Saenie, and Trade Tongue
• Bonus Languages: Chimeran, Giant, Orcish, Sidhe, Steele, and Tersh,
• Favored Class: Sorcerer
''Personality:'' Lowest of the castes, the Chet'Sieth are timid and easily scared. Survival is important to them and because of this, they are not afraid to flee from situations being that it is their best method of defense in comparison to the other Harsieth.
Looked down upon by all the other castes the Chet' find solace in their daily lives. Male and female Chet' find themselves to have very distinct separations in behavior and preferences. This is believed to partially come from their "primitive" nature and basic cat instincts.
The male Chet'Sieth are the tool craftsmen and basic tradesmen of the Harsieth society playing their role to further the masses. Gravitating towards small familial groups for support.
The female Chet'Sieth act as scouts and lookouts, they are individualistic and many even view the male Chet'Sieth as inferior with their need of group support networks.

''Physical Description:'' Chet'Sieth are fast, faster than any other caste. They have blunt non retractable claws that are used for traction, another trait seen as inferior by the higher castes who have sharp retractable claws that are capable of being used as weaponry.
Being the smallest of the Harsieth, a Chet'Sieth rarely grows to much more than 4'9", while the shortest of them coming in at just over 4'. This can prove as an advantage however as Chet'Sieth are able to use their size and gain extra speed by running on all four legs rather than just his two hind ones. Providing maneuverability and stability while moving.

''Outlook:'' Few Chet'Sieth are content with their status in Harsieth society but are "bred" to understand their role as an integral part of progression. Secretly they long for more, hoping what they were raised to believe are not true for all time.


''Alignment:'' With a wide variety of motivations, Chet'Sieth tend to vary widely in their alignments.

''Chet'Sieth Lands:'' Small enclaves of Chet'Sieth males can be found from small villages to large cities. As the menial workers of society, need for them is ever rampant.
The woman Chet'Sieth on the other hand often scatter into the winds, staying to themselves usually unless mating or visiting cities for employment reasons.

''Religion:'' While taught the importance of the ways of the official church, Chet'Sieth have a caste wide secret. One they have managed to keep for many generations. Their homage to Isi'us is little more than lip service for the majority of the Chet'Sieth. Instead their prayers go to ancestors and totemic icons with prayers to revert back to their true natures and forms away from a society of separation and oppression. (''REMEMBER: THIS IS A CASTE SECRET, NO OUTSIDERS KNOW THIS OR EVEN HAVE SUSPICIONS. THE Chet'Sieth HAVE SACRIFICED A GREAT DEAL TO MAINTAIN THIS SECRET.'')

''Language:'' The Chet'Sieth's primary language is Harsieth.

''Names:'' The Chet'Sieth live a simple life and choose names that reflect such, short and simple names of birth. Few Chet'Sieth ever get a name of honor due to their low status in society. 
Chet'Sieth have hundreds of houses, and reflected in the wide range of caste names. A Chet'Sieth’s caste name holds two parts, the first being “Chet” and the second being the name of one of the houses in the caste.
__//Names of Birth://__ Cha', Nupa, Shi,
__//Names of Caste://__ Chet'Mu, Chet'Ra, Chet'Li

''Adventurers:'' There are many Chet'Sieth who are swept up in adventuring life by seeing the opportunities that exist and hearing of tales where magic or lost scriptures that were found. Even more tempting are the rumors of answers to all of life's questions can be found, perhaps in the next excavated hidden chamber from a long forgotten past.

__''Chet'Sieth Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Dex, -2 Con
• Small Size
• 40 Ft Base Speed
• ~Low-Light Vision
• +2 to Balance
• +2 to Spot
• +2 to Survival
• -2 to Swim
• Knowledge (Harsieth) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Sprint: A Chet'Sieth is able to make a single 90 degree turn during a charge of at least 40 feet.
• Cat Like Anatomy: The Chet'Sieth has difficulty adjusting his body to accomodate Heavy Armor. Chet'Sieth suffer a -2 to all attack rolls and damage rolls when fighting in a suit of Heavy Armors. Chet'Sieth also suffer an additional 2 points of armor check penalty than normal and 2 lower max dex bonus when using Heavy Armor. This disadvantage may be removed by spending a feat slot and marking it as [[Heavy Amor Aptitude|Tel'Lagaian Feats]]
• Automatic Languages: Haisen and Trade Tongue
• Bonus Languages: Chimeran, Giant, Orcish, Saenie, Sidhe, Steele, and Tersh
• Favored Class: Ranger
''Personality:'' A group oriented planner, the Coog'Sieth believes in balancing power, intention and strength. He is intelligent, quick witted and believes in doing the right thing. These qualities although all valuable, holds the Coog'Sieth back from the emperor's seat. He is unwilling to make the hard decisions and the big sacrifices that often are required in the world of the true power players.
Poetic, articulate, and diplomatic, Coog'Sieth is selected again and again as an important ambassador, advisor and even political front man (provided you can prove to him your cause is justified).

''Physical Description:'' Relatively smaller than his Setae brethren, the Coog'Sieth is still larger than most Sennews. Generally ranging between 5'8" to nearly 6'5" the Coog'Sieth has long, agile legs that allow him to jump and climb quite swiftly. Physically less muscular than many of the other Harsieth, a Coog'Sieth is able to compensate by using speed and agility to his advantage.
Fairly short haired, his coat ranges from light yellows to mid browns. His ears are more rounded and eyes are wider than his fellow Harsieth.

''Outlook:'' The Coog'Sieth values wisdom and the strength of will, he seeks to further the causes he believes in. He is honorable and always keen to keep his word if he chooses to give it. He is able to lead without the interference of ego unlike many others, this gives him a clear and calm perspective when facing impossible odds.
Even in the face of a loss, he can always at say "I have moral high ground" because he will never compromise who he is and what is right.


''Alignment:'' Generally lawful and generally of the good approach, this is not always the case as some of the more zealous believers of altruism can go to far and commit harmful acts in hopes for a better outcome.

''Coog'Sieth Lands:'' When settling somewhere to call home the Coog'Sieth prefers forests, hills, or mountains; wherever there are places for him to climb, hide and explore. It allows him to feel less trapped and gives him time to himself to think and rest. In the Harsieth "nation" there are a number of Coog'Sieth settlements and small cities built upwards rather than out to provide the Coog'Sieth with an open feel. In fact, the upwards architecture is so high, intertwined, and unique; it is often an attraction for distant artists or bards to visit and seek their muses.

''Religion:'' While only some Coog'Sieth find themselves called to the direct service of Isi'us through the ways of the clergy, most Coog'Sieth are still devout followers of Isi'us. Some Coog'Sieth do not share the same interpretations of the teachings of Isi'us as the official church, those that due try to subtly change things when able.

''Language:'' In his spare time, the Coog'Sieth enjoys composing many works of linguistic arts such as poetry, plays, or even songs. He always tries to speak in a sophisticated manner using his wide vocabulary for a lyrical component in his communication.

''Names:'' If you ever ask a tiger what his Coog'Sieth friend's name is, he is likely to answer "A headache!" The reason for this is that a Coog'Sieth's name of birth is so long that it is basically an Harsieth sonnet. Because of this the Coog'Sieth will often shorten his name in order to make interactions with others easier but he will always state his full name of birth during formal introductions. 
Coog'Sieth come from one of 12 houses, meaning one of 12 caste names. A Coog'Sieth’s caste name holds two parts, the first being “Coog” and the second being the name of one of the houses in the caste.
__//Names of Birth://__ Arutehck Vanu Bravu Shanu Fenat Ver (He who fights titans lives with no fear.) Gha'muta Beruv Na Tei'sha (Ghosts of the past are never home.)
__//Names of Caste://__ 1) Coog'Uman 2) Coog'Shluask 3) Coog'Rul'era 4) Coog'Basteek 5) Coog'Mien'esh 6) Coog'Ap'hel (Final 6 house names are being left open for the campaign’s choosing.)

''Adventurers:'' As a bard or diplomat the Coog'Sieth often sets out on the open road to seek his muse or broker trade. If for the latter, he certainly is known for taking his time to make his way home as many beauties have been known to distract him, just for a moment.

__''Coog'Sieth Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Cha
• Medium Size
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• ~Low-Light Vision
• +1 to Charisma skills
• +2 to Climb
• +2 to Jump
• -2 to Swim
• +2 to Save versus ~Mind-Affecting or Compulsion effects.
• Knowledge (Harsieth) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Claws: When unarmed, a Coog'Sieth is able to extend his claws and attack for 1d4+str as if he were armed with his standard weapons. This damage cannot be done as subdual. If the Coog'Sieth is a monk, he may choose to utilize his monk unarmed attack routine with his claws extended and may choose between the damage to be done in either bludgeoning or slashing form. If the Coog'Sieth is a caster, he may not cast spells with somatic components while his claws are extended. The decision to have claws extended or retracted is made at the beginning of the Li'Sieth's action and holds true until the beginning of his following action.
• Cat Like Anatomy: The Coog'Sieth has difficulty adjusting his body to accomodate Heavy Armor. Coog'Sieth suffer a -2 to all attack rolls and damage rolls when fighting in a suit of Heavy Armors. Coog'Sieth also suffer an additional 2 points of armor check penalty than normal and 2 lower max dex bonus when using Heavy Armor. This disadvantage may be removed by spending a feat slot and marking it as [[Heavy Amor Aptitude|Tel'Lagaian Feats]]
• Automatic Languages: Haisen and Trade Tongue
• Bonus Languages: Chimeran, Giant, Orcish, Saenie, Sidhe, Steele, and Tersh
• Favored Class: Bard
''Personality:'' Sly and cunning Lep'Sieth tend to work in the unnoticed. Lep'Sieth tend to shy away from spotlights, working more as puppet masters and from the shadows. Able to stalk, spy, and hide with ease for long periods of time without being detected, Lep'Sieth learn secrets and the ways of the shadow. Willing to run away when outmatched Lep'Sieth are self reliant and quick witted enough to recognize a situation for what it is and act accordingly.
Few travel in groups and even when in groups, tend to think as a freelancer and independent operator although careful not to show his motives in the process. After all, creating disharmony and conflict is no way to ensure the success of any task.

''Physical Description:'' The only nocturnal caste of the Harsieth, the Lep'Sieth has exceptionally keen eye sight. A large felinid, coming in at between 5'9" and 6'7" tall with thin to medium build; he does not seem impeded by his size when practicing his stealthy 'professions'.
As for the Lep'Sieth's physical appearance, that varies based on location. Lep'Sieth are chameleon by nature and born with coats that suit their environs. As they grow older, their coats are able to change colors but it is usually over long periods of time, and a Lep'Sieth's spotting or pattern never changes.

''Outlook:'' Lep'Sieth are subtle, independent and self reliant but even they understand the value and necessity of allies. When working with others they strongly believe in not creating conflict but are somehow usually able to persuade others to their ways of thinking in civil manners. Easily appealed to with logic and simple methods a Lep'Sieth is not brash or foolish to make important decisions.

''Relations:'' Lep'Sieth are commonly seen as being non-confrontational by those around them.  This does not mean they do not have strong opinions that they stick to, on the contrary most Lep'Sieth do what they do to further a true belief or cause.  On the contrary, the Lep'Sieth simply see information and "puppeteering" to be one of the safer ways of furthering their goals.  Amongst the Harsieth society the Lep'Sieth believe it is a stronger position to have the ear of the Sennew throne than it is to be seated on it.  Outside of the Harsieth society the Lep'Sieth are careful to garner as many connections with those they would find to be useful in some fashion whenever possible.  Because of these habits, only the Lep'Sieth knows who he would consider a true friend.

''Alignment:'' Generally falling close to the neutral aspects regardless of which side they may lean, chaos and extreme measures rarely work for or with the methods of a Lep'Sieth.

''Lep'Sieth Lands:'' Whether in the savanna or the jungles, even in many varied communities Lep'Sieth like to live in the trees, but rarely do they build easy ways for visitors to enter their dwellings. Generally preferring to meet people at other locations and homes.

''Religion:'' The Lep'Sieth's perspective of the Church of Isi'us comes quite varied. Some, believe that the teachings and church of Isi'us is little more than a tool used to garner obedience from the general public and do not hesitate to put such tools into their own disposal by either joining the church or becoming great philanthropists in the name of Isi'us and it's official church. Others genuinely believe in the teachings of Isi'us even if not in the church itself.
Even others walk the steps of believing ancestors are where their salvation lies. Although their numbers are few and those who do feel such ways certainly do not make it known. After all, that would be likely causing conflicts and turn people against the Lep'Sieth in question and no Lep' wants that.

''Language:'' The Lep'Sieth is a true linguists, learning and adapting more than just his behavior to where he goes, he needs to be able to communicate with those around him to convince them that he is right and they should act according to his cause.

''Names:'' Lep'Sieth care little for extravagant titles. They have "far more important" matters to deal with as a rule. A Lep'Sieth's name of birth is generally straight forward and without unnecessary flourishes and any Names of Heart earned are generally kept private when possible.
For the name of caste, Lep'Sieth are comprised of many houses. Though no where near the hundreds that the Chet' Harsieth are able to lay claim to, they are nevertheless widely spread in common lineage. A Lep'Sieth’s caste name holds two parts, the first being “Lep” and the second being the name of one of the houses in the caste.
__//Names of Birth://__ Brish, R'lok, B'vaek, Koro,
__//Names of Caste://__ Lep'Thon, Lep'Uran, Lep'Khash, Lep'Vir'a

''Adventurers:'' While a Lep'Sieth may not directly seek wealth, Lep'Sieth do want to feel in control of their lives and such desires can often lead to a life of adventuring. In addition, there are handfuls of Lep'Sieth that find themselves bored and unchallenged at home, such discontent has been known to lead a skillful Lep'Sieth or two test their mettle in the world beyond the Harsieth Empire.

__''Lep'Sieth Racial Traits:''__
• +4 Dex, -2 Wis
• Medium Size
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• ~Low-Light Vision
• Darkvision
• +2 to Climb
• +2 to Listen
• +2 to Spot
• +2 to Swim
• Knowledge (Harsieth) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Claws: When unarmed, a Lep'Sieth is able to extend his claws and attack for 1d4+str as if he were armed with his standard weapons. This damage cannot be done as subdual. If the Lep'Sieth is a monk, he may choose to utilize his monk unarmed attack routine with his claws extended and may choose between the damage to be done in either bludgeoning or slashing form. If the Lep'Sieth is a caster, he may not cast spells with somatic components while his claws are extended. The decision to have claws extended or retracted is made at the beginning of the Li'Sieth's action and holds true until the beginning of his following action.
• Cat Like Anatomy: The Lep'Sieth has difficulty adjusting his body to accomodate Heavy Armor. Lep'Sieth suffer a -2 to all attack rolls and damage rolls when fighting in a suit of Heavy Armors. Lep'Sieth also suffer an additional 2 points of armor check penalty than normal and 2 lower max dex bonus when using Heavy Armor. This disadvantage may be removed by spending a feat slot and marking it as [[Heavy Armor Aptitude|Tel'Lagaian Feats]]
• Automatic Languages: Haisen and Trade Tongue
• Bonus Languages: Chimeran, Giant, Orcish, Saenie, Sidhe, Steele, and Tersh
• Favored Class: Rogue
''Personality:'' The most feral and zealous of all Harsieth these impulsive felinids are known to be quick to act, not always considering the consequences of his actions prior to moving forward with a plan. The most feral and aggressive of all Harsieth, Jag'Sieth have short tempers and will never back down from a good fight. He finds the art of diplomacy distasteful, believing it to be a general waste of time; and will always be direct in any given conversation, rarely thinking of tact or future consequences of words.
Guilty of the same hubris Tige'Sieth often suffer, Jag'Sieth are generally self assured and have a strong belief in their individual strengths and goals. There is an innate importance to these cats to raise above the rest.
Many Jag'Sieth find themselves to be the bodyguards of royalty and religious figure heads while others find ways to distinguish themselves as elite warriors of their people. Jag'Sieth do not tend to work well with others so generally the most successful and distinguished Jag'Sieth are those who work alone.
Those that would oppose a Jag'Sieth find that these felinids make fervant enemies, enemies that do not forgive nor forget grudges easily.

''Physical Description:'' While not as large as his Setae brethren, the Jag'Sieth are still considerable in size. They possess extraordinarily powerful bites, second to none. This leads them to having long, strong, sharply pointed fangs. Jag'Sieth coats are tightly spotted with whites, blacks and browns with a base tinged gold. Generally broad of shoulders Jag'Sieth tend to exhibit great amounts of upper body strength.

''Outlook:'' Driven and ambitious, Jag'Sieth are often seen as zealots in their demeanor and outlook. A Jag'Sieth is never one to take no for an answer or "take something laying down". He is a fighter and when his motivations are not properly channeled can be a kind of bully.
Their lone operative approach leads the Jag'Sieth to develop a wide range of skills and tactics. When needing to work in small groups a Jag'Sieth is intelligent enough to adapt these skills and tactics to the situation.
The Jag'Sieth are perhaps one of the most content with the status quo of society and the caste system. They believe those born to their status deserve such as it was deemed by Isi'us herself.
Because of their ‘lone operator’ nature, Jag'Sieth often end up simply as bodyguards or advisors to the more ‘powerful’ people in Harsieth society rarely rising out of the shadows of others. Though the many may view such a position as inconsequential, the Jag'Sieth secretly have some of the most influence within the felinid society. Privy to some of the most secret religious and political meetings, whispers and movements, Jag'Sieth are able to sway the will of 'important people' to suit their needs in society, maintaining traditions and the status quo.


''Alignment:'' Typically lawful, a Jag'Sieth believes in a strict code of conduct although the code may vary for each Jag'Sieth you encounter. Almost no Jag'Sieth find themselves aligned with the forces of chaos as that would upset the very nature of Harsieth society.

''Jag'Sieth Lands:'' A Jag'Sieth often finds his duties take him across and even out of all areas of Harsieth Empire. In his heart, he yearns for wide open spaces where he is able to look an opponent square in the eyes and let each contender's personal prowess speak for itself. He loathes the "cloak and dagger" approach. While a Jag'Sieth would never admit to letting down his guard in any situation, more than one Harsieth has seen just a glimmer of comfort in a Jag'Sieth's eyes in the savanna out doors. 

''Religion:'' Strong and proud, Jag'Sieth do what they can to insert themselves into positions of influence within the Church of Isi'us but their inability to work with others rarely gives the Jag'Sieth an obvious position within the standard ranks.
Jag'Sieth believe strongly that with Isi'us' favor a Harsieth is able to channel the powers of the divine to speak with long lost ancestors. Believing that without the connection with the past there is no ability to build a lasting future. The Jag'Sieth are known for their elaborate rituals dealing with ancestral communication.

''Language:'' Jag'Sieth speak the shared Harsieth tongue known as Haisen. Using it in often forceful and direct manners, Jag'Sieth readily speak their minds believing the strong and worthy will not crumple under scrutiny or criticism.

''Names:'' The ties that bind Jag'Sieth to their past is very apparent in their relation of names from one generation to the next. The same name of birth is usually passed down from generation to generation. On rare occasions the same name can have as much as a five generation gap before a repeat and nearly unheard of is a name completely broken in its inheritance. To prevent confusion between one generation and the next of the same name, abbreviations and suffixes are often used depending on the family and changed as generations of people change and lineage passed.
Same as their casted brethren a Jag'Sieth can earn many Names of Heart as ‘titles’ or ‘badges of accomplishment’. Not all of the castes have special traits in the Names of Heart they bestow on others or their own.
A Jag'Sieth's caste name holds two parts, the first being “Jag” and the second being the name of one of the nine houses in the caste.
__//Names of Birth://__ Grandfather; Van’el’etil, Father; Van’el, Son; Van’etil :::: Grandmother: Ami'net'tarish; Mother: Ami'net, Daughter; Ami'tarish
__//Names of Caste://__ 1) Jag’Annul, 2) Jag’Betell, 3) Jag’Kharuom, 4) Jag’Misel, 5) Jag’Aureen, 6) Jag’Zemil, (Final 3 house names are being left open for the campaign’s choosing.)

''Adventurers:'' There are three types of Jag'Sieth adventurers most common in the open continent of Doraen. One is someone who was sent away from the Harsieth Empire on matters of great importance and duty. The second is the Jag'Sieth that has failed in such a way that he is too ashamed to return home and face the facts. And the third is the Jag'Sieth outcast that does not fit within the norms of his society and has fled for somewhere more accepting of him.

__''Jag'Sieth Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Str, -2 Int
• Medium Size
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• ~Low-Light Vision
• +2 to Swim
• Knowledge (Harsieth) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Bite Attack: 1d8+str, (counts as a large sized weapon) Jag'Sieth have sharp fangs and powerful abberantly large jaws that allow them to clamp down on an enemy's flesh and wound it.
• Claws: When unarmed, a Jag'Sieth is able to extend his claws and attack for 1d4+str as if he were armed with his standard weapons. This damage cannot be done as subdual. If the Jag'Sieth is a monk, he may choose to utilize his monk unarmed attack routine with his claws extended and may choose between the damage to be done in either bludgeoning or slashing form. If the Jag'Sieth is a caster, he may not cast spells with somatic components while his claws are extended. The decision to have claws extended or retracted is made at the beginning of the Li'Sieth's action and holds true until the beginning of his following action.
• Cat Like Anatomy: The Jag'Sieth has difficulty adjusting his body to accomodate Heavy Armor. Jag'Sieth suffer a -2 to all attack rolls and damage rolls when fighting in a suit of Heavy Armors. Jag'Sieth also suffer an additional 2 points of armor check penalty than normal and 2 lower max dex bonus when using Heavy Armor. This disadvantage may be removed by spending a feat slot and marking it as [[Heavy Amor Aptitude|Tel'Lagaian Feats]]
• Automatic Languages: Haisen and Trade Tongue
• Bonus Languages: Chimeran, Giant, Orcish, Saenie, Sidhe, Steele, and Tersh,
• Favored Class: Barbarian
Li’Sieth, the second children of Isi,us, are the lords of the Harsieth Empire.  Li’Sieth history is bloody, full of battles against their cousins and the hardships they have suffered.  All of this history leads to the Li’Sieth to establishing the modern day government of the Harsieth Empire, where the Li’Sieth are the most frequent emperors and hold many other positions of power.  Though Li’Sieth history may be violent and their present political, these Harsieth are defined by their ability to work closely with their own kin.  Li’Sieth understand that the power of an individual is nothing compared to the strength of a group working towards similar goals.  

''Personality:'' Li’Sieth are goal orient and ambitious, making them excellent leaders and politicians within Harsieth society.  Li’Sieth frequently are able to put personal pride aside in favor of the goals of their pride, house, or caste.  These traits within the Li’Sieth have lead them to dominate politics within the empire; in fact, seven of the last ten Harsieth Emperors have come from the Li’Sieth, including the current reigning emperor Ja’lun Mira’cheki Li’Jintoric.  
As individuals, Li’Sieth are proud, self righteous, charismatic, and are well known for their ability to leave lasting first and further impressions.  Li’Sieth dominate personal encounters with the sheer weight of their presence, something that they use to their advantage whenever they can.  These Harsieth are one of the few castes that realize the importance of not only physical action or threat of physical action, but more subtle methods of control, manipulation, and domination.  Li’Sieth have a bloody history to power, but they have learned from this history.  Li’Sieth seek to maintain their control of the Harsieth Empire without unnecessary bloodshed.  
Li’Sieth social natures become apparent through their everyday actions.  Grooming, something very important to Li’Sieth image, is frequently performed by one Li’Sieth to another.  It is a sign of trust and respect for a Li’Sieth to allow another to groom them, while it is considered poor manners for a Li’Sieth to groom themselves in most situations.  
Li’Sieth are the only Harsieth group that have developed professional beauticians, a statement to the vanity of these Harsieth.  This is only the beginning of Li’Sieth vanity and self-indulgence.  While their caste is well known for their leadership capabilities, the Li’Sieth can become true gluttons.  Tales of the debauchery that occurs within some of the Li’Sieth palaces are heard all across the continent of Doraen.  
These Harsieth have no tolerance for weakness, frailty, or deformity and those who suffer from these conditions are frequently killed after birth.  

''Physical Description:'' Li’Sieth are the second largest of all Harsieth, only outstripped in size by their elder siblings.  The frame of an average Li’Sieth measures between six and six and a half feet tall and sports powerful legs, a strong jaw, and long canine teeth.  Li’sieth coloration varies from light buff to yellowish, reddish, or dark ochraceous brown.  Li’Sieth bellies are frequently lighter in color than their sides and backs while the tuft on their tail is black.  
Male Li’Sieth grow a mane around their head, making them appear far larger than they actually are.  The mane of the male Li’Sieth, unique amongst the Harsieth, is one of the most distinctive characteristics of the race.  The manes make the Li’Sieth appear larger, providing an excellent intimidation display.  The presence absence, color, and size of the mane is associated with the sexual maturity, climate, and health of the individual Li’Sieth, the darker and fuller the mane, the healthier the Li’Sieth. 
Manelessness manifests in some individual Li’Sieth.  This trait is considered to be a horrible disfiguration by the Li’Sieth, and these individuals are frequently cast out of Li’Sieth society.

''Outlook'': Li’Sieth look upon the world with a cold pragmatism, these Harsieth know what it takes to get things done and are willing to take whatever steps are necessary.  Li’Sieth believe that life is a constant battle whether mental or physical, and they constantly fight a battle to preserve the Harsieth traditions.  Li’Sieth are willing to go to extremes in order to aid them in their battles, frequently taking actions that their own lofty aspirations are at odds with.  Li’Sieth do this in order to preserve these ideals for the future.  Li’Sieth seek to remove obstacles to the status quo through outright battle, political maneuvering, and subterfuge, determining which of these three paths is the best from one situation to another.  The nine houses or Great Prides of the Li’Sieth may fight amongst themselves, but they know that it is best to present a united front to other Harsieth and outsiders.  

''Relations:'' Li’Sieth have a strong racial identity.  These Harsieth are far more organized than any of the other Harsieth races, and this has lead them to dominance over all the other races.  The prides of the Li’Sieth reign supreme across the wide plains of the Aur’rul Vannik.  The nine Great Prides of the Li’Sieth claim almost all territory of the Aur’rul Vannik with other Harsieth among the plains subservient to them.  The only exception to this domination of the Sennew that live along the Aur’rul Vannik comes from the Coog’Sieth who frequently live among the hills and mountains that border the edges of Harsieth lands.  Nearly all Li’Sieth are raised and trained to fight and die next to each other as needed.  This formal training of all Li’Sieth to fight as a unit provides them with a number of advantages, including a comfort with the heavy armor of Steil’ven.  Individual Great Prides may disagree on certain aspects of rulership, but they band together to present a united front to all other Harsieth.  One of the larger disagreements emerges from two of the Li’Sieth Great Prides objecting to the hedonism that the other Great Prides suffer from, this has led these two Great Prides to be mostly ignored by the rest of the Li’Sieth.    
Li’Sieth have strong alliances with the Jag, Baper, and Lep’Sieth.  These three Harsieth races are the most content with the Empire and its stringent caste system.  While all Li’Sieth are taught the way of the warrior, they have no desire to be the soliders of their own empire.  Instead they allow the savage and ferocious Jag’Sieth act as the military arm of the Harsieth Empire, and they are comfortable knowing that the Li’Sieth are well able to protect themselves due to their own military training.  Jag’Sieth, empowered by their religious devotion to the Empire, are content to be a blade of the Empire that the Li’Sieth control.  
Baper’Sieth, the religious leaders of the Harsieth Empire, are strong but willful allies of the Li’Sieth.  Li’Sieth trust the Baper’Sieth the least of their strong allies, knowing that within the heart of the Baper’Sieth lies a desire for more power.  Baper and Li’Sieth ally because these two castes maintain great power under the current system, but Li’Sieth believe that the Baper’Sieth would betray them if they could achieve greater temporal power through their religion.  Li’Sieth seek to ensure that Baper’Sieth never have such a desire, and many of the great leaders of the Harsieth religion are frequent guests at Li’Sieth palaces, where they are properly treated to the many sensual pleasures available to them.  
Li’Sieth view the Lep’Sieth as a necessary tool to their rule over all Harsieth.  Li’Sieth value the Lep’Sieth natural talents at subterfuge and stealth, using them as a spies throughout the Harsieth Empire and beyond.  It is because of Lep’Sieth actions that the Li’Sieth received the crafting secrets of the heavy armors of humans long ago.  Li’Sieth have used these manufacturing techniques for centuries since, assisting them in their domination over all other castes.  The Lep’Sieth are rewarded for their role within the Harsieth society with larger freedoms than other castes, and they even maintain their own lands to some degree.  The wooded savannahs to the north of Lier are under the control of the Li’Sieth, but in truth the Lep’Sieth maintain control here.  
Tige, Chet, and Coog’Sieth are the castes that do not directly support the Li’Sieth rule over the empire.  Li’Sieth view the Tige’Sieth as the largest obstacle towards unquestioned control over all Harsieth lands, but have left the Tige’Sieth alone for centuries.  Li’Sieth are aware that, while the Tige’Sieth could replace them as rulers of the empire, that the fractioned nature of the Tige’Sieth caste prevents them from doing so.  The only time that the Tige’Sieth have been seen acting in concert is when they are threatened racially, and so this is something that the Li’Sieth specifically avoid.  
Chet’Sieth rarely concern themselves with more than basic survival.  Frequently these Harsieth turn their backs on most aspects of the empire, content to hunt and build on their own with little benefit or interference from the Harsieth Empire.  Li’Sieth accept their desire to remain removed from the other castes, so long as the Chet’Sieth take no actions against the empire.  This unspoken agreement has worked in both castes favor for centuries.  
Coog’Sieth are the most outspoken opponents of the Li’Sieth, sadly it is frequently only Coog’Sieth who are listening.  Coog’Sieth have witnessed the atrocities of the Li’Sieth, and believe that anyone capable of such actions are inappropriate leaders.  Many attribute the Coog’Sieth objections to Li’Sieth domination to battles fought between the two castes centuries ago.  In modern day Aur’rul Vannik, the Coog’Sieth have been pushed out of many of their original hunting grounds due to Li’Sieth aggression.  The Coog’Sieth now live within the hills and mountains near the edges of the Harsieth nation.  Li’Sieth feel that they are out of sight and out of mind for the most part, using the caste as foreign ambassadors, a job where their exceptional persuasiveness can benefit the Harsieth Empire.  
Li’Sieth seek little formalized relations with other nations, believing in their power to keep Harsieth lands safe from foreign aggressors.  Frequently there are battles and border disputes with the giants of Tzaka and orcs of Sta Ghangst’Oot.  Li’Sieth have dispatched eager Coog’Sieth to deal with such incidents.  Li’Sieth respect the strong border that they have with Tor, a great chasm splits the land where the Empire ends and the strange lands of the Tor begin.  The nation that the Harsieth are closest to is Steil’ven.  Li’Sieth view these humans as the most kindred spirits that they have found on Doraen.  The two nations trade frequently, and the Harsieth even assisted in the creation of the Academy of Magical and Alchemical Studies.  

''Alignment:'' Li’Sieth are noted for their desire for organization and lawful natures.  It was these Harsieth who formalized a great deal of Harsieth laws, traditions, and social structures out of a need for hierarchy and law.  The Li’Sieth are known to be strong proponents of mediation (when necessary) by individuals without a vested interest in the topic of debate, while they look down upon the trial by combat preferred by many other castes, due to their focus on the pride over the individual.  These traits lead most Harsieth and other races to believe that Li’Sieth are most often lawful and neutral.  The truth of the matter is that Li’Sieth come from a variety of different alignments with slightly more evil Li’Sieth than neutral, while both of these options far outweigh truly good Li’Sieth.  However, Li’Sieth are not merely self-interested hedonists, they truly wish to improve the world around them for the benefit of all Harsieth, but to do this they have to be willing to get their paws very dirty.
Li'Sieth Lands: Li’Sieth reside in the open plains and savannahs south of Tal’Uran.  They dominate these wide open spaces and force all other life within the plains to be subservient to them.  The Li’Sieth can be found living within the cities along Aur’rul Vannik or out in the countryside.  Three of the Great Prides call Tal’Uran home, while the other six each claim another city on Aur’rul Vannik as their ancestral grounds.  The Great Prides of Tal’Uran, Lier, and Vuran are known as the dominant prides, while those of lesser cities are the lesser prides, though informing a Li’Sieth that he comes from a “lesser pride” is a dangerous endeavor.  One of the Great Prides that opposes the dominant aspect of hedonism present in most Li’Sieth is a dominant pride, while the other is a lesser pride.  These two Great Prides are the most frequent Great Prides to act together.  

''Religion:'' Most Li'Sieth are quite devout in their beliefs of Isi'us. While few are active in the clergy of Isi'us, many politicians and even the emperor himself are known to commonly quote out of holy scripts and show great public support for the orthodoxy.  They recognize the Baper’Sieth as their religious superiors and fear the potential power that this Sennew caste could wield against them.  

''Language:'' Li’Sieth share the common language of Haisen with their fellow Harsieth.  If the Li’Sieth had an ancestral language of their own is unknown, but it is viewed as a historical irony that they adopted the language of Coog’Sieth as the language for their empire.  While Coog’Sieth are the undisputed masters of this language, Li’Sieth are able to make close friends or enemies tremble with only a few utterances of the Haisen tongue.  

''Names:'' Li’Sieth are generally given a birth name that emphasizes strength or leadership.  These names are often harsh in sound, to announce the presence of the Li’Sieth, and are never more than two syllables.  To Li'Sieth Names of Heart are the most important part of their names. Li'Sieth tend to strive to complete feat after feat that would warrant Names of Heart to be given to him. In fact, some of the more vain Li’Sieths prefer or even demand to be called by their long, elaborate Names of Heart rather than his Name of Birth.
Finally, a Li'Sieth’s caste name holds two parts, the first being “Li” and the second being the name of one of the nine Great Prides.
__//Names of Birth://__ Charik, Ja’lun (unmoving mountain), Kha, Mytok (strength from the sky),
__//Names of Heart://__ Mira’cheki, Phan T’Dherishin, Bi’Torrek Amni Ku, Hi’tu Maluk,
__//Names of Caste://__ 1) Li’Jintoric (pronounced Yintoric), 2) Li’Paeli, 3) Li’Daen, 4) Li’Chepai, 5) Li’Mrel, 6) Li’Orjal, (Final 3 house names are being left open for the campaign’s choosing.)

''Adventurers:'' The largest population of Li'Sieth adventurers would come from the category of being an outcast, often driven from their homes. Few of the more socially accepted Li'Sieth leave the Harsieth Empire for long periods of time. But, some do leave home on "soul searching" journeys or personal quests. Whether they find what they seek or they are distracted on their way to the destination, it's certain to be interesting.  Li’Sieth from the Great Prides that become adventurers are most frequently from the two prides that oppose Li’Sieth hedonism.

__''Li'Sieth Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Str, -2 Int
• Medium Size
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• ~Low-Light Vision
• +4 to Intimidate
• -2 to Swim
• Knowledge (Harsieth) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Claws: When unarmed, a Li'Sieth is able to extend his claws and attack for 1d4+str as if he were armed with his standard weapons. This damage cannot be done as subdual. If the Li'Sieth is a monk, he may choose to utilize his monk unarmed attack routine with his claws extended and may choose between the damage to be done in either bludgeoning or slashing form. If the Li'Sieth is a caster, he may not cast spells with somatic components while his claws are extended. The decision to have claws extended or retracted is made at the beginning of the Li'Sieth's action and holds true until the beginning of his following action.
• Deafening Roar: A Li'Sieth is able to summon his inner strength to perform a deafening roar that has the potential to stun targets for 1d4 rounds. The area is determined by a 15 foot cone extending from the Li'Sieth. All those within the area must then make a fortitude save against a DC of 10+ the Li'Sieth's Con mod+ half the Li'Sieth's level. This ability may only be used once a day and the Li'Sieth is unable to speak for a full 2d4 rounds following the use of his Deafening Roar as it takes time for his voice to recover.
• Defensive Weave: Li'Sieth provide a +1 AC bonus to adjacent allies. Their fighting style allows them to dodge and weave causing a flurry of motion that makes it difficult for enemies to focus in on his target.
• Tactical Eye: Li'Sieth gain an additional +1 to attack rolls when in a flank. He is able to adjust and predict the motions of a "cornered enemy" better than most.
• Automatic Languages: Haisen and Trade Tongue
• Bonus Languages: Chimeran, Giant, Orcish, Saenie, Sidhe, Steele, and Tersh
• Favored Class: Fighter
Tige’Sieth, the first children of Isi’us, are a caste of warriors and philosophers seeking inner enlightenment and outward perfection in everything they do.  Tige’Sieth look upon this quest for self improvement as a very personal agenda, they have little racial identity, acting as individuals in almost all things.  The greatest weakness of the Tige’Sieth is well known by all who have heard of them, they are prideful to a fault.  To play upon this pride is to become a puppet master for the Tige’Sieth, but it is dangerous to attempt such.  The pride of a Tige’Sieth is fragile and they are prone to lash out when it has been damaged or they discover that they have been manipulated.  

''Personality:'' Tige’Sieth personality is the result of the warring sides of a Tige’Sieth’s soul.  Tige’Sieth are constantly battling between their very feral nature and their lofty personal aspirations.  Tige’Sieth can be most easily summed up in the phrases philosophical warriors or warrior poets, but these phrases only hint at the depth of the Sieth’s soul.  Tige’Sieth are driven by the desire to see all things in their truest, rawest, basest form while at the same time using these very basic elements they find within themselves to become something far greater.  Tige’Sieth are proud to a fault, often suffering from hubris, Tige’Sieth will never admit to a mistake, fault, or flaw they may have.  While not impulsive, they can be goaded into foolish actions by preying on these faults.  
Tige’Sieth study motions, actions, and objects learning about the outer world while learning of what he himself is capable of.  Tige’Sieth have been observed studying the dripping of water on the steps of the Yab’yun Spire, when asked what the ‘Sieth was doing he replied, “Studying the motion within myself.”  Tige’Sieth powered by their higher faculties have been seen fighting battles in disciplined and artful styles, combining fluidity of motion with directness in purpose.  These practitioners of paanch’ek (Literal translation 5 as 1, symbolizing the five claws of the Tige’Sieth being used for together in harmony) are able to use their art in both small skirmishes and regimented battles.  
When a Tige’Sieth is overcome with his baser emotions he is truly a terror to behold.  This is frequently the result of injured pride or a loss of face in front of others, the greatest flaw of a Tige’Sieth is their hubris and it is dangerous to play off of.  These practitioners of paanch’ek remove their artful control over their art and instead replace it with bestial fury.  While Tige’Sieth in control of their emotions are seen as perfection in motion, those ruled by base impulses transform into deadly whirlwinds of claws, fur, and fury.  
Tige’Sieth accept this innate rage built within their souls and there is no loss of honor by succumbing to the inevitable control of their inner fury.  Tige’Sieth are fully responsible for actions that they take while under the sway of blood rage.  There are many references to Tige’Sieth who have been shamed not by succumbing to the blood rage, but for the actions that they have taken while under its sway.  Numerous Tige’Sieth poems as well as Coog’Sieth works of art draw inspiration from the tragedies of Tige’Sieth and their blood rage.  

''Physical Description:'' Tige’Sieth are the largest of all Harsieth, their muscular stature frequently stands up to 7 feet tall.  Tige’Sieth heads are larger than most other Harsieth and far larger than human heads.  Tige’Sieth coats can vary between hues of whites, blacks, golds and oranges with stripes that vary in contrasting colors of the same spectrum.  Rarely a Tige’Sieth is born spotted, and it is considered to be a mark of good fortune upon the child, a foretelling of greatness.  In fact, the last three Tige’Sieth lucky enough to have teir names added into the Mi’ren Scrolls were each at least partially spotted rather than striped.  
Tige’Sieth have extremely powerful limbs designed for climbing and jumping.  These dense muscles give the Tige’Sieth great control over their own bodies, granting them grace despite their large size.  Tige’Sieth groom themselves more frequently than many other Harsieth and have been accused of vanity.  Tige’Sieth find the accusation to be a strange one for they do not groom themselves out of a need to see themselves but a need to present themselves properly to those that they meet.  

''Outlook:'' Tige’Sieth look out into the world and find beauty and strength within all things.  They search the world around them to find the potential in all things, whether this be realized or untapped potential.  Tige’Sieth then take their observations of the world around them and internalize them, seeking to improve their own potential by incorporating the beauty and strength of the world with their own body and mind.  
This journey is an extremely personal one to a Tige’Sieth.  These Harsieth do not gravitate towards large groups for socializing and frequently even seem aloof from smaller groups.  Tige’Sieth traditionally look upon reliance on others as a sign of weakness, an inability to survive without external aid.  These traditional Tige’Sieth look upon social interaction as a way to measure themselves against others, seeking to battle with all that surround them whether physically or mentally.  These duels known as Do’ek (literally translated into two become one) can be tests of almost any nature.  There have been Do’ek that involve nothing more than meeting one and others gaze, tests of strength, battles of riddles, and many different types of physical fights.  Do’ek involving fighting traditionally were to the death, in the modern day this is not always the case, however death is always an acceptable outcome during Do’ek of this nature.  
Tige’Sieth who have found few worthy challengers to their superiority will frequently allow challenges to come to them.  These Tige’Sieth frequently settle down closer to Harsieth society to continue their study.  These Tige’Sieth frequently become the generals of the Harsieth and can be found practicing paanch’ek near highly trafficked areas where they can easily be seen.  This allows younger or less adept challengers to seek out the older Tige’Sieth as well as to show that the Tige’Sieth claims the area as his territory.  
Younger and less traditional Tige’Sieth are coming to see a solitary existence as less necessary.  These Tige’Sieth frequently gather together in small groups for strength.  Sadly, most of these less traditional Tige’Sieth do not value their own internal quest to balance their own feral natures with enlightenment, because of this these gangs of Harsieth are frequently bloody affairs as individuals attempt to seek dominance over others.  Traditional Tige’Sieth who believe that these gangs cause too much trouble allow entire groups of the young Tige’Sieth and their Harsieth allies into duels, so far there is no record of a gang winning over the solitary Tige’Sieth practitioner of paanch’ek.  

''Relations:'' Tige’Sieth are violent and solitary creatures by nature, this leads to few strong relations with others.  Harsieth of all castes respect and fear the legendary power of the Tige’Sieth, and because of this frequently will give Tige’Sieth a wide berth.  Tige’Sieth will rarely band together out of any sense of racial identity, every Tige’Sieth is expected to be able to hold their own.  However, Tige’Sieth being threatened as a race rather than individuals will set aside every personal disagreement that they have with each other and become a truly fearsome force to be reckoned with.  
The chief opponents of the Tige’Sieth are the other two casts of the Setae.  Li’Sieth look upon the Tige’Sieth as the greatest opposition to their rulership over the Harsieth.  The Li’Sieth fear the individual power of the Tige’Sieth, far overshadowing the individual power of a Li’Sieth.  Li’Sieth have a powerful advantage over their cousins because of their ability to work together.  Li’Sieth have witnessed the unification of the Tige’Sieth in the past when responding to threats to their race and have no desire to bring the wrath of the Tige’Sieth down upon them.  
Jag’Sieth look upon the Tige’Sieth as the other truly militant children of Isi’us and covet their position as First Born.  Jag’Sieth resent the fact that the Tige’Sieth are the military commanders of the dominantly Jag’Sieth military.  The Jag’Sieth desire to improve their caste leads to a caste war within the jungle centuries ago.  Jag’Sieth believed that they would be able to kill the fractioned Tige’Sieth population off in small and disorganized numbers.  When the Tige’Sieth realized what was happening they racially united and organized.  The Jag’Sieth units were no match for the power of Tige’Sieth working in unison.  Even the power of the Jag’Sieth’s allies, the Baper’Sieth, was not enough to gain them victory.  It became obvious across the Harsieth Empire that the Tige’Sieth would never stop before the Baper and Jag were all dead.  At this time the Li’Sieth along with many Sennew stepped into the jungle and demanded that the Tige’Sieth stop the slaughter.  The Tige’Sieth eventually did stop but not before there were terrible loses to each of the three castes.  All castes remember this time and the lessons learned about the Tige’Sieth.  
Baper’Sieth are looked down upon by the Tige’Sieth.  They do this for two reasons, first the Tige’Sieth believe that a personal connection to Isi’us is much more important than the excessive ceremonies of the Baper’Sieth.  They do not deny the power or the devotion of the Baper, but merely believe that it is not possible for the Baper to lead others to their own spirituality.  The second reason is because of the Baper’Sieth close relation with the Jag’Sieth, both races actions in the past have fostered the distrust of many Tige’Sieth.
Tige’Sieth give little thoughts to the rest of the Sennew outside of their jungle.  Tige’Sieth generally look upon all Harsieth as individuals more than creating caste based ideas, this is even true of the Baper and Jag in the eyes of the Tige.  This outlook of personal nature being greater than social stratification does not include the Nenem.  Tige’Sieth view and treat Nenem as poorly as any other group of Harsieth.  Tige’Sieth give little consideration to those beyond the borders of the Harsieth Empire, frequently having little interest in the affairs of savages beyond their lands.  Tige’Sieth will generally consider other races to be below them, but judge individuals on a case by case basis.  

''Alignment:'' Tige’Sieth generally have a very strong personal code that they adhere to.  Their belief in this code for all their actions plays against their natural savagery, and within every Tige’Sieth there is a battle between these two elements.  Tige’Sieth who completely conquer their inner rage disassociate with their race and withdraw to the secluded reaches of Doraen, even for their race.  Tige’Sieth who are ruled by their own rage generally live only short lives, burning bright before being snuffed out by those of greater power.  Tige’Sieth who are able to maintain a balance between these opposing elements can be found among all nine alignments, but Lawful Neutral seems to be the most common.  
Tige'Sieth Lands: The majority of Tige'Sieth are found in the Ran’Tchk Jungle. Tige’Sieth are not fond of community dynamics or group socializations of the smaller settlements.  Tige’Sieth that have not claimed their own territories tend to reside in larger cities where they can do their own thing and be a true individual. Those who do not live in the large cities are usually “on deployment” performing military duties; in these cases they can be found nearly anywhere in Harsieth lands.  Tige’Sieth who have advanced far enough along their own personal journey to enlightenment frequently leave the large cities and claim territory near temples and villages throughout the jungles.  Truly powerful Tige’Sieth claim the cities as their territory, demanding respect from other Tige’Sieth that are within their lands.  

''Religion:'' “With blood bears blood, and life reborn,” a well known quote amongst the faithful. Although few Tige'Sieth actively participate in the official church; Tige'Sieth do actively theorize and scrutinize the teachings of the church as to Isi'us’s true purpose for the Harsieth people.  Tige'Sieth strive every day to prove themselves worthy of a higher purpose, training both their mind and body in every conceivable way whether through study, riddles, or combat.

''Language:'' In addition to the common language of the Harsieth, Tige'Sieth scholars also utilize a dialect of Draconic, which they call Ti’Eloni, for various aspects of their life. They take great care in guarding this dialect’s secrets from all those they consider outsiders. Even members of their own caste are prevented from learning this dialect unless they are seen as worthy. The irony in this is some of the best known poems and epics written by Tige'Sieth were originally written in Ti'Eloni.

''Names:'' Tige'Sieth birth names are often taken from their environment and natural world with the belief that such terms bring them closer to the world and Isi'us. When the first name of honor is bestowed upon Harsieth of any caste by the Tige'Sieth it is a name of fluidity and often is prefaced with an aspect of the moon Ba’leaun.
A Tige’Sieth caste name holds two parts, the first being “Tige” and the second being the name of one of the nine houses in the caste.
__//Names of Birth://__ Chiterran (earth spirit), Araunty (moving air)
__//Names of Heart://__ Leaun’Tanga, Laeun’Hinlura, Laeun’reeshka,
__//Names of Caste://__ 1) Tige’Nappula, 2) Tige’Irthaenti, 3) Tige’Maschuska, 4) Tige’Oge’, 5) Tige’Birjio, 6) Tige’Xen, (Final 3 house names are being left open for the campaign’s choosing.)

''Adventurers:'' Tige’Sieth adventurers are very common.  The personal nature of the quest every Tige’Sieth has lends itself well to the greater glory of the individual.  Most Tige’Sieth adventurers are unlikely to stray far from the lands of the Harsieth Empire, forays against their southern neighbors are frequently the furthest that a Tige’Sieth will journey, and many of them simply search unexplored and dangerous parts of their own jungle for challenges.  Those few adventurers who journey into other lands for extended periods of time find themselves in a world they frequently understand little about.  Lands of humans have laws that are strange and unfamiliar to a Tige’Sieth, something that every cub is warned of.  Tige’Sieth who spend much time within the lands of other races frequently swallow some of their legendary pride and seek assistance from others who understand their surroundings better than they do.  A few of these discover the value of companions, though they seek to prove their own worth to these traveling mates.  

__''Tige'Sieth Racial Traits:''__
• +4 Str, -2 Cha
• Medium Size
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• ~Low-Light Vision
• +2 to Intimidate
• +2 save versus Fear Effects
• Knowledge (Harsieth) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Claws: When unarmed, a Tige'Sieth is able to extend his claws and attack for 1d4+str as if he were armed with his standard weapons. This damage cannot be done as subdual. If the Tige'Sieth is a monk, he may choose to utilize his monk unarmed attack routine with his claws extended and may choose between the damage to be done in either bludgeoning or slashing form. If the Tige'Sieth is a caster, he may not cast spells with somatic components while his claws are extended. The decision to have claws extended or retracted is made at the beginning of the Li'Sieth's action and holds true until the beginning of his following action.
• Cat Like Anatomy: The Tige'Sieth has difficulty adjusting his body to accomodate Heavy Armor. Tige'Sieth suffer a -2 to all attack rolls and damage rolls when fighting in a suit of Heavy Armors. Tige'Sieth also suffer an additional 2 points of armor check penalty than normal and 2 lower max dex bonus when using Heavy Armor. This disadvantage may be removed by spending a feat slot and marking it as [[Heavy Amor Aptitude|Tel'Lagaian Feats]]
• Automatic Languages: Haisen, Trade Tongue, and Ti’Eloni
• Bonus Languages: Chimeran, Giant, Orcish, Saenie, Sidhe, Steele, and Tersh
• Favored Class: Monk
The history of the Shar’Liell is far more than a simple recounting of the triumphs and tribulations of a single race of people. The Shar’Liell are more than a single race, instead being a series of races tied to a plan other than Tel’Lagaia; but even more than this, understanding the history of the Shar’Liell requires understanding of the history of the world of Tel’Lagaia and magic.
Long, long ago, when the world of Tel’Lagaia was new, a connection was formed with a far off and strange realm of faerie beings. The origin of this connection is unknown; it is uncertain whether it was individuals from one side or the other that was able to form such a strong bridge between these two worlds. Before this connection was opened between the two worlds, the only magic that was known throughout Tel’Lagaia, was that of the elemental dragon gods. 
Curious individuals from the Fayne journeyed across the planes along the open gateways that joined the worlds. When they emerged they found themselves to have stepped into a strange world that was unfamiliar to them. Their own connection to their magic felt weaker in this place, and they were unable to reshape reality through strength of will. Despite these problems, these explorers were curious to explore this place. Over the centuries, these explorers were changed by their residence on Tel’Lagaia. Some individuals made their homes within human society, while most seemed more comfortable in the wildlands. These explorers evolved into fae as they are known on modern day Tel’Lagaia. 
Throughout the countless centuries explorers would travel both ways along the connecting trods between the Fayne and Tel’Lagia. Travelers moving either way along the trod would discover themselves to be in a world unlike any that they had previously dreamed possible. Those from Tel’Lagaia would find themselves within what seemed to be a living painting still in process. Depending on where the trod had led them, they may find themselves in a land of light and wonderment, a strange but beautiful faerie city, or a fantastic forest where animals knew no fear. Journeyers from the Fayne would find themselves in a strangely defined location where their innate magic was one of the most wondrous things present. Unlike trods traveling to the Faerie, those that lead to Tel’Lagaia would take the traveler to the wildlands, and the pure and unclaimed vastness appealed to many fae travelers. 
The coming of the Holy Wars changed things for Tel’Lagaia and the Fayne. The fae travelers and their trods were powered by the imaginations and sense of wonderment that seemed so common in humans back in this ancient time. As the Holy Wars approached both of these traits began to be replaced with fear and dread inside of the humans. It was known long before the wars actually broke out that something was coming, both humans and fae were able to feel the coming storm. 
The Holy Wars began, bringing destruction the like of which Tel’Lagaia had never felt. The four beings that had stewarded humanity to unrivaled heights now pressed their followers into bloody service. This drastic change within the bulk of humanity had a great effect upon the population of fae travelers as well as the Fayne. Fae travelers withdrew from humanity; they feared the change that had overcome their neighbors. These fae retreated to the wildlands where many of their brethren had established homes. Even here the fae travelers could feel the effects of the change within humanity, but they stayed with the hope that after the destruction finished they would somehow be able to help the humans for which they cared. 
The effects on the Fayne were far more drastic than those on Tel’Lagaia. The trods of the Fayne were open for travelers to journey through and no guard had ever been placed upon them. This lead to a most unexpected invasion, the negative emotions that were fueled by the Holy War swept down the trods and into the kingdoms of the fae. These creatures powered by the strength of feelings began to change from the exposure to the onslaught of negative emotions that came from Tel’Lagaia. Civil unrest struck the Fayne for the first time in their long history. As fae battled fae on the streets of the greatest cities, the landscape of the Fayne began to change. Forests twisted and darkened as the animals fled from its throny embrace; fields of flowers began to wilt and die as the blood of thousands of Dragon worshippers seeped from the ground to form a bog. 
Faerie scholars studied to learn what had occurred to bring this change about within the Fayne. Some of these scholars were slaughtered in their towers as civil unrest turned to civil war. Eventually, a change within the essence of the faerie people was discovered. The emotion that flowed freely from Tel’Lagaia had darkened. No longer was the Fayne able to benefit from the inquisitive nature of humans, but instead the darkness of a humans soul was able to taint the homeland of fae. This change within human souls had fractured every fae, their essence now was broken between darkness and light. Eventually, scholars named these individual and competing aspects of their being Seelie and Unseelie. 
The Lords of the Fayne ordered the gateways between Tel’Lagaia and the Fayne to be closed forever. The danger from the human lands was too great to allow this darkness to continue to taint their kingdoms. One by one the gateways were closed, sealing off Tel’Lagaia from the magical energies that it had grown so accustomed to. Eventually the lords of the Fayne sealed all of the gateways, the final one being the Cynllwybr, the first trod. 
Unseelie lords, now in control of kingdoms of their own right, saw no need to close these gateways. Instead, they looked upon their connection to Tel’Lagaia as a means to power within their own world. The paths kept open by these lords were small, winding, and dangerous. The Unseelie lords hoped that the darkness that seeped in from Tel’Lagaia would darken the essences of more fae, allowing them to unseat the Seelie rulers of the lands. 
On Tel’Lagaia, the closing of Cynllwybr heralded the end to magic as it had been known. Humans were now mostly cut off from the origin of magic and the source of its energy. The few trods that remained open were an unreliable source of power. During this time, the disappearance of magic was not of great concern to most humans. Their civilization was in ruins and they needed to flee their ancestral homelands. Concerns of basic survival were far more important to most, rather than the question of why had magic changed. Eventually, scholars and mages began to question what had changed, their records were frequently lost or destroyed and so they had no knowledge of the initial connection between magic and the Fayne. It was concluded that with the retreat of the dragons, magic had left the lands of Tel’Lagaia as well.
As more and more time passed, magic became more and more unstable in the hands of humans. Practitioners were persecuted in most societies for bringing far to great a danger to those around them due to the dramatic miscasts that could occur. Tales spread across the land of students of the art learning how to light a candle and instead burning down a village. In some towns and villages, magic became illegal and if found guilty of practicing magician would be exiled or executed.
Two hundred years ago, there were few individuals that would actively seek to learn of magic. The energy had become far to dangerous to handle, and the consequences (whether magical or mundane) were far to great. There were few locations where study was still accepted, but even in these places it was carefully monitored and frequently feared by the general populace. The only large concentration of magical casters was the Baper’sieth. This caste was entrusted with magical study inside of the Harsieth kingdom and they zealously guarded its secrets from the other castes. 
It was at this time that Cynllwybr opened for the first time since the Holy Wars. Other trods suddenly sprang to life throughout the world as well. Tales of innkeepers finding strange lights emerging from their cellars, trees growing from saplings to hundred year old ancients in front of passerby’s eyes, as well as thrones of kings disappearing in front of guards’ eyes began to circulate throughout the known lands. Almost immediately, those who studied magic could feel the difference in the world, something had changed. Magicians were able to call upon their greatest spells with little difficulty and were able to master new concepts with ease. Reports of wild magic began to circulate through the lands as well, but they were infrequent. Many kingdoms took this as a sign of a change within the world, and quickly embraced the change. Calls went out to those who had been studying magic for all these years to report to governors and kings. Schools were established for these mages to learn more of magic as well as pass on their knowledge to others. 
Explorers were sent out to search wildlands and other kingdoms for a source of the change. Explorers who delved into the wildlands of Tel’Lagaia discovered the trods that had opened, strange roadways into chaos. These trods were being guarded by huge creatures with thick skin, horns, and strange looking weapons. More than one of these scouts reported back to their kingdoms about an invasion from the lower planes. Armies marshaled but eventually no attack came, and so the warnings the scouts had brought back were dismissed. 
It was a glorious year and a day, for that is how long this time of wonderment lasted. After that, the trods began to close in the wildlands. Those that had discovered the civilization of man had closed much sooner than that. As the trods closed, all students of magic could feel the change happen, magic once again pulled away from them. At first, magicians hid this from there benefactors. Both old magicians and new were aware of the history of their people. As months rolled by it became obvious that something had changed within the world again, and so eventually it was revealed that the wild magic was returning. For some kingdoms, the time that the trods had reopened had been enough to spark their interest in magic. Steil’ven refused to stop magical research, it looked upon the advantage it could gain and believed that the benefit outweighed the risks involved in studying magic. 
As the years went by, the warnings of the scouts and their cries of “Invasion” were forgotten by almost all. Eventually, everyone remembered when the first child began to change. Hinseth was a normal child within the kingdom of Steil’ven, he was the first son of the governor of one of Steil’ven’s provinces. He was celebrating his tenth birthday when suddenly he fell down in pain. Before the eyes of the assembled guests Hinseth began to undergo a painful transformation into a demon being. Certainly his skin began to change from fair and soft to blue and thick, he did in fact begin to sprout horns in front of the gathered officials, and yes he was able to grow two feet in a matter of minutes; but Hinseth was not possessed by a demon as the rulership of Steil’ven decided. Hinseth was merely the first to experience his Faerie essence emerge. The child did not live through the day, his father, convinced of the demonic possession of his son, brought the church in to perform an exorcism that Hinseth was not able to live through. This initial encounter with the Shar’Liell returned Steil’ven to a paranoid heightened alert against a possible demonic incursion.
Shortly after Hinseth’s change more and more children began to emerge as having Faerie essences. Not all of the children went through such a painful transformation as Hinseth, nor did all share his appearance. Many parents feared what was happening to their children, while others marveled at their beauty. Feelings of these new creatures across Tel’Lagaia were mixed. It was the city of Melliope that championed the cause of these newborns. 
Tyriess Abujour, daughter of Mylentha Abujour the governing regent of Melliope, allied Melliope with the cause of all the Shar’Liell. It was the simple act of transforming from a human child and into a sidhe within a week of her birth that caused Mylentha to call out to all her neighbors. The call of the bard-queen was heard in the Seven Silver Cities as well as far off Ter’rim; ambassadors were welcomed into the lands of the Harsieth but informed that no similar events had transpired there. Steil’ven ignored the message of Mylentha’s bard-messengers. 

''Today:'' Groups of Shar’Liell can be found throughout the lands of Tel’Lagaia, they have made this new land their home. Shar’Liell can be found in the northern deserts of Ter’rim within the cities and the Bedouin communities; in fact, some Shar’Liell have banded together to form their own roving bayts that are accepted into goums as equals. The Bedouin people look upon trolls with particular favoritism, the innate trollish nature to protect goes well with the outlook of the Bedouins and the importance of loyalty. Inside the Seven Silver Cities, the Shar’Liell find a home and are able to maintain their own culture beside those of the independent city states. Melliope has become a haven for the Shar’Liell, and is where the largest concentration of them can be found. In fact, the regent of Melliope has remained in the control of the Sidhe for most of the time since the Shar’Liell came to this world. 
The lands of Steil’ven are still unfriendly to the Shar’Liell and it is not uncommon for children to be taken by the government soon after their emergence. Rumors abound as to what Steil’ven does with these children, but all of the “Human Tales” strike fear into the hearts of Shar’Liell everywhere. Melliope is a known staging ground for Shar’Liell who would act against the government of Steil’ven and seek to rescue emerging Shar’Liell. 

''What Happened on the Fayne (Faerie Plane)?'' The Shar’Liell do not remember the Fayne very well, and most seem to have no ability to recall their homeland other than through flickers of images and brief feelings. Many Shar’Liell feel a sense of dread associated with the Fayne, and some have brief memories of fleeing as the last images that they can recall. Even through these feelings and images, many Shar’Liell wish to return to their home plane. Throughout their years in Tel’Lagaia they have discovered that they are unable to make such a journey, something prevents them from journeying home even on the few trods that remain connecting this world to their homeland. 
The combination of dread, visions of flight, and inability to return to the Fayne have banded the Shar’Liell together. These concerns and feelings bypass any social, economic, and political boundaries that individual Shar’Liell may have. Certainly, there are Shar’Liell who have no desire to return to a homeland that they do not know; but, most of the Shar’Liell hope to return to the Fayne and reopen the trods that link the two worlds. 

''Faerie Essence:'' Shar’Liell are not creatures from Tel’Legaia, and they have developed very differently than the native inhabitants of this world. One of the most drastically altered qualities of a Shar’Liell is that it does not have a soul. This is not to say that Shar’Liell are without conscience and morality; in fact, for most Shar’Liell these two aspects define them far more than humanity is defined by its conscience and morality. 
Every Shar’Liell comes from its very own Faerie essence. This essence is what has become trapped within the bounds of Tel’Lagaia, separated from the Fayne. In order to survive the Faerie essence has sought out places of refugee within its prison plane. This action by the Faerie essence led to the creation of the Shar’Liell race. Faerie essence seeks out unborn children, most commonly human, and bonds itself to the form. As the human body grows, so does the strength of the Faerie essence, attempting to push past a cocoon of its own making to protect it from the world and blossom through the act of Emergence. 
Shar’Liell frequently have little memory of their time before Emergence, they will remember faces and names and frequently have flashes of insight into their old lives but only if they continue to live their old life. Shar’Liell frequently keep the feelings from before their Emergence, innately knowing that they love their family but such sensations frequently feel somewhat detached to them, as if in a waking dream. This association with feelings has led more than one Shar’Liell into trouble as they act upon old emotions with new found power; this is especially true of Trolls. Aeshun frequently have little memory before they Emerged, due to the fact that Aeshun frequently wander off during their Emergence and simply never return. 
The Faerie essence of a Shar’Liell alters the nature of the human body upon Emergence. This is most obvious through the distinct changes that occur physically during Emergence. However, Faerie essence can also change its outward appearance as the nature of the Shar’Liell changes. Frequently these alterations are minor, but in some individuals drastic changes can occur as a change within the nature of the Faerie essence happens. While a Shar’Liell changes between Seelie and Unseelie nature their outward appearance can change on a physiological level. 
While completely capable of subconscious cosmetic changes, the Faerie essence is capable of much more. The Faerie essence is a strong source of magical energy, and because of this many Shar’Liell are much more in tune with magical forces. The Faerie essence of a Shar’Liell is even capable of powering magical effects without any external study or talent. The ferocity of the Sidhe is a famous example of this, while normally their presence is considered soothing and endearing, an angry Sidhe changes. Frequently these individuals appear to grow larger while their shadows lengthen and wind blows through their hair when no leaf moves. This example is most known for Sidhe who have been observed during the throws of their fury, but all Shar’Liell go through some changes as their mood sways. A woodworking Auspran may smell of burnt wood when angry and very real storms may be seen within the eyes of an enraged Troll. 
Finally, while a Shar’Liell may die from many causes there is only one known way to kill Faerie essence. When the body of a Shar’Liell dies, the Faerie essence leaves the form to seek out another vessel, beginning their life as a Shar’Liell anew but retaining the same nature and sometimes memories. The known way to prevent this from happening is to kill a Shar’Liell with a cold iron blade. If this is done, it is believed that the Faerie essence shatters upon death, never to return to Tel’Lagaia or the Fayne again.
This recurrence of the Faerie essence and other innate differences between Faerie essence and a soul makes it difficult to recall the Faerie essence to the body of a fallen Shar’Liell. Human divine powers have seen no success in regards to returning Shar’Liell to life in the few occasions that have been attempted; it seems that when the Faerie essence leaves the body it will not return. 
Shar’Liell do not treat their lives or their bodies with any less care than other races do. Shar’Liell feel pain as much as a human, and perhaps more due to the nature of their Faerie essence being so tied to the emotions of the Shar’Liell. While there is the belief that if they die they will come back in another form, Shar’Liell do not know if there is a limit to the number of times that a Faerie essence will be able to accomplish this. There is also the very real threat that when they are reborn they will find themselves in much worse conditions than they do in their current life, or perhaps worst, they will be born within Steil’ven. Both of these threats make suicide uncommon among the Shar’Liell. 

''Shar’Liell Emergence:'' Emergence is the time when the Faerie essence of a Shar’Liell is able to achieve its potential. At this time the Faerie essence begins to alter the body of its host. Emergence is different with each Faerie essence, for each type of Shar’Liell, and each individual Emergence. Frequently the Faerie essence is not able to shed its cocoon in one solid push, but instead over the course of days or weeks. During this time the individual will experience frequent changes. These changes can be physiological, such as the characteristic “sunburn” of Chimerans during Emergence, or emotional, as the Emerging Shar’Liell begins to feel their own emotions much more acutely. When the Faerie essence is finally able to emerge from its protective cocoon fully Emergence is complete. 
Emergence is not the only way a Shar'Liell arrives in the world of Doraen. If two Shar'Liell of the same race mate, their offspring is immediately a Shar'Liell of the given race without the need of an Emergence process. If two Shar'Liells of different races mate, their offspring is a full blood of one or the other but is never a mix and still would not need the endure the Emergence process.
On rare occasions two Shar'Liell parents have been known to give birth to a human child but the reasons for this are unknown and these humans do not necessarily become Shar'Liell at a later age.

''Cold Iron:'' Cold iron is anathema to Faerie essence. All Shar’Liell look upon weapons made of this material as dangerous and offensive. While these weapons are able to destroy a Faerie essence, they also cause much greater pain when used upon a Shar’Liell than weapons of other natures. Shar’Liell are outspoken opponents to the creation and manufacturing of cold iron weapons, and items of this nature have become a symbol for anti-Shar’Liell ideals. Individuals who have no sympathy for the Shar’Liell frequently have a cold iron knife rather than a standard steel one, and signs of stores, boarding houses, and inns that display cold iron are well known for their dislike of the race. In Steil’ven, some of their elite soldiers have their weapons crafted from cold iron to show their disdain and disregard for the race. Melliope is notably clear from cold iron weaponry, and weapons of this nature are confiscated upon entrance to the city. 

''Faerie Glamour:'' Shar’Liell are more closely tied to the essence of magic than other races. While many Shar’Liell are noted to be powerful wizards and sorcerers, even those unable to manipulate magic are able to call upon the powers of Faerie glamour. The Faerie essence of Shar’Liell empowers them with some magical abilities. Most of the physiological changes that occur during Emergence can be tied back to the Faerie essence manipulating Faerie glamour. Many changes that occur because of glamour are minor, such as the unusual skin tones of many Shar’Liell, while some other applications of glamour are much more noticeable. The commanding presence of the Sidhe and the extraordinary quickness of the Aeshun are both empowered by this Faerie glamour. 

[[• Aeshun|Aeshun]]
[[• Auspran|Auspran]]
[[• Chimerans|Chimerans]]
[[• Sidhe|Sidhe]]
[[• Troll|Troll]]
!!"Freeform" Spirituality
The Shar'Liell population as a whole do not subscribe to simply one religious structure but instead often adopting the religious beliefs of those around them.  This makes it as common to see a Shar'Liell who became so fascinated with the Isi'us that they have become a truly devout evangelist set on spreading the bounties of Isi'us to all those that may listen to a layman who will stop at just about any church who's deity's profile somewhat agrees with the particular Shar'Liell.
!!True Believers
All that being said, a large population of the Shar'Liell population "creates" his personal deity through the power of belief in his cause or moral compass.  It is one of many ways that the Shar'Liell have tried to incorporate their traditions from their origins with those native to Doraen.  This practice, however, while meant to show respect and understanding of Doraen's native religious cultures sometimes come across as mockery, false religions or even madness by those who do not have an innate understanding of the goings on.  It is not uncommon for one Shar'Liell to name sometimes many different names invoking multiple "deities" over time.  No two "deities" in this regard are the same in name or profile and often are little more than extensions of their creator.  But make no mistake, this does not make them any less real or able to bring forth their influences.
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Sidhe are the embodiment of everything that is regal and beautiful, they are the nobility of Shar’Liell. To most humans upon first seeing a Sidhe they are overwhelmed by the perfection of their appearance. These Shar’Liell are constantly at work to improve Shar’Liell’s place on Tel’Lagaia. Sidhe seek to unite their people and form a Shar’Liell nation. Sidhe have emissaries and ambassadors within every kingdom of northern Doraen, even Steil’ven has allowed this Shar’Liell’s presence. Detractors of the Sidhe are quick to point out that Veil’s Rest was formed without their involvement. 

''Personality:'' Sidhe personality varies from one individual Sidhe to another. Sidhe are noted to be flirts, playful, motherly, sullen, withdrawn, domineering, and outgoing. These categorizations of Sidhe cross social, political, economic, and essence related barriers. One defining attribute that can be associated with all Sidhe is their constant search for beauty in all things. 
Universally, Sidhe try and find beautiful aspects to everything that they encounter. While it is easy for most to find a sunset beautiful and draw positive emotion from that, Sidhe seek beauty from many more sources. It is believed by many that Sidhe work so hard to find beauty within all things because they are easily influenced by their surroundings. Sidhe feel emotions much deeper than other races or even other Shar’Liell, and they feel very responsible for their brethren during their exile from the Fayne. 
Perhaps, it is this sense of responsibility that leads many Sidhe into their sullen, withdrawn, pensive, and even brooding moods. Sidhe are the proud nobility of all Shar’Liell and deeply feel responsible for what has happened to all their kind. 
Sidhe are viewed as haughty and proud by most others. While both of these words are accurate descriptions of a Sidhe, they seem to pay no attention to the reasons behind these feelings. Sidhe look upon their nobility as a duty, it is the Sidhe responsibility to help all of the Shar’Liell and help to return them to the Fayne. 

''Physical Description:'' Sidhe appear predominately human in appearance, only through inspection would someone discover that an individual is a Sidhe and not human. Sidhe stand around 5 feet tall, though some extraordinary individuals are recorded to have been “taller than an armored knight of Sossendria.” Frequently they are seen as waiflike and thin, but there are a number of records noting that when incensed they take on a much more menacing appearance. Sidhe knights in armor appear much larger than they actually are; Sidhe knights are highly desired because of this, being considered extremely intimidating within their armored shells.
Sidhe facial structure is similar to human but everything is finer. A male Sidhe is even capable of growing facial hair although it grows much finer and softer than that of it's human counterpart preventing them from having scruffy beards that cover the majority of their faces.  One record compares Tyriess and Mylentha noting “Mother and daughter both seemed as if they were both based on the same mold. Mylentha had been carved by a skilled craftsman known for the quality of his work, while her daughter, Tyriess, was sculpted by an artisan of legendary skill.” Sidhe are frequently noted to possess otherworldly beauty. The most easily noticeable difference between a human and a Sidhe are the ears. Sidhe ears pull back into fine points while humans have rounded backs. Even this difference between the two is not great enough that a Sidhe would have difficulty passing as a human to the untrained eye with only a simple disguise. However, that same Sidhe would quickly be found out by a trained observer, as Sidhe are unable to mask their aura of nobility.

''Outlook:'' Sidhe feel responsible for what has occurred to the Shar’Liell both here and in the Fayne before they arrived on Tel’Lagaia. As the rulers and nobility of all Shar’Liell it is failings of the Sidhe that have lead their entire race to the situation that they now find themselves in. While Trolls seek to protect against physical threats, the Sidhe seek to protect all Shar’Liell against that and much more. While they do not ask for the job as leaders of their race, they know that they are the only ones who can do what is needed. 
Each day Sidhe try to wake up refreshed from the sleep of the past night. They try to shed the nightmares that frequently plague their dreams, and cast off their worries from the day before. As the day wears on Sidhe try to attach to whatever positive aspects that they can find, hoping that the negative decisions and realities will wash away from them. It is these glimmers of hope that allow the Sidhe to push through the rest of their day, until they eventually lay down and are once again plagued by nightmares of their own failures and the futility of their efforts. 
Each of these days wears on the essence of a Sidhe if they are unable to find enough hope for the future. This very real despair has led more than one Sidhe to suicide. Some individual Sidhe even went so far as to kill themselves with objects of cold iron, permanently destroying their Faerie essence. This melancholy is seen as a very real problem to all Sidhe, something that they are actively seeking to fix. 
__Seelie & Unseelie:__ Seelie Sidhe are benevolent rulers who attempt to keep their own moods light. Seelie Sidhe courts are often filled with Aeshun acrobats, Sidhe artists and bards, as well as Auspran craftsmen. Observers might believe that these Sidhe merely wish to surround themselves with these individuals out of shallowness, pride, or vainglory. The truth is that the beauty and laughter that these individuals provide allow a Sidhe to look past the dire situation that their people find themselves in and the terrible decisions that they are forced to make and find some hope to hold onto. 
While their emotions are mercurial, a Sidhe who remains withdrawn and brooding for too long becomes dangerously close to their Unseelie nature. Unseelie Sidhe who rise above their own self loathing can become dangerous individuals, frequently fueled by their own self hatred into great and terrible acts. These Sidhe begin to seek the beauty in violation, darkness, and murder. Some truly solitary individuals become so obsessed with this darker beauty that they prey upon other sentient beings merely to fill their own hearts with beauty. Other than these psychopathic individuals, Unseelie Sidhe can become dangerous warlords with grand visions and enough magnetism to draw others to their cause. 

''Relations:'' Sidhe have the strongest tie of all Shar’Liell to their own kind. It is common for Seelie Sidhe to exchange letters with other Sidhe that they have never met. Sidhe go out of their way to get to know other Sidhe that are near them. It is frequent for the Sidhe of the Seven Silver Cities to travel between the individual city-states in order to form bonds with the other Sidhe of the region. Because of this close relation to others of their kind, Sidhe take the dangers of other Sidhe turning away from Seelie very personally. Sidhe frequently will plan interventions for other Sidhe if they seem to be slipping to the Unseelie. 
Sidhe have strong ties to all other types of Shar’Liell, recognizing the individual abilities of each type of Shar’Liell. The Shar’Liell that Sidhe disagree with most frequently are Chimeran. The self imposed exile and neutrality of the Chimeran is seen as an unwillingness to fight for the Shar’Liell as a race. Most Chimeran are content to simply record the passing of these events. Sidhe also come to disagreements with Shar’Liell from Veil’s Rest frequently accusing them of abandoning the rest of the Shar’Liell. Many believe that this is simply an expression of the Sidhe anger that the first Shar’Liell community independent of other races was founded and run without the assistance of the Sidhe. 
Sidhe have strong ties to the Seven Silver Cities, and have in fact ruled Melliope for more years than not over the past 400 years. Sidhe also have a good relation with the humans of Ter’rim and the Dwarves of the east. The Sidhe have also found kindred souls with the Harsieth. Though their histories are different, the cultures mixture of artistry and function appeal to Sidhe sensibilities. The Harsieth find the Sidhe’s noble bearing, fighting spirit, and blazing desire attractive. While Sidhe have representatives inside of Steil’ven, the government pays little attention to these ambassadors. 

''Alignment:'' Sidhe are opinionated and willing to fight for their beliefs. Neutrality is uncommon among the Sidhe; most Sidhe find themselves drawn to one of the extreme alignments. While lawful Sidhe are far more common than chaotic individuals, a growing number of Sidhe believe that little is gained by following rules that enemies of the Shar’Liell are unwilling to. This growing movement of chaotic Sidhe have expressed interest in more actively opposing Steil’ven’s oppression of the Shar’Liell. 

''Sidhe Lands:'' Sidhe reside within cities, towns, and metropolis. It is infrequent for a Sidhe to remove themselves from the hustle and bustle of society. The one exception being that when pregnant a Sidhe will fade out of Prime Creation shortly before giving labor to a place they call "The Sanctuary", after the strains of labor have concluded they return with their child.  Many believe that this sanctuary is tied in some way to Fayne but this belief is not substantiated. Though Melliope is not always ruled by a Sidhe, it is infrequent when a Sidhe is not in control of the city-state. Even when not ruled by a Sidhe bard, Melliope is a hub of Sidhe activity. The ideals of this city have attracted the largest concentration of Sidhe throughout the lands of Doraen. The Sidhe hope that the acceptance of Shar’Liell within Melliope can lead to the foundation of a Shar’Liell nation. Outside of Melliope Sidhe congregate within Rolam and Sossendria as well as Veil’s Rest.

''Religion:'' Sidhe are frequently strongly associated with emotional and leadership ideals. Sidhe associated with emotional ideals generally seek an understanding of Sidhe tendency towards melancholy and dark brooding. It is the hope and greatest goal of these Sidhe to find an understanding of the Sidhe essence and perhaps solutions to these proclivities. Sidhe that follow leadership ideals are those who are fighting for a stronger Shar’Liell community and directing action within their communities. Frequently these Sidhe have lead movements and reforms within the regions that they are in. There is a large congregation of Sidhe following leadership ideals within Melliope. These Sidhe gather here in order to act against Steil’ven and their anti-Shar’Liell policies. However, the presence of so many leaders has lead many movements to fracture do to differing ideals, currently the Shar’Liell underground is primarily small groups of individuals working without any support from a larger group. 

''Language:'' Sidhe language is a reflection of its speakers. The language flows from the lips of a native speaker smoothly, each word is a thing of beauty and a sentence sounds like a work of art. The Sidhe language was primarily designed as a language for love, poetry, and songs. The day to day duties of governance have adopted use of the language, but linguists find a number of the nuances of the language to be inappropriate for such a job. Sidhe have begun to adopt other languages as their nature changes from artists and leaders to front line warriors. At first these cannibalized terms were used infrequently and generally only in talk of war, but some Sidhe artists have come to incorporate these terms into their works. The effect of this is to jar the listener or reader, accentuating the awkwardness of modern times. These Sidhe artists have come to be termed Modernists; while artistic works of this nature, whether involving the Sidhe language or not, are termed modern. 

''Names:'' Sidhe names come from the Sidhe language and are descriptions of their Faerie essence. It is common for Sidhe to reclaim their name from a previous life, and names come to be associated with the Sidhe Faerie essence rather than one life or another of the Sidhe. Names have no innate feminine or masculine connotations, each name is unique to the individual Faerie essence it belongs to. Sidhe find other races attempts at pronunciation of their language to be painfully uncomfortable for both the speaker and the listener, because of this most Sidhe translate their names into languages that are far more comfortable to their speakers and learn to respond to their new names quickly. Sidhe are only willing to go so far in an effort to ease a speaker’s burden, there are few records of Sidhe names being translated into any of the more guttural humanoid languages. 
__//Example Names://__ Brightone, Glimmerblade, Puresong, Shiningtruth, and Trueheart

''Adventurers:'' All Sidhe look upon their current situation as a great adventure. While some Sidhe do not find anything romantic about the predicament that Shar’Liell find themselves in, a number of other Sidhe take solace in every victory that they have. Sidhe are commonly leaders and spokespeople for the groups that they travel with, often called to classes that focus on personal interaction and higher causes. Sidhe are frequently paladins, clerics, and bards. Sidhe become competent rogues, fighters, sorcerers, and barbarians. All of these classes they use as a platform towards leadership, swaying others to their fight with speeches and actions. Sidhe, like most Shar’Liell, do not feel a close enough tie to the natural world of Tel’Lagaia to become druids and they see little benefit in a life spent removed from civilization, so ranger holds little allure for them. Most Sidhe find the role of the wizard too passive for their natures, years of study to master spells seem like years of inaction to most Sidhe.

''Emergence:'' Sidhe Emergence is most frequently shortly after childbirth. This gives Sidhe a unique perspective on the world, and is the initial basis for their pro-Shar’Liell attitude. Sidhe have grown up being Shar’Liell rather than human, and so they see the world in a way no other Shar’Liell does. Sidhe are thankful for this early emergence, but it also provides a great weakness to the Sidhe. As newborns they are as helpless as any human child to those who would wish them harm. Sidhe watch the lands of Steil’ven closely, hoping to catch the birth of Sidhe children before they occur so that they are able to rescue the newborns from Steil’ven’s roundup. 

''Magic:'' Sidhe are natural masters of Enchantment, this magic of the mind only enhances the natural abilities of a Sidhe at convincing others. Sidhe sorcerers frequently develop powers over most schools, but Enchantment is their most obvious focus. The magic of Necromancy generally seems foreign to Sidhe, and few sorcerers are able to draw upon even simple incantations of necromantic nature.

__''Sidhe Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Cha, -2 Con
• Medium sized.
• 30 Ft Base Speed
• +2 Diplomacy. Sidhe are natural negotiators.
• +2 Intimidate. Sidhe are fearsome opponents when aggravated.
• Knowledge (Sidhe) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• Faerie Glamour Passion: Sidhe are well known for their powerful emotions. These Shar’Liell are frequently seen crying because of beauty or joy as well as sadness. Their Faerie essence changes depending on the emotions that they are feeling, and can have drastic effects on a Sidhe’s abilities. To activate a passion a Sidhe must be at the total mercy of the specific emotion and remain dominated by that emotion for the duration of the passion. 
**Passion of Beauty (Love): Sidhe when overwhelmed by the wonders of true beauty can call upon the passion of beauty. They frequently call upon this passion when in defense of something truly beautiful, whether tangible or intangible. The Sidhe under effects of passion of beauty forces those around them to stop and listen to their words. Frequently, Sidhe will use their oratory skills to dissuade the destruction or harming of the beauty that has so inspired them, but there are many times that Sidhe have used their glamour enforced platform for other reasons. Unless a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ character level + Charisma modifier) is made individuals within the presence of the Sidhe must only listen for two minutes. If their Will save is successful they are able to take action, but still are more willing to listen to the Sidhe than they normally would be. If any hostile or potentially hostile action is taken in the affected area the entire passion of beauty comes to an end. At the end of passion of beauty a Sidhe finds themselves especially vulnerable. The Sidhe is unable to take action for three rounds after the end of passion of beauty as they are overwhelmed with their vision of the beauty that inspired their speech. While this ability is known as passion of beauty a Sidhe in the hold of true love is also able to call upon its power, drawing upon the strength of their love to fuel their speech. 
**Passion of Compassion: Sidhe who are overwhelmed with compassion for another are able to share their own life force with those individuals. When using passion of compassion a Sidhe gives half of their total hit points and removes all negative status effects from their target. The Sidhe then loses half their total hit points and gains all the negative status effects that their target was suffering from with no saves. These status effects transfer over in the same condition that they were, so a Sidhe who removed a disease from someone would gain the disease including all the appropriate ability damage or other effects that the disease had affected the target of passion of compassion with. If the Sidhe is somehow immune to some of the negative status effects that would normally be gained through use of passion of compassion they maintain this immunity but gain all negative status effects that they are not specifically immune to. For example, if a 9th level Sidhe druid uses passion of compassion on someone who is currently poisoned with snake venom they would suffer from any existing ability score damage but the poison would have no further effect on them. 
**Passion of Fury: Sidhe who are driven to feeling nothing but anger become powered by the passion of fury. These Sidhe gain +1 to hit and damage. However, Sidhe feeling the passion of fury have little regard for their own self-preservation or the future. While in the throws of fury a Sidhe suffers a -2 penalty to Armor Class and is unable to use skills or feats that require concentration. This includes all skills that use Int, Wis, and Cha as the associated ability other than Intimidate. Passion of Fury lasts for the duration of an encounter. 
**Passion of Vengeance: Passion of Vengeance works differently than other passions. Vengeance is activated when a Sidhe discovers or witnesses something that fills them with utter hatred and revulsion for those responsible but is unable to act upon it at the time (those responsible are not caught immediately). The Sidhe cries out their need to seek vengeance to the heavens. The Sidhe uses passion for the day with no benefit. Later, when the Sidhe encounters those responsible Passion of Vengeance activates. Vengeance will not be stopped, and so neither will the Sidhe. Sidhe under the effects of vengeance receive a +2 to all saving throws and opposed checks to resist spells and effects of those they have sworn vengeance against. However, Sidhe under the effects of vengeance see nothing but their goal. They will strike down friends and innocents who attempt to bar their way or stop their hand from killing the target of their vengeance. No more than one passion of vengeance can exist at one time. Sidhe will rarely cry for vengeance against a new adversary with a previous call for vengeance remains unsatisfied. However, it is possible for a Sidhe to begin a new passion of vengeance if it has been over one month since any progress was made on the old passion of vengeance. Sidhe do not need to abandon past passion of vengeances due to time, but they are unable to claim new ones. Passion of Vengeance cannot be used in conjunction with any other passion. Passion of Vengeance lasts for the duration of an encounter or until vengeance has been meted out against all guilty parties within the encounter. 
Passion is usable once per day, but only when a Sidhe is truly overcome with the appropriate emotion.
• Faerie Glamour Brooding: Sidhe unable to regularly experience powerful emotions are well known for their melancholy. Sidhe are usually able to withstand this dark aspect of their nature, but as greater and greater amounts of time pass between strong emotional experiences they can begin to slip down a precarious slope. After one week without strong positive emotions, a Sidhe begins to become lost in their brooding. If they continue their daily routine they are frequently seen as down cast, dreary, and suffer a -1 to all D20 rolls. For every week that passes without a change for the Sidhe they continue to accrue -1 to all D20 rolls. Eventually, most Sidhe that suffer from a deep depression will experience their dominant nature recede. This frequently leads to Sidhe changing between their Seelie and Unseelie aspects. 
• Automatic Languages: Sidhe and Trade Tongue. Bonus Languages: Aeshun, Auspran, Chimeran, Draconic, Dwarven, Haisen, Silvian, Tersh, and Troll.
• Favored Class: Bard. 
Tel’Lagaia is a homebrewed world and campaign setting by Alice Peng for the 3.5e/D20 Dungeons and Dragons System. 
This setting is designed as mid to high fantasy with custom races ([[Harsieth]] and [[Shar'Liell]]) as well as supplimentary rules such as the concept of Wild Magic.  This world is in perpetual development both during and outside of gameplay sessions so please be aware what you read today may get changed down the road to create a more well rounded and balanced campaign world.

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{{floatleft{[img[]]}}}{{floatright{[img[]]}}}Tel'Lagaia Campaign Guidelines
!!''Skill Changes''
The following skills have been adjusted for the Tel'Lagaia Campaign to streamline systems.  However, these changes are not reflected in the racial write ups at this time because some are only partial negatives and positives of the new combined skills while others cover the entire new skill.  Please make adjustments to characters accordingly.

''Removed'': Balance, Escape Artist, Tumble
''Addition'': //Acrobatics// replaces these three removed skills.  Acrobatics is a Dexterity based skill.

''Removed'': Climb, Jump, Swim, Use Rope
''Addition'': //Athletics// replaces these four removed skills.  Athletics is a Strength based skill.

''Removed'': Gather Information
''Addition'': //Diplomacy// now encompasses Gather Information also.  Diplomacy is a Charisma based skill.

''Removed'': Open Lock
''Addition'': //Disable Device// now encompasses Open Lock also.  Disable Device is an Intelligence based skill.

''Removed'': Decipher Script, Forgery, Speak Language
''Addition'': //Linguistics// replaces these three removed skills, however, the first 5 languages gained through this are at two ranks each.  Further languages are gained at 1 rank each.  Linguistics is an Intelligence based skill.

''Removed'':  Listen, Spot
''Addition'': //Perception// replaces these two removed skills, allowing a more "flavorful" take by those who may have heightened smell or a "6th sense".  For purposes of calculating class vs cross class a character simply needs one of the two removed skills to be present in their class list.  Perception is a Wisdom based skill.

''Removed'': Hide, Move Silently
''Addition'': //Stealth// replaces these two removed skills.  Stealth is a Dexterity based skill.

''Removed'': Concentration
''Addition'': Concentrating on spellcasting is an innate capability of any caster (as introduced by [[Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook by Paizo Publishing|]]). Instead of forcing a character to take a skill for casting in challenging circumstances a caster simply rolls d20, adds caster level and the ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells of the same type.  The difficulty for this check is determined by the table below.
|''Situation''|''Concentration Check DC''|
|Cast Defensively|15+Double Spell Level|
|Injured|10+Damage+Spell Level|
|Continuous Damage|10+1/2 Damage+Spell Level|
|Affected by Non Damaging Spell|DC of the Spell+Spell Level|
|Grappled or Pinned|10+Enemy Grapple Modifier+Spell Level|
|Vigorous Motion|10+Spell Level|
|Violent Motion|15+Spell Level|
|Extreme Motion|20+Spell Level|
|Heavy Rain/Sleet|5+Spell Level|
|Hail/Debris|10+Spell Level|
|Spell Caused Weather|See Spell|
|Entangled|15+Spell Level|
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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which use a logographic writing system and need larger font sizes.

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!!''Aeshun Prudence'' [General]
''Prerequisites:'' Aeshun
''Benefit:'' Allows Aeshun to wear Medium Armors or be in medium encumberance without taking damage.
''Normal:'' An Aeshun that wears Medium Armors or is in medium encumberance suffers 1d4 damage per round while in that condition until the Aeshun is unconscious or the status is changed.
''Description:'' The Aeshun has learned some minor levels of prudence and self restraint allowing him to don armor that is while uncomfortable, realized as a necessary matter of survival in some situations. This same discipline has allowed the Aeshun to carry slightly more possessions with him that may be of assistance when on the road or in a dungeon.
''Special:'' May be selected as a fighter bonus feat.

!!Energy Focus [Metamagic]
''Prerequisites:'' Caster Level 12, Spell Attunement, and Spell Focus
''Benefit:'' The character lowers his spell surge percentage by 2%, even below 5%.
''Normal:'' A character normally cannot reduce his spell surge rate below 5%.
''Description:'' The caster has become naturally charged with the energies of magic on Doraen through such a long period of practice. He is able to channel this energy to counteract the normal instabilities of the magical currents around him.
''Special:'' --

!!Heavy Armor Aptitude [General]
''Prerequisites:'' ~Non-Li'Sieth Harsieth
''Benefit:'' Negates the Harsieth racial negative "Cat Like Anatomy".
''Normal:'' The ~Non-Li'Sieth Harsieth have difficulty adjusting their bodies to accomodate Heavy Armor. ~Non-Li'Sieth Harsieth suffer a -2 to all attack rolls and damage rolls when fighting in suits of Heavy Armors. ~Non-Li'Sieth Harsieth also suffer an additional 2 points of armor check penalty than normal and 2 lower max dex bonus when using Heavy Armors. 
''Description:'' The Harsieth has learned to adapt his body as well utilizing minor armor alterations (added padding) in order to not suffer restrictions beyond that a piece of Heavy Armor normally would entail.
''Special:'' May be selected as a fighter bonus feat.

!!Spell Attunement [Metamagic]
''Prerequisites:'' None
''Benefit:'' Character immediately gains two [[attuned|Attuned Spell]] spells.
''Normal:'' A character only gains one [[attuned|Attuned Spell]] at 1st, 4th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th level giving a total of 7 [[attuned|Attuned Spell]] by 20th level.
''Description:'' The character has spent time and energy focusing on the nature of magic within and around her. She has learned to draw on corners of her mind and reserve willpower to align herself to additional energy currents of magic.
''Special:'' This feat may be taken more than once, each time the character gains an additional two attuned spells.
A prickly plant indigenous to the desert harvested primarily for it's juice which has proven to have nourishing and healing qualities. The harvesting process can be difficult and even dangerous as the plant is covered with hundreds of sharp needles approximately four to seven inches in length. These needles are so resillient in fact that some are often kept for crafting uses.
| Useful Parts: | Domestic? | Trade? | Price: | Function |
| Parik'ti Needles | Yes | No | 50s |These needles function as masterwork for the purposes of any craft or profession actively using them.|
| Parik'ti Juice | Yes | Yes | 3g |Sold in small one ounce vials, this juice seems particularly resillient to going rancid thus is able to last for long periods of time if properly stored. Each vial weighs 0 lbs towards weight encumberance due to it's light weight and small size. When used, this juice grants the imbiber with enough nutrients to sustain him for one day, although the person is still subject hunger, and heals one hit point. Being that this drink is so small in quantity, there is almost no risk of choking or drowning when administered to an unconscious subject.|

!!!Tower's Beacon
These rare trinkets often come in the form of a complicated compass or a crystalline pendant.  These items are gifted to select members of the Scholar Towers in recognition of their actions or achievements.  The skill to properly utilize the item is taught by the particular Scholar Tower the item originates upon gifting to it's recipient.
Properly taught, it is believed that the bearer will always find their way to the vaults of the Scholar Towers wherever they may find themselves in the world.
[[TiddlyWiki|]] - A reusable non-linear personal web notebook.
In the time of creation, there was a planar nation known as Lagaia ruled by a firm but fair man named Qi’Phori. Qi'Phori inspired deep loyalties in a great many including his nation's subjects and his personal guard; lead the four elemental dragons Terra, Aquari, Uraris, and Korthusa.
He and his wife, Sh’Ahara, had two sons. The elder of the two sons was named Telphe’us while the other, Me’Neius.
As Telphe’us grew older he became estranged from his family as wealth and position corrupted him. His values twisted and lost into the nethers of darkness.
Qi’Phori and Sh’Ahara were not blind to this, despite the belief of some. As time went on to show Me’Neius and his values it was decided and announced that Me’Neius was to be heir to the throne.
Outraged at such a decision, Telphe’us devised a plan to assassinate his father and brother so that the kingdom, unless thrown into chaos, would be thrown to his feet powerless.
Confident in his plans, Telphe’us poisoned his blade prior to Me’Neius’ birthday celebration and attended the party with two of his closest followers.
During the party, Telphe’us sprinted and lunged at his father as his two followers grappled Me’Neius and held a garrote to his throat. Telphe’us, however, did not reach his destination before the four dragons (Terra, Aquari, Uraris, and Korthusa ) arose from their stations and counterattacked Telphe’us. With the combined power of the dragons, Telphe’us was soon overtaken and failed. But before Telphe’us was thwarted he struck a mighty blow with his poisoned blade into the chest of Korthusa leaving the dragon unconscious.
Seeing their leader fail, Me’Neius’ captors dropped their weapons and fled the scene during the chaos that ensued.
Qi’Phori was left with little choice, pulling upon his inner essence Qi’Phori imprisoned his son in a cage of energy and sent him drifting through the edges of the universe.
Korthusa was now dying, the fires that burned within him waned and as he suffered as did his siblings. It was not long before it became evident that if Korthusa’s flame was to flicker out, his sister Aquari’s water would flow from her veins, brother Terra’s earth would shatter and crumble into dust, and sister Uraris’ aerial presence would spin into chaos.
Imprisoning his son Telphe’us used a significant level of Qi’Phori’s energy. After much thought and meditation the ruler felt it best to relinquish his throne to his heir and in one weeklong ritual utilized all energies he had remaining to heal Korthusa. In doing so, he died, leaving Sh’Ahara widowed.
To all’s dismay, Korthusa did not awaken and instead with all four dragons entwined over Qi’Phori, the other three dragons slipped into a comatose state as well.
The magic Qi'Phori channeled was so powerful that the new entwined form began to phase away from Lagaia itself into another plane of existence, one which would later be labeled the Prime Creation.
Hundreds of years passed, and suddenly movement began within the formation of the dragons. The dragons slowly drifted into consciousness and saw that where Qi’Phori’s essence once laid now, rested a new world.
Energies fluxed all around the world pushing the dragon siblings away and allowing light to shed down on the world. The dragons, curious, took the forms of the humans and animals that developed upon the land and investigated, they named the world Tel’Lagaia after their father kingdom.
It did not take long before the dragons became convinced that Tel’Lagaia was the single most important legacy that Qi’Phori could have left upon his death as the humans in the world looked similar in form and structure to Qi’Phori and those of the kingdom of Lagaia.
Proctectors and cultivators the dragons became, and as they helped those on this newly emerging world, civilizations began to worship these new ‘deities’.

!!A Legacy's Demise

A millennia went by, and with the help of their draconic patrons, humans built a great and powerful civilization. But as time was passing, malcontent and greed ate away at the hearts of the dragons and what were once minor squabbles became a full-blown war. Many humans chose sides in this war and soon were killing and destroying in the name of their gods.
What took so many long years to build took but mere weeks to destroy.
Eventually the draconic siblings came to realize their folly and faults, unfortunately it was too late. Too much damage had been done.
Cities lay in ruin, crops burned to the ground, cattle slain and even the very foundation of energy and magic in the world had shifted in the name of the ‘The Xanadu Wars’. Magic was growing wild and veils between worlds grew thin as the waves of wild magic hurled against these barriers like large waves eroding powerful shores.
Days after the final battles ended, the draconic siblings left the face of Doraen and most followers lost all faith. The few followers that remained simply went “underground”.
The changes to Tel’Lagaia were obvious and irreversible. Creatures started to emerge, race after race of strange and some fearsome, even terrifying creatures. Now abandoned by their guardians, the human race became a lost and vulnerable race.
Fractioned societies were born; a lack of unity was felt throughout the entirety of Tel'Lagaia as wars over resources, land and artifacts of magical and non magical natures were warred over.

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Trolls are renowned as natural guardians who are above reproach. Trolls are known for unwavering loyalty and unstoppable force; once someone stands in the way of a troll fulfilling their oath it is only a matter of time before that individual will fall to the constant onslaught of the Troll. These Shar’Liell are hallmarks of honor, courage, and strength and these ideals empower the very strength of the Troll.  Trolls that turn their back on these ideals frequently become sickly and die because of their decision.  

''Personality:'' Trolls are even tempered in all things while around those who are unfamiliar to them or their superiors. Trolls are known for quiet stoicism in their duties. The patience of a Troll is the stuff of legend, something that Aeshun seem to take pleasure in. Even the most mean spirited Aeshun watches for hints of a change in a Trolls mood, even these tricksters and scamps have no desire to feel the rage of a Troll once their patience is exhausted. When amongst their own kind and those they trust Trolls allow their stoicism to wash away, revealing more stoicism. Amongst company that they are comfortable with a Troll will allow their guard to drop only so much; they have learned over the long years that they must always be vigilant, but also must take time to relax. It is this second layer of stoicism that is a Troll relaxing and enjoying himself; frequently they will sit and enjoy the artistry of their companions, reflect on past events, and think of the future over a tankard of ale. 
__Seelie & Unseelie:__ If a Troll loses this aspect of stoicism in most things they do they fall victim to powerful emotions that they are ill equipped to deal with. This is frequently one of the first warning signs of truly dangerous unseelie Trolls. That is not to say that every smiling Troll is suspect, it is only when a Troll is unable to feel emotion within balance that worries about their darker nature emerging. Unseelie Trolls of this nature are called Ogres, for they have frequently set aside all beliefs that are associated with Trolls. 
All Trolls have a need to actively guard something; this desire emerges within all Trolls as an impulse to horde objects. Those of a Seelie nature frequently gather items of personal concern rather than monetary value. Even Seelie Trolls must fight against the urge to gather objects of greater value around them so that they can be protected. Seelie Trolls are creatures of honor; they act with mercy, courage, valor, fairness, and seek to protect those who cannot protect themselves while at all times being gentle and gracious with women.  While they do acknowledge that truth is not always the best course of action in all situations, Trolls will rarely lie or allow a lie to stand, whether these be true lies or lies of omission.  Trolls would lie or become accomplice to a lie only in unusual situations, such as relating the importance of a fallen comrades actions leading to their death as told to their surviving family, or when required by their lord for honorable reasons. Unseelie Trolls on the other hand frequently have large hordes of valuable materials. They look upon it as their duty to protect such valuables from the ravages of less reliable individuals. These Unseelie Trolls look upon their accomplishments as well as their possessions as objects to be collected and hidden from the world. Eventually many of these Trolls will claim territory of their own, requiring travelers to pay for safe passage across their lands. Once paid, these Trolls will frequently ensure travelers safe passage or perhaps warn them of the dangers of the land. Though their desire to horde is strong, it would be extremely rare for these Trolls to resort to stealing or outright brigandry.

''Physical Description:'' Trolls stand taller than any of the other Shar’Liell. Their size is only exaggerated by their broad shoulders and bulging muscles. Troll frequently grow to seven feet, and there are tales of individuals taller than two knights of Steil’ven, one standing on the shoulders of another. The great size of a Troll makes them wary of entrance into many buildings, only buildings of sound architecture and well built are designed to support a Troll. 
The skin color of Trolls varies from the blue of the ocean all the way to a deep earthen brown and a fiery reddish hue. Their skin itself is a tough and leathery hide, unlike any of their kin. Atop their heads grow horns that vary in size from small points of only a few inches all the way to large and impressive and complex racks of goatlike horns. The horns of a Troll end in a single point no matter how elaborate the pattern. The horns of a Troll are sometimes used as adornments upon the walls of manor houses inside of Steil’ven. A Trolls eyes are most often blue, also the most common skin coloration, but eye colors of steel gray and rich browns are also recorded. Trolls will frequently keep their hair short to the scalp, but some individuals allow it to grow long. Trolls with longer hair will bind it so that it does not interfere with any of their physical activities. 
Ogres will frequently allow their hair to grow long, and will not bind it. Generally, an Ogres skin will darken as their darkest urges take control. Frequently, Ogres have been noted as having vibrant red eyes.
Trolls dress in simple clothing. This clothing is designed to allow the Troll free movement while protecting them from the environment. Focus is given to quality and durability over design; the clothes of Trolls are frequently simple earth tones. If a Troll is given clothes of office, prestige, or as a gift they will maintain this clothing with pride and ensure that it would not bring shame upon the office or individual that gave them to the Troll.

''Outlook:'' Trolls look upon the world as a threat to the object of their protection. Everything new and unexplained to a Troll is a new source of danger. They approach each day as if they were preparing for battle. A Troll is likely to spend their time actively protecting their charge or preparing for a time when such protection is needed. When a threat is present a Troll will attempt to ensure that whatever they are protecting is safe at all costs and to remove the threat. While individual Troll attitudes may vary, most Trolls seek to gain information from threats before incarceration or death. This knowledge will allow a Troll to know what future threats are coming.

''Relations:'' Trolls have a strong relationship with the other Shar’Liells, looking upon most of them as siblings. Trolls see the Auspran as diligent and wondrous workers, without which much of Shar’Liell society would fall apart. Aeshun, perhaps Trolls least favorite sibling, are viewed as an inconvenience and constant pest, but generally Trolls will still actively protect an Aeshun in trouble. Trolls look upon the Chimeran as their closest of kin; certainly, the two have very different approaches to the world, but both are dedicated to protecting something, it is this aspect that makes Trolls feel close to the Chimeran. Sidhe are the Shar’Liell that gives Trolls the most concern; many Sidhe are Seelie and responsible, but there are those that would abuse the loyalty of Trolls, because of this Trolls watch the Sidhe while serving them. 
Trolls have strong relations with the Silver Cities, many Trolls have become defenders of these city-states over the past 400 years. These Shar’Liell have strongest connections to Sossendria and Melliope. Sossendria’s knights have been a constant attractor to Trolls, as well as their frequent need of defense against the expansionistic Steil’ven. Trolls have ties to the Shar’Liell underground within Melliope, working on striking out against Steil’ven and rescuing the Lost (those who have not yet gone through their Emergence). Trolls are welcomed within Ter’mir, and have strong ties to the Bedouin culture that roams the desert of Ter’mir. Trolls and the Bedouin’s place similar importance on family, those Trolls that come from these northern deserts claim the Bedouin hierarchy of loyalties of “I against my brothers, I and my brothers against my cousins, I and my brothers and my cousins against the world” as their own. Trolls have little contact with the Dwarven nations or those of the Harsieth. Individual Trolls frequently find much in common with Dwarves, as both of their cultures are built on the tenants of lawfulness. 
Trolls bristle at the mere mention of Steil’ven. They look upon the powerful and militaristic nation with nothing but contempt. Steil’ven’s policy of taking children after their Emergence has enraged the Trolls for centuries. It is only Steil’ven’s vastly superior military that prevents Trolls from attempting to rally Shar’Liell, Humans, and anyone else who would listen into open warfare against Steil’ven. 

''Alignment:'' Trolls are most commonly of lawful alignments. Their nature leads them to protecting and respecting the traditions of their people and the world. It is a rare Troll who would go against this nature of their fae nature, and only truly abhorrent individuals would actually see value in the destruction of the old to make way for new traditions. Trolls are frequently of good and neutral alignments. They frequently put themselves on the line in order to protect the rights of others, the difference between the two alignments is the reasons behind this action. Trolls of evil alignment are frequently dedicated to protecting things that are of direct concern and benefit to them. Troll bridges are frequently the doing of evil Trolls. 

''Troll Lands:'' Trolls make their homes wherever the object of their protection is, because of this Troll homes can be found spread throughout Tel’Lagaia. Large populations of Trolls are found at Veil’s Rest, Sossendria, and Melliope. Trolls actively seek to protect the Shar’Liell community of Veil’s Rest and so have settled here. Those Trolls who are more active in their desire to oppose Steil’ven’s aggression are drawn to the covert subversion of Melliope and the knightly orders and warlike nature of Sossendria. 

''Religion:'' Trolls embrace and work towards noble ideals that are attuned to their nature. They work tirelessly in pursuit of the ideas that define their nature. Truth, strength, and determination are frequent ideas that Trolls will work on behalf of, and sometimes they will adopt more specific goals in service to these ideas. In the lands of Melliope it is not uncommon to find a Troll that has dedicated themselves towards the freeing of the Lost, or in Sossendria battle against the oppression of Steil’ven. While many other Shar’Liell look upon religion in terms of intangibles, Trolls seek to define and achieve measurable goals. Through these accomplishments Trolls are able to improve their own self image, frequently only reaffirming their Seelie natures. Unseelie Trolls take these same ideals of strength and determination but view them differently than their Seelie kin. 

''Language:'' Troll is spoken only amongst Trollish company. Trolls do not view their language as a secret, but merely understand that it is difficult for outsiders to understand the cultural references that are prevalent within the language. The written language of the Trolls is based upon 34 runes. Each rune has an individual meaning and when combined with other runes takes on different meanings. The language is very strange to those who are not native speakers, the combinations of the 34 runes requires knowledge of the history and culture of the Troll race to understand, as it is from this history that a number of the combinations draw meaning from. Many of these references draw from the strong oral tradition that the Trolls pass down from one generation to another. There are historical references to a written language similar to these 34 runes that have been found within the Hallowed Ruins and the Great Ruins. It is unknown whether these languages are directly connected or not. Trolls are taught to both read and write in Trollish, but past learning the meanings of the symbols most Trolls will not record their language.

''Names:'' Troll names are frequently drawn from descriptions of the physical world. Trolls have learned over the years that most other races are untrained to speak in a similar fashion to their language and so translate their names for ease of the speaker. Names of individuals do not innately show feminine or masculine, and the same name can be found amongst either sex. However, Trolls frequently have names that are unique to them or are at least uncommon enough that they do not encounter other Trolls with the same name. 
__//Example Names://__ Cascade, Mountainslide, Leafblossom, Reddened Earth, Rocky River, and Skyfall.

''Adventurers:'' Trolls, unlike many other cultures, have a strong tradition of adventurers. While many Trolls feel the need to guard something such as home, many others have been pulled to childhood friends who become adventurers or must leave their charge in order to properly protect it. Troll society does not look down upon those who would leave to adventure, but accepts that each Troll’s duty will take them to a different place. Trolls frequently take up physical arms and armor in order to guard their charge, while others are empowered by their faith in truth, strength, determination, or other ideal. Rarely does a Troll learn to study magic and it is even more rarely that a Troll has a natural connection to it. 

''Emergence:'' Troll Emergence is the most drastic and painful of all Shar’Liell. Troll appearance is of greatest difference from humans and causes great pain for the individual who will go through it. Trolls before Emergence can be sensed by their strongly lawful tendancies, a desire to protect others, and strength in times of need. Frequently, these children will be far more “rough and tumble” than their fragile appearances would lead people to believe. Many times these individuals will injure themselves while physically exerting themselves only to discover that what minor cuts and scrapes they had have healed before being tended to. Trolls have been seen emerging from individuals in all walks of life, and they are one of the more resilient essences, able to emerge at any time of an individual’s life. 

''Magic:'' Troll’s are not frequent magicians, having no innate connection to the essence of magic. However, they are frequently proponents of protection and are able to manipulate some magical energies in the name of their ideals. Their attitudes come through in the powers of magic that they are frequently able to wield if strongly associated with a cause. They are excellent at self sacrifice if required, but also are able to master protective or improvement magics. These associations mean that Trolls are more likely to align themselves with Abjurations and Transmutations. Their nature frequently precludes them from the use of Illusions and Enchantments, as both of these schools of magic would lead to the manipulation of one of the things that Trolls hold most sacred. Evocations are accepted by most Trolls as something that must be used wisely.

__''Troll Racial Traits:''__
• +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex
• Medium sized.
• 30 Ft Base Speed 
• Knowledge (Troll) as a class skill, and automatically gain a free rank at every even level starting at 2nd level.
• +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. 
• +2 racial saving throw bonus against any spell that would lead a Troll to harming those that they seek to protect, breaking their oath, or failing their oath directly because of the spell. This would give a Troll a +2 bonus on saves against an illusion cast upon their ward to goad the Troll into killing those that they would normally protect, but it would not provide a +2 bonus against an illusion spell that tells the Troll to kill those that they would protect. 
• Faerie Glamour Burly: Troll are the largest of all Shar’Liell and they dominate the space that they do occupy. Trolls gain a +2 modifier to any opposed checks where their size would be beneficial. 
• Faerie Glamour Oathbound: All Trolls are bound by the oaths that they give and even draw their prowess from the strength of their word. If a Troll gives his word that he will do something, he will not stop until his goal is reached. Because of this Trolls do not give their words lightly, both Seelie and Unseelie Trolls think long and hard before taking any oath. A Troll that has failed at their duty loses faith in themselves, taking a -1 morale penalty on all dice rolls until they regain faith in themselves. There are records of some young and enthusiastic Trolls who began a string of failed oaths because of their broken confidence. To avoid such a string of cataclysmic failures most Trolls will not seek to bounce back from one botched oath by immediately jumping into a new one. If a Troll breaks his word, intentionally straying from an oath, the Troll becomes ill. The oath breaker will lose 2 points of Strength and Constitution every week until they have atoned for their actions or died. Oaths that are sworn while charmed still must be heeded by Trolls, though any effect that removes a Trolls free will cannot force the Troll to swear an oath. 
• Automatic Languages: Troll and Trade Tongue. Bonus Languages: Aeshun, Auspran, Chimeran, Dwarven, Haisen, Sidhe, Silvian, Tersh, and Troll.
• Favored Class: Fighter.
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| 17/9/2007 18:15:49 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 17/9/2007 18:31:41 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 18:43:4 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 18:45:50 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 18:57:23 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 19:10:40 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 17/9/2007 19:35:52 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 17/9/2007 21:50:48 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 22:2:5 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 17/9/2007 22:39:50 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 22:43:22 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 22:45:5 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 22:46:9 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 22:49:42 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 22:51:2 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 22:54:34 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 23:16:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 23:29:16 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 23:30:31 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 23:49:32 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 17/9/2007 23:57:50 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2007 23:59:43 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 0:15:42 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 0:28:9 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 0:29:41 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 0:33:13 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 0:40:51 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 0:53:4 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 0:55:3 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 0:57:11 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 1:0:14 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 1:1:44 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 1:3:15 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 1:5:4 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 1:12:6 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 12:16:28 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 12:18:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 12:31:39 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 12:32:36 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 13:6:27 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 13:19:54 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 14:54:21 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 15:14:22 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 15:32:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 15:33:52 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 17:16:36 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 21:25:49 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 21:28:12 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2007 21:34:35 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 21:53:40 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2007 21:54:55 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 19/9/2007 0:15:23 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 19/9/2007 13:51:20 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 19/9/2007 19:31:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html#ColorPalette]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 19/9/2007 19:52:31 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 19/9/2007 22:59:37 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 19/9/2007 23:50:39 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 19/9/2007 23:56:24 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html#%5B%5BDeities%20and%20Religion%5D%5D]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2007 0:15:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2007 0:16:1 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 0:17:49 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 0:19:11 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2007 11:28:23 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 12:13:6 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2007 12:45:16 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2007 13:16:37 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2007 13:36:27 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2007 15:2:40 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 15:12:49 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 15:48:58 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 16:1:35 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 16:31:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 16:32:44 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 21:19:58 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 22:45:43 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 20/9/2007 22:48:42 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html#%5B%5BDeities%20and%20Religion%5D%5D]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 21/9/2007 13:11:21 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 21/9/2007 20:29:8 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 22/9/2007 16:10:47 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 22/9/2007 16:13:35 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 22/9/2007 21:29:25 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html#MainMenu]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 22/9/2007 22:0:0 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 22/9/2007 22:39:39 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 22/9/2007 22:53:48 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 22/9/2007 23:45:53 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 23/9/2007 13:9:27 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 23/9/2007 13:17:1 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 23/9/2007 13:23:25 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 23/9/2007 14:52:47 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 25/9/2007 13:20:47 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 26/9/2007 1:6:29 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 26/9/2007 11:45:31 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 26/9/2007 21:58:52 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 26/9/2007 22:2:20 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Web%20Site%20Design/Lagaia/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 29/9/2007 17:38:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 29/9/2007 17:39:0 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 29/9/2007 17:56:18 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 29/9/2007 18:4:47 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 29/9/2007 18:33:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 29/9/2007 19:0:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 29/9/2007 19:25:7 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 30/9/2007 13:54:18 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 30/9/2007 14:37:15 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 30/9/2007 14:58:33 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 30/9/2007 15:43:51 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 30/9/2007 21:59:8 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 30/9/2007 22:1:16 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 30/9/2007 22:5:46 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 30/9/2007 22:6:32 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 30/9/2007 22:10:11 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 30/9/2007 22:13:26 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 30/9/2007 22:38:52 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 30/9/2007 22:40:43 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 1/10/2007 11:33:47 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 1/10/2007 12:26:23 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 1/10/2007 13:2:9 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 2/10/2007 20:40:10 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 6/10/2007 12:18:58 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 6/10/2007 21:25:44 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 7/10/2007 11:16:49 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 7/10/2007 13:9:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 7/10/2007 16:51:58 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 7/10/2007 16:54:2 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 7/10/2007 20:58:37 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 8/10/2007 10:14:42 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 8/10/2007 10:24:44 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 8/10/2007 10:25:21 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 8/10/2007 10:25:50 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 8/10/2007 10:29:33 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 8/10/2007 10:33:37 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 8/10/2007 10:41:45 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Gaming/Personal%20RPG%20Files%20(Mainly%20D20)/Chronicles%20of%20Tel'Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 14/8/2008 4:52:44 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/My%20Games/Personal%20RPG%20Files/Chronicles%20of%20Tel%27Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 14/8/2008 4:53:9 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/My%20Games/Personal%20RPG%20Files/Chronicles%20of%20Tel%27Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 14/8/2008 4:59:33 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/My%20Games/Personal%20RPG%20Files/Chronicles%20of%20Tel%27Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 14/8/2008 10:7:2 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/My%20Games/Personal%20RPG%20Files/Chronicles%20of%20Tel%27Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/8/2008 11:46:43 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/My%20Games/Personal%20RPG%20Files/Chronicles%20of%20Tel%27Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 19/8/2008 21:52:26 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/My%20Games/Personal%20RPG%20Files/Chronicles%20of%20Tel%27Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 19/8/2008 22:0:55 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/My%20Games/Personal%20RPG%20Files/Chronicles%20of%20Tel%27Lagaia/Lagaia%20TW%20Site/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 12:7:21 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 12:8:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 13:54:42 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 15/9/2009 13:58:1 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 14:31:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 14:37:31 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 15/9/2009 14:42:19 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 14:55:5 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 16:48:18 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 16:51:14 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 19:1:13 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 15/9/2009 19:9:32 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/My%20Downloads/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 16/9/2009 10:34:55 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 16/9/2009 11:18:38 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 11:35:6 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 11:36:27 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 16/9/2009 11:46:50 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 15:6:54 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 15:45:17 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 16/9/2009 16:27:45 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 16:28:34 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 16/9/2009 17:37:6 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 16/9/2009 19:10:59 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 19:20:5 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Website/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 16/9/2009 21:10:23 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 21:21:50 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 21:25:32 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 16/9/2009 21:26:28 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 17/9/2009 1:3:36 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html#%5B%5BHarsieth%20Deities%20and%20Religions%5D%5D]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 17/9/2009 1:5:8 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html#%5B%5BHarsieth%20Deities%20and%20Religions%5D%5D]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 17/9/2009 14:45:26 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2009 19:38:37 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2009 19:44:28 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2009 19:51:48 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2009 20:44:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2009 20:46:17 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2009 21:9:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2009 21:12:33 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2009 21:22:24 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2009 21:23:14 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 18/9/2009 21:24:59 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2009 21:31:16 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 18/9/2009 21:55:3 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 19/9/2009 21:40:43 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2009 0:19:16 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 20/9/2009 9:18:16 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 21/9/2009 17:50:42 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 22/9/2009 15:27:57 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 24/9/2009 0:56:28 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 24/9/2009 1:0:11 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 24/9/2009 1:10:8 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 24/9/2009 1:15:5 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 24/9/2009 19:38:14 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 24/9/2009 19:42:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 24/9/2009 19:57:55 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 24/9/2009 20:17:22 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html#%5B%5BMajor%20Mishaps%5D%5D%20%5B%5BMinor%20Mishaps%5D%5D%20%5B%5BWild%20Mishaps%5D%5D]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 24/9/2009 20:29:50 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html#%5B%5BMajor%20Mishaps%5D%5D%20%5B%5BMinor%20Mishaps%5D%5D%20%5B%5BWild%20Mishaps%5D%5D]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 24/9/2009 20:39:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 24/9/2009 20:41:28 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 25/9/2009 18:57:48 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 25/9/2009 20:41:31 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 25/9/2009 22:53:8 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 26/9/2009 10:25:8 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 27/9/2009 15:8:1 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 27/9/2009 15:9:46 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 27/9/2009 17:28:30 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 28/9/2009 22:43:47 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 28/9/2009 22:50:54 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 29/9/2009 23:8:39 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 29/9/2009 23:57:27 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 30/9/2009 0:7:31 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 30/9/2009 21:52:5 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 5/10/2009 13:28:31 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 5/10/2009 13:30:51 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 5/10/2009 13:37:18 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . | Ok |
| 5/10/2009 13:40:1 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
| 8/10/2009 23:22:39 | Mgal | [[lagaia.html|file:///D:/My%20Documents/Personal%20Gaming/Tel%27Lagaia%20Campaign/lagaia.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | index.html | . |
|''Description:''|Save to web a TiddlyWiki|
|''Date:''|Oct 15, 2006|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
|''Browser:''|Firefox 1.5; InternetExplorer 6.0; Safari|
|''Include:''|config.lib.file; config.lib.log; config.lib.options; PasswordTweak|
version.extensions.UploadPlugin = {
 major: 3, minor: 4, revision: 5, 
 date: new Date(2006,9,15),
 source: '',
 documentation: '',
 author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
 license: '[[BSD open source license|]]',
 coreVersion: '2.0.0',
 browser: 'Firefox 1.5; InternetExplorer 6.0; Safari'


if (!config.lib) config.lib = {};
if (!config.lib.file) config.lib.file= {
 author: 'BidiX',
 version: {major: 0, minor: 1, revision: 0}, 
 date: new Date(2006,3,9)
config.lib.file.dirname = function (filePath) {
 var lastpos;
 if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
 return filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
 } else {
 return filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"));
config.lib.file.basename = function (filePath) {
 var lastpos;
 if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("#")) != -1) 
 filePath = filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
 if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
 return filePath.substring(lastpos + 1);
 } else
 return filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);
window.basename = function() {return "@@deprecated@@";};


if (!config.lib) config.lib = {};
if (!config.lib.log) config.lib.log= {
 author: 'BidiX',
 version: {major: 0, minor: 1, revision: 1}, 
 date: new Date(2006,8,19)
config.lib.Log = function(tiddlerTitle, logHeader) {
 if (version.major < 2)
 this.tiddler = store.tiddlers[tiddlerTitle];
 this.tiddler = store.getTiddler(tiddlerTitle);
 if (!this.tiddler) {
 this.tiddler = new Tiddler();
 this.tiddler.title = tiddlerTitle;
 this.tiddler.text = "| !date | !user | !location |" + logHeader;
 this.tiddler.created = new Date();
 this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
 this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
 if (version.major < 2)
 store.tiddlers[tiddlerTitle] = this.tiddler;
 return this;

config.lib.Log.prototype.newLine = function (line) {
 var now = new Date();
 var newText = "| ";
 newText += now.getDate()+"/"+(now.getMonth()+1)+"/"+now.getFullYear() + " ";
 newText += now.getHours()+":"+now.getMinutes()+":"+now.getSeconds()+" | ";
 newText += config.options.txtUserName + " | ";
 var location = document.location.toString();
 var filename = config.lib.file.basename(location);
 if (!filename) filename = '/';
 newText += "[["+filename+"|"+location + "]] |";
 this.tiddler.text = this.tiddler.text + "\n" + newText;

config.lib.Log.prototype.addToLine = function (text) {
 this.tiddler.text = this.tiddler.text + text;
 this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
 this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
 if (version.major < 2)
 store.tiddlers[this.tiddler.tittle] = this.tiddler;
 else {
 store.notify(this.tiddler.title, true);
 if (version.major < 2)


if (!config.lib) config.lib = {};
if (!config.lib.options) config.lib.options = {
 author: 'BidiX',
 version: {major: 0, minor: 1, revision: 0}, 
 date: new Date(2006,3,9)

config.lib.options.init = function (name, defaultValue) {
 if (!config.options[name]) {
 config.options[name] = defaultValue;


version.extensions.PasswordTweak = {
 major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 3, date: new Date(2006,8,30),
 type: 'tweak',
 source: ''
config.macros.option.passwordCheckboxLabel = "Save this password on this computer";
config.macros.option.passwordType = "password"; // password | text

config.macros.option.onChangeOption = function(e)
 var opt = this.getAttribute("option");
 var elementType,valueField;
 if(opt) {
 switch(opt.substr(0,3)) {
 case "txt":
 elementType = "input";
 valueField = "value";
 case "pas":
 elementType = "input";
 valueField = "value";
 case "chk":
 elementType = "input";
 valueField = "checked";
 config.options[opt] = this[valueField];
 var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName(elementType);
 for(var t=0; t<nodes.length; t++) 
 var optNode = nodes[t].getAttribute("option");
 if (opt == optNode) 
 nodes[t][valueField] = this[valueField];

config.macros.option.handler = function(place,macroName,params)
 var opt = params[0];
 if(config.options[opt] === undefined) {
 var c;
 switch(opt.substr(0,3)) {
 case "txt":
 c = document.createElement("input");
 c.onkeyup = this.onChangeOption;
 c.setAttribute ("option",opt);
 c.className = "txtOptionInput "+opt;
 c.value = config.options[opt];
 case "pas":
 // input password
 c = document.createElement ("input");
 c.onkeyup = this.onChangeOption;
 c.className = "pasOptionInput "+opt;
 c.value = config.options[opt];
 // checkbox link with this password "save this password on this computer"
 c = document.createElement("input");
 c.onclick = this.onChangeOption;
 c.className = "chkOptionInput "+opt;
 c.checked = config.options["chk"+opt];
 // text savePasswordCheckboxLabel
 case "chk":
 c = document.createElement("input");
 c.onclick = this.onChangeOption;
 c.className = "chkOptionInput "+opt;
 c.checked = config.options[opt];
!! Option cookie stuff
window.loadOptionsCookie_orig_PasswordTweak = window.loadOptionsCookie;
window.loadOptionsCookie = function()
 var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
 for(var c=0; c<cookies.length; c++) {
 var p = cookies[c].indexOf("=");
 if(p != -1) {
 var name = cookies[c].substr(0,p).trim();
 var value = cookies[c].substr(p+1).trim();
 switch(name.substr(0,3)) {
 case "txt":
 config.options[name] = unescape(value);
 case "pas":
 config.options[name] = unescape(value);
 case "chk":
 config.options[name] = value == "true";

window.saveOptionCookie_orig_PasswordTweak = window.saveOptionCookie;
window.saveOptionCookie = function(name)
 var c = name + "=";
 switch(name.substr(0,3)) {
 case "txt":
 c += escape(config.options[name].toString());
 case "chk":
 c += config.options[name] ? "true" : "false";
 // is there an option link with this chk ?
 if (config.options[name.substr(3)]) {
 case "pas":
 if (config.options["chk"+name]) {
 c += escape(config.options[name].toString());
 } else {
 c += "";
 c += "; expires=Fri, 1 Jan 2038 12:00:00 UTC; path=/";
 document.cookie = c;
!! Initializations
// define config.options.pasPassword
if (!config.options.pasPassword) {
 config.options.pasPassword = 'defaultPassword';
// since loadCookies is first called befor password definition
// we need to reload cookies


config.macros.upload = {
 accessKey: "U",
 formName: "UploadPlugin",
 contentType: "text/html;charset=UTF-8",
 defaultStoreScript: "store.php"

// only this two configs need to be translated
config.macros.upload.messages = {
 aboutToUpload: "About to upload TiddlyWiki to %0",
 backupFileStored: "Previous file backuped in %0",
 crossDomain: "Certainly a cross-domain isue: access to an other site isn't allowed",
 errorDownloading: "Error downloading",
 errorUploadingContent: "Error uploading content",
 fileLocked: "Files is locked: You are not allowed to Upload",
 fileNotFound: "file to upload not found",
 fileNotUploaded: "File %0 NOT uploaded",
 mainFileUploaded: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded to %0",
 passwordEmpty: "Unable to upload, your password is empty",
 urlParamMissing: "url param missing",
 rssFileNotUploaded: "RssFile %0 NOT uploaded",
 rssFileUploaded: "Rss File uploaded to %0"

config.macros.upload.label = {
 promptOption: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki with UploadOptions",
 promptParamMacro: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki in %0",
 saveLabel: "Save to Web", 
 saveToDisk: "Save to Disk",
 uploadLabel: "Upload" 

config.macros.upload.handler = function(place,macroName,params){
 // parameters initialization
 var storeUrl = params[0];
 var toFilename = params[1];
 var backupDir = params[2];
 var uploadDir = params[3];
 var username = params[4];
 var password; // for security reason no password as macro parameter
 var label;
 if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http")
 label = this.label.saveLabel;
 label = this.label.uploadLabel;
 var prompt;
 if (storeUrl) {
 prompt = this.label.promptParamMacro.toString().format([this.toDirUrl(storeUrl, uploadDir, username)]);
 else {
 prompt = this.label.promptOption;
 createTiddlyButton(place, label, prompt, 
 function () {
 config.macros.upload.upload(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password); 
 return false;}, 
 null, null, this.accessKey);
config.macros.upload.UploadLog = function() {
 return new config.lib.Log('UploadLog', " !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |" );
config.macros.upload.UploadLog.prototype = config.lib.Log.prototype;
config.macros.upload.UploadLog.prototype.startUpload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir) {
 var line = " [[" + config.lib.file.basename(storeUrl) + "|" + storeUrl + "]] | ";
 line += uploadDir + " | " + toFilename + " | " + backupDir + " |";
config.macros.upload.UploadLog.prototype.endUpload = function() {
 this.addToLine(" Ok |");
config.macros.upload.basename = config.lib.file.basename;
config.macros.upload.dirname = config.lib.file.dirname;
config.macros.upload.toRootUrl = function (storeUrl, username)
 return root = (this.dirname(storeUrl)?this.dirname(storeUrl):this.dirname(document.location.toString()));
config.macros.upload.toDirUrl = function (storeUrl, uploadDir, username)
 var root = this.toRootUrl(storeUrl, username);
 if (uploadDir && uploadDir != '.')
 root = root + '/' + uploadDir;
 return root;
config.macros.upload.toFileUrl = function (storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, username)
 return this.toDirUrl(storeUrl, uploadDir, username) + '/' + toFilename;
config.macros.upload.upload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password)
 // parameters initialization
 storeUrl = (storeUrl ? storeUrl : config.options.txtUploadStoreUrl);
 toFilename = (toFilename ? toFilename : config.options.txtUploadFilename);
 backupDir = (backupDir ? backupDir : config.options.txtUploadBackupDir);
 uploadDir = (uploadDir ? uploadDir : config.options.txtUploadDir);
 username = (username ? username : config.options.txtUploadUserName);
 password = config.options.pasUploadPassword; // for security reason no password as macro parameter
 if (!password || password === '') {
 if (storeUrl === '') {
 storeUrl = config.macros.upload.defaultStoreScript;
 if (config.lib.file.dirname(storeUrl) === '') {
 storeUrl = config.lib.file.dirname(document.location.toString())+'/'+storeUrl;
 if (toFilename === '') {
 toFilename = config.lib.file.basename(document.location.toString());

 // only for forcing the message to display
 if (version.major < 2)
 if (!storeUrl) {
 // Check that file is not locked
 if (window.BidiX && BidiX.GroupAuthoring && BidiX.GroupAuthoring.lock) {
 if (BidiX.GroupAuthoring.lock.isLocked() && !BidiX.GroupAuthoring.lock.isMyLock()) {
 var log = new this.UploadLog();
 log.startUpload(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir);
 if (document.location.toString().substr(0,5) == "file:") {
 var toDir = config.macros.upload.toDirUrl(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, username);
 displayMessage(config.macros.upload.messages.aboutToUpload.format([toDir]), toDir);
 this.uploadChanges(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password);
 if(config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed) {
 //var rssContent = convertUnicodeToUTF8(generateRss());
 var rssContent = generateRss();
 var rssPath = toFilename.substr(0,toFilename.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".xml";
 this.uploadContent(rssContent, storeUrl, rssPath, uploadDir, '', username, password, 
 function (responseText) {
 if (responseText.substring(0,1) != '0') {
 else {
 var toFileUrl = config.macros.upload.toFileUrl(storeUrl, rssPath, uploadDir, username);
 [toFileUrl]), toFileUrl);
 // for debugging store.php uncomment last line
 //DEBUG alert(responseText);

config.macros.upload.uploadChanges = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, 
 username, password) {
 var original;
 if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") {
 original =, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password);
 else {
 // standard way : Local file
 original = loadFile(getLocalPath(document.location.toString()));
 if(window.Components) {
 // it's a mozilla browser
 try {"UniversalXPConnect");
 var converter = Components.classes[""]
 converter.charset = "UTF-8";
 original = converter.ConvertToUnicode(original);
 catch(e) {
 //DEBUG alert(original);
 this.uploadChangesFrom(original, storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, 
 username, password);

config.macros.upload.uploadChangesFrom = function(original, storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, 
 username, password) {
 var startSaveArea = '<div id="' + 'storeArea">'; // Split up into two so that indexOf() of this source doesn't find it
 var endSaveArea = '</d' + 'iv>';
 // Locate the storeArea div's
 var posOpeningDiv = original.indexOf(startSaveArea);
 var posClosingDiv = original.lastIndexOf(endSaveArea);
 if((posOpeningDiv == -1) || (posClosingDiv == -1))
 var revised = original.substr(0,posOpeningDiv + startSaveArea.length) + 
 allTiddlersAsHtml() + "\n\t\t" +
 var newSiteTitle;
 if(version.major < 2){
 newSiteTitle = (getElementText("siteTitle") + " - " + getElementText("siteSubtitle")).htmlEncode();
 } else {
 newSiteTitle = (wikifyPlain ("SiteTitle") + " - " + wikifyPlain ("SiteSubtitle")).htmlEncode();

 revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " ");
 revised = revised.replaceChunk("<!--PRE-HEAD-START--"+">","<!--PRE-HEAD-END--"+">","\n" + store.getTiddlerText("MarkupPreHead","") + "\n");
 revised = revised.replaceChunk("<!--POST-HEAD-START--"+">","<!--POST-HEAD-END--"+">","\n" + store.getTiddlerText("MarkupPostHead","") + "\n");
 revised = revised.replaceChunk("<!--PRE-BODY-START--"+">","<!--PRE-BODY-END--"+">","\n" + store.getTiddlerText("MarkupPreBody","") + "\n");
 revised = revised.replaceChunk("<!--POST-BODY-START--"+">","<!--POST-BODY-END--"+">","\n" + store.getTiddlerText("MarkupPostBody","") + "\n");

 var response = this.uploadContent(revised, storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, 
 username, password, function (responseText) {
 if (responseText.substring(0,1) != '0') {
 else {
 if (uploadDir !== '') {
 toFilename = uploadDir + "/" + config.macros.upload.basename(toFilename);
 } else {
 toFilename = config.macros.upload.basename(toFilename);
 var toFileUrl = config.macros.upload.toFileUrl(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, username);
 if (responseText.indexOf("destfile:") > 0) {
 var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9, 
 responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
 toFileUrl = config.macros.upload.toRootUrl(storeUrl, username) + '/' + destfile;
 else {
 toFileUrl = config.macros.upload.toFileUrl(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, username);
 [toFileUrl]), toFileUrl);
 if (backupDir && responseText.indexOf("backupfile:") > 0) {
 var backupFile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")+11, 
 responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")));
 toBackupUrl = config.macros.upload.toRootUrl(storeUrl, username) + '/' + backupFile;
 [toBackupUrl]), toBackupUrl);
 var log = new config.macros.upload.UploadLog();
 // erase local lock
 if (window.BidiX && BidiX.GroupAuthoring && BidiX.GroupAuthoring.lock) {
 // change mtime with new mtime after upload
 var mtime = responseText.substr(responseText.indexOf("mtime:")+6);
 BidiX.GroupAuthoring.lock.mtime = mtime;
 // for debugging store.php uncomment last line
 //DEBUG alert(responseText);

config.macros.upload.uploadContent = function(content, storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, 
 username, password, callbackFn) {
 var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x"; 
 var request;
 try {
 request = new XMLHttpRequest();
 catch (e) { 
 request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); 
 if (window.netscape){
 try {
 if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) != "http") {'UniversalBrowserRead');}
 catch (e) {}
 //DEBUG alert("user["+config.options.txtUploadUserName+"] password[" + config.options.pasUploadPassword + "]");
 // compose headers data
 var sheader = "";
 sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
 sheader += config.macros.upload.formName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
 sheader += "backupDir="+backupDir
 +";user=" + username 
 +";password=" + password
 +";uploaddir=" + uploadDir;
 // add lock attributes to sheader
 if (window.BidiX && BidiX.GroupAuthoring && BidiX.GroupAuthoring.lock) {
 var l = BidiX.GroupAuthoring.lock.myLock;
 sheader += ";lockuser=" + l.user
 + ";mtime=" + l.mtime
 + ";locktime=" + l.locktime;
 sheader += ";;\r\n"; 
 sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
 sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\""+toFilename+"\"\r\n";
 sheader += "Content-Type: " + config.macros.upload.contentType + "\r\n";
 sheader += "Content-Length: " + content.length + "\r\n\r\n";
 // compose trailer data
 var strailer = new String();
 strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
 //strailer = "--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
 var data;
 data = sheader + content + strailer;
 //"POST", storeUrl, true, username, password);
 try {"POST", storeUrl, true); 
 catch(e) {
 alert(config.macros.upload.messages.crossDomain + "\nError:" +e);
 request.onreadystatechange = function () {
 if (request.readyState == 4) {
 if (request.status == 200)
 alert(config.macros.upload.messages.errorUploadingContent + "\nStatus: "+request.status.statusText);
 request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","multipart/form-data; boundary="+boundary);
}; = function(uploadUrl, uploadToFilename, uploadDir, uploadBackupDir, 
 username, password) {
 var request;
 try {
 request = new XMLHttpRequest();
 catch (e) { 
 request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); 
 try {
 if (uploadUrl.substr(0,4) == "http") {"UniversalBrowserRead");
 else {"UniversalXPConnect");
 } catch (e) { }
 //"GET", document.location.toString(), true, username, password);
 try {"GET", document.location.toString(), true);
 catch(e) {
 alert(config.macros.upload.messages.crossDomain + "\nError:" +e);
 request.onreadystatechange = function () {
 if (request.readyState == 4) {
 if(request.status == 200) {
 config.macros.upload.uploadChangesFrom(request.responseText, uploadUrl, 
 uploadToFilename, uploadDir, uploadBackupDir, username, password);
 [document.location.toString()]) + "\nStatus: "+request.status.statusText);



 ".pasOptionInput {width: 11em;}\n"+
 ".txtOptionInput.txtUploadStoreUrl {width: 25em;}\n"+
 ".txtOptionInput.txtUploadFilename {width: 25em;}\n"+
 ".txtOptionInput.txtUploadDir {width: 25em;}\n"+
 ".txtOptionInput.txtUploadBackupDir {width: 25em;}\n"+
if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") {
 config.options.chkAutoSave = false; 
config.shadowTiddlers.UploadDoc = "[[Full Documentation| ]]\n"; 


////+++!![Core Hijacking]

config.macros.saveChanges.label_orig_UploadPlugin = config.macros.saveChanges.label;
config.macros.saveChanges.label = config.macros.upload.label.saveToDisk;

config.macros.saveChanges.handler_orig_UploadPlugin = config.macros.saveChanges.handler;

config.macros.saveChanges.handler = function(place)
 if ((!readOnly) && (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) != "http"))

| Name:|ViewPalettePlugin|
| Description:|Defines the viewPalette macro for use in ViewTemplate|
| Version:|2.0.0|
| Date:|26-Sep-2006|
| Source:||
| Author:|Simon Baird <>|
| CoreVersion:|2.1.x|
	viewPalette: {
		title: 'Palette Preview',
		handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
			var title = params[0] ? params[0] : tiddler.title;			
			var colors = store.calcAllSlices(title);
			var keys = [];
			for (c in colors) keys.push(c);
			var output = '';
			var prefix;
			var lastPrefix;
			output += ""+
				'<table align="right" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr>'+
				'<td style="border:1px solid #555;font-size:50%;padding:0 2em;background:'+colors[keys[0]]+'">&nbsp;</td>'+
				'<td rowspan="'+keys.length+'">'+
				'<table cellspacing="0" style="border:1px solid #555;width:22em;background:%8;margin-left:2em;">'+
				'<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:120%;background:%0;width=200px;padding:1em;font-weight:bold;color:%1">'+
				'<td style="background:%0;font-size:90%;text-align:right;">'+
				'<span style="background:%4;margin-right:1em;padding:0 1em;">message</span>'+
				'<td rowspan="3" style="color:%0;vertical-align:top;padding:4px;">Hello<br/>Started<br/>Monkey</td>'+
				'<td style="padding:0.7em;color:%3;"><b style="color:%5;font-size:120%;">HelloThere</b><br/>'+
				'Lorem ipsum <b style="color:%0">dolor</b> sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. </td>'+
				'<td rowspan="3" style="vertical-align:top;font-size:80%;">search<br/>new tiddler<br/>options<br/>'+
				'<div style="background:%6;margin-top:0.5em;padding:2px;color:%7">'+
				'<span style="background:%7;color:%3;">Timeline</span>&nbsp;Tags</div>'+
				'<div style="background:%7;color:%0;padding:4px;">Ninja<br/>Dolphin<br/>FooBar<br/>BazQux</div>'+
				'<td style="padding:0.7em;color:%3;"><b style="color:%5;font-size:120%;">GettingStarted</b><br/>'+
				'Proin vel felis vel ipsum <b style="color:%0">fermentum</b> eleifend. </td>'+
				'<td style="padding:0.7em;">'+
				'<span style="padding:0 2px;background:%9;color:3%;">error</span>'+

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			output+= '</table>';
				colors.PrimaryMid, //0
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				colors.Background, //8
				colors.Error, //9

	'.viewPalette div { text-align:right; vertical-align:top; float:left; padding:2px; width:80px; height:50px; }\n'+
	'.viewPalette div span { padding:0 0.5em;background:white; border:1px solid black; font-size:80%; }\n'+


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Greetings and welcome to my Tel'Lagaia Campaign Guidelines website. I have been working on this campaign setting on and off over the past 5 years or so (mostly off).  I hope you enjoy your stay, if you have input, questions, comments, or corrections that should be made please feel free to contact me.

Please enjoy your stay,

- [[Mgal/Alice|]]

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The magic of Tel’Lagaia is by nature “wild” and can be very difficult to control. To represent this in the game, spell casters are subject to Mishaps when casting magical spells.
Specifically, any spell not [[attuned|Attuned Spell]] is subject to the possibility of wild magic surges, as a caster has not taken the time to attune to the nature of the spell.
This wild magic surge probability also applies to scrolls, wands and staves as well as any other item that would mimic the casting of a spell effect.
Spell like affects are not affected by these surges, as there is a more “natural” magical current that flows through the body of those who use such affects, rendering a more “sedated” affect.
Activated and standard magic items are not subject to wild magic surges as the magic within those items have already been properly channeled and harnessed. The use of this magic does not need to draw on active magical currents.

''Spell Mechanics:'' For any spell not [[attuned|Attuned Spell]] the surge percentage is calculated by the following formula: 20+(Caster Level)+(spell levelx6)-(Character level)-(Knowledge: Arcana, OR Religion, OR Nature *Class dependent/4)-(Spellcraftx1.5)-(Casting Stat Modifierx2)-(Feat Bonusx3)=Spell Surge Potential, this surge potential cannot go below 5% (Working on fixing that in the excel spreadsheet). For player simplicity and sanity, Brandon was kind enough to create a [[Wild Magic Spreadsheet|]] of the surge calculations. All you have to do is input the information on the "Source" sheet then go to your appropriate class sheet to view the results.

''Wild Surge:'' When a spell surges, the player automatically realizes the spell didn't go off the way he intended as a surge of magical energy moves through his body. He does not necessarily know what effect this surge had on his spell or originally intended spell targets.  Effects vary in severity and humor.
!!Wild Mishaps

|>|''Wild Mishaps: Will Save DC 21''|
|''D%'' |''Results''|
|01-02| Harm on you, followed by power word, stun on you.|
|03-04| You lose the ability to cast spells for 1d20 days.|
|05-06| Insanity upon thee.|
|07-08| All non-living material within 10 feet is disintegrated.|
|09-10| Greater dispelling on you.|
|11-12| Target’s alignment changes randomly.|
|13-14| Target becomes allergic to magic. He takes 1 point of damage for every spell he casts, and 1 point of damage every hour while wearing any magic items.|
|15-16| Target is encased in a cocoon. Unless freed, it emerges in 3 rounds as a green slime. Escape Artist or Strength check DC 21 to break free each round.|
|17-18| Target gets a –1 inherent penalty to a random ability score.|
|19-20| Blasphemy, dictum, holy word, and word of chaos on target.|
|21-22| If spell has instantaneous duration and an area of effect, it instead lasts 10 minutes and occurs once per round, always in the same area.|
|23-24| Prismatic sphere, centered on target.|
|25-26| Mordenkainen’s disjunction, centered on you.|
|27-28| Polymorph other on target to turn target into a Beholder (but with no magical abilities).|
|29-30| Target’s race changes randomly. Roll on the reincarnation table.|
|31-32| Target gains 2 negative levels.|
|33-34| Temporal stasis on target.|
|35-36| Target perceives everyone around him to be making funny faces at him.|
|37-38| Target automatically wins the next 1d20 games of chance she plays. She thereafter loses the next 1d20 games of chance.|
|39-40| Target gains the permanent ability to spiderclimb at will.|
|41| Target changes sex.|
|42| All gold within 100 feet turns to granite. All gems within 100 feet turn to ice.|
|43| Creeping doom.|
|44| As 44 on the Major Mishap table, only permanent.|
|45| Permanent image. The illusion makes the area forever look as it does now.|
|46| Your mind and target’s mind switch bodies.|
|47| All normal animals within 1 mile become dire animals. Animals receive saves to resist.|
|48| All dead creatures within 1 mile that died in the last month animate as zombies.|
|49| Summon nature’s ally IX to summon 1d4+1 off the 7th list. Creatures attack randomly.|
|50| Heroes’ feast; if feast is disrupted the spell is ruined, but the conjured food, tables, etc. remain.|
|51| Whenever target hears her name, she shouts in reply, “Never say that name!”|
|52| Holy sword on every weapon within 50 feet.|
|53| One random magical item of target’s permanently becomes non-magical.|
|54| Gate to random plane. 50% chance a creature comes through each round. Gate remains open for 1 round/level.|
|55| The terrain within 100 feet alters dramatically (e.g., forest to desert, or lake to snow-covered island).|
|56| The next statement you make is true, lasting for 10 minutes, within the limits of a Wish.|
|57| A programmed image of a stereotypical mother appears next to target and chides it in its native language for 1minute. It follows the target if he moves.|
|58| Target becomes deathly allergic to his favorite type of food.|
|59| Plant growth and entangle.|
|60| All creatures within 100 feet jump forward in time 12 hours.|
|61-62| All spellcasters within 100 feet become terribly afraid of casting spells, and must succeed a Will save (DC 21) to cast any given spell.|
|63-64| The next time target is affected by a fear-causing spell-like, supernatural, or exceptional ability, a major image of her skeleton leaps out of her body and runs screaming away from the source of the fear.|
|65-66| You and target fall madly in love (as a potion of love). Effect is permanent.|
|67-68| Earthquake.|
|69-70| Time stop on you.|
|71-72| You become permanently immune to the spell. Immunity can be raised or lowered as a free action once per round.|
|73-74| Target gains the permanent ability to change self at will.|
|75-76| You automatically succeed your next saving throw.|
|77-78| For the rest of your life, a major image of a weeping woman appears every time you kill a sentient creature. She appears over the body, mourns wordlessly, and then disappears after 1 minute.|
|79-80| Confusion on target.|
|81-82| If you eat any food with the word ‘apple’ in its name, it tastes nothing like apples.|
|83-84| Mass heal on all creatures within 30 feet.|
|85-86| Target sprouts wings (1d4: 1-bat, 2-buttefly, 3-bird, 4-dragon), and can fly at 30 with poor maneuverability.|
|87-88| You gain Spell Resistance 10.|
|89-90| You gain a +1 inherent bonus to a random ability score.|
|91-92| Free Your Mind (wild spell, see Chapter Four).|
|93-94| You gain elemental resistance 10 to one random element (1d6: 1-acid, 2-cold, 3-electrical, 4-fire, 5-sonic, 6-roll again twice).|
|95-96| Next round you can cast limited wish without any XP cost.|
|97-98| Spell manifests as a medium-sized elemental-like creature under your control. Anything the elemental touches is affected as though the spell had been cast on it. The elemental has the same hit points, hit dice, attack bonus, ability scores, armor class, and movement as you, and exists for 1 round per level before vanishing.|
|99-100| Spell functions as if maximized and empowered; it does not allow a save and ignores spell resistance.|
!!Yab'yun Tree

The Harsieth believed that the Yab'yun tree was the sacred tree from which Isi'us fed (the fruit), clothed (the bark) and sheltered the first Harsieth on Doraen after the return from the "heavens".